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WWE 2K14


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Just played a demo as Randy Savage vs. Daniel Bryan. D-Bry's entrance is pretty glorious in this one as they actually insert the sound of his voice screaming "NO!" during every single time he actually does that, as opposed to just having him miming it.

It pretty much plays like any other WWE game, though. Reversals seemed a little less awful than I remembered them, and it was fun but not "I would buy this for sixty bucks" fun.

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Don't they sometimes include alternate entrances as Create-An-Entrance Super Star # XXX or whatever anyway? (I think) DB's WWE12 entrance is in 13, for example.

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Piper was in the trailer. Normally they go out of their way to not show people who won't wind up in the game somehow.

Roddy Piper being in Saints Row IV and that game being the most fun thing on the planet is no coincidence. WWE needs to take notes. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Haven't really paid attention, so these questions might be a bit silly...

1) Is there a release date set?

2) What game modes will be available? 30 Years of Wrestlemania and Universe Mode, is that all?

The roster looks pretty nice, might pick this up if the current roster is good. Would love a good "make a wrestler, start at the bottom and work your way up"-mode though.

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I know this is pretty off-topic... but does anyone remember the last game in the series that had a game mode where you had to beat the others in contention for a title, climb the title rankings and beat the champion which (I believe) unlocked the title to use in exhibition mode... if I'm not just making this up?

WWE 2K1Four (...my four key doesn't work!) hasn't got me too excited yet. It would have been nice if they announced the current day roster at SummerSlam but, obviously, no dice... I know there is still over a month to go until release but it'd be nice if they told us the full roster soon...

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I know this is pretty off-topic... but does anyone remember the last game in the series that had a game mode where you had to beat the others in contention for a title, climb the title rankings and beat the champion which (I believe) unlocked the title to use in exhibition mode... if I'm not just making this up?

2010 maybe?

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