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Gamers Of EWB, I need your opinion!


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:( My PS3 died last year - I feel your pain. If you can source and afford it, upgrade to PS4. But I knew that any upgrade wouldn't happen for me until the end of the year so I bought a secondhand PS3 to tide me over for 18 months.

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I think mine is coming to an end after 8 years, it can take quite a while to turn on with it flashing off on start up leading to pressing the power button what feels like hundreds of times before it goes on and stays on. Once it's on it's a dream but sooner or later it just won't turn on. I've already got the PS4 but it's barely been on yet though as I'm trying to finish those games that I'm not likely to replay while I still can before trading them in, will probably get a few games free from GAME on the trade ins as more stuff gets released next gen.

My main hope is that the hard drive would be salvagable if it did go so I could get a second hand one and just shove that in and still have all the data on those things I'm keeping around. Would be too demoralised to have to go through the process of redownloading the digital versions of games and DLC on "keepers" like Rock Band 3 and Buzz which always have family and friends round for a game.

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PS4 is not backwards compatible, so I don't know if that affects your decision. I still think PS4 is way too expensive with too small a library to justify dropping the amount it's going for, but losing your PS3 is probably the only justification I could have for upgrading rather than 'wasting' money on a PS3 (but to me it wouldn't be a waste, because I'd hate to not be able to play all those games).

If it were me - I'd find the cheapest working PS3 I could and go with that, and wait out the PS4, but that's largely because I wouldn't want to lose the back catalogue. If you have no concerns about not being able to play old games, and have plenty of money to burn, then I'd probably upgrade.

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Depends on how much gaming you do.

If you're still working through a backlog or if there's things you'd still be playing if your PS3 didn't break, might as well pick up a cheap PS3. Can't be more than £150 for one now, I bet. If you're not really playing anything at the moment and probably won't until the next big release, it'd probably be worth picking up a PS4, as a lot of the big releases are probably going to release on that and new games start dropping soon, like Thief and Infamous: Second Son.

Really depends on if there's any PS3 games you've not played that you want to, or ones you still play. If not, you might as well pick up a PS4 if you can afford it.

Same applies to Xbone as PS4 really, there's not a ton of difference right now.

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Mine went last year and I just replaced the PS3, which was about £200 then for a 500gb version so should be cheaper now. As people have said it just depends on whether you've unfinished business, I've still got loads of games to play before I even consider a PS4.

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Good old GAME and their bundles.

"Oh, we're fresh out of PS4's. Unless you're interested in this special bundle with games you don't want and a copy of Hancock on Blu-ray?"

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Welcome to the new generation RW! And PS4 is only currently not backwards compatible. Playstation Now was just announced, which is going to let allow people to stream games from Sony's entire library.

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