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So that was a weird fucking glitch....

After rescuing Matt MIller...

It put me right into the mission where I have to save Pierce. So, I somehow ended up passing by the power armor mission.

I do part of Pierce's mission, but when I go to get the SMG's, it doesn't let me continue.

So I had to re-load the game. Was weird.

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I'm about to fucking break something. Someone help me with this!

You get the power armor on and jump out of the air lock and how the fuck do you dodge stuff? I keep running into the first fucking wall. I am so pissed off right now.

The bit with The Touch playing in the background, right? It threw me off at first too because I assumed, for some reason, that it'd be like airplane controls but it's not. Just hold up and you should clear that first wall. Holding down moves you down and going to the side does that little spinny thing. Aside from dying twice from confusion at the first part, I managed to get through fine after that though there are one or two sections that look tricky.

Of course you reply that you've done it as soon as I reply. Of coooooooooooourse.

Whilst I'm here, Speed Rift is the woooorst. Few of these activities I've got left to clear up are a little tricky but hopefully I should be able to manage them all. One Mayhem I lost by $1000.

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It depends how much time you take to fuck around in the world, do side quests, look for collectibles etc etc. Think my game time was up to 27-28 hours by the time I completed it but I did a lot of the aforementioned stuff. You could certainly power through it in way less time.

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That's weird, I am on 1770x1000 (widescreen and windowed), and I coasted through the ship with 0 problems at all. Sure I scratched the sides of the closing doors, but I didn't have to retry it at all.

Well, it may just be certain resolutions that have the problem. Or it could be that you didn't get the problem due to playing in windowed.

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Fuck you, Genki, 65 challenges complete!

Now just to kill about 50-100 more aliens with powers and then wait out the rest of my 40 hours and I'm done!

On the subject of activities though, I'd definitely rank the rifts pretty low. Speed rift is just a very poor mans endless runner, platforming is ok and I didn't mind the telekinesis one once I actually realised what you are meant to do.

Mayhem is better on foot since you can just run around everywhere. Tank is cool caus you have the laser but the UFO is kinda annoying, having to fly everywhere with helicopters chasing you and shit. You're in a hurry so you naturally get sloppy.

I think the super power fights aren't up to much either. Blazin' is pretty fun though.

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Mine is at exactly 25 hours. Which brings me to a question. Do you know if the play 40 hours achievment is across all playthroughs? Because I am at 90% and cant imagine spending another 15 hours to get the last 10%

If you want the 40 hour achievement, you can jsut leave the game idling overnight or something to rack up the hours.

Someone on 360 come help me finish the Hard Genki Mind Over Murder mission, it's the new worst thing since Speed Rift!

I can do co op stuff tomorrow if you need.

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