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Batman: Arkham Knight

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I'm not sure how to judge. I'm not good at driving in general but you are in a really confined space and you have to drive up the sides of walls while this big drill is chasing you and one tiny screw up and you die. I don't need that kind of stress. Video Games are supposed to be fun but this was just an unhealthy amount of stress. Maybe I'll just look up how it ends

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I can probably finish that for her, I was asking because the girlfriend really wants to try this out and that means I have to buy it because she doesn't play all that often. Sucks that you got stuck though :(

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It took me a few tries, but I found it manageable once I'd memorised where the obstacles were. It's also a matter of remembering not to try to scale the walls too early. I found it easier when I didn't try to use the boost too often. I hope you get through it.

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I may try again in a couple days. I hate that I've gone like 85% and might not finish. Also was I the only one frustrated by the fact that it seemed like you have to stumble on everything to do side missions? Like I want to rescue the fire guys but I can never find them unless I get lucky

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Most of the time I'd just choose a side mission, and if it didn't have a definitive waypoint set for more I'd just pick another one, then somehow I'd try again later and it would just tell me where I needed to go, as if I'd just somehow spotted them in the course of driving or flying about doing other stuff.

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I always stumbled upon the side mission stuff as well. I almost never found that stuff when I set out to search for it.

I hated the part with the drill as well. I think I wasted another hour just on that. Even if you have memorized obstacles I found the controls of the batmobil to be very imprecise when driving on walls and I would simply flip over more often than not.

Something that helped me a lot: after a while I turned the sound off. The intense music isn't really helping my driving when I'm under pressure already. I did the same with the Riddler courses as his taunting was getting annoying and made me want to throw my controller against the TV.

Any why is it that Two-Face always get the short end of the stick in these games? He wasn't in Asylum. In City you never meet him again after the incident in the church (unless you have the Catwoman DLC I'm told), in Origins (which in theory would've been the ideal game to tell his origin story) he doesn't appear at all again if my memory serves me right and in Knight he is relegated to the stupid bank heist copy/paste sidequest. If WB games is really considering making another Arkham game I'd like Two Face to be more involved in the main storyline.

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That was the one I struggled with, got the other two first time but I found controlling the batmobile and the walls a nightmare as it'd often end up over steering at the slightest provocation leading to a spin. It's a shame about the certain sections that get frustrating (normally sadly involving the batmobile) as I love the story and think it's my favourite story in the Arkham series but elements of the gameplay have bought it down.

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Copy/Paste side-missions were my biggest problem. Mainly anything related to the militia. The things you get to do outside the main story are okay in and of themselves but the fact that you have to do them over and over and over and over with so little variation makes this so disappointing. One round of mines, check points, car chases and militia holdouts would've been enough. But they just keep bringing that stuff back every time you do a big story mission.

And what makes things worse: I have no motivation to do any of that stuff. Who does the militia endanger? Who am I saving from the militia? The city has been conveniently evacuated again. There are no civilians around. The thugs? I couldn't give a rat's ass about what happens to them. So what else is there to motivate me?

Edited by Hellraiser
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I'm not sure how to judge. I'm not good at driving in general but you are in a really confined space and you have to drive up the sides of walls while this big drill is chasing you and one tiny screw up and you die. I don't need that kind of stress. Video Games are supposed to be fun but this was just an unhealthy amount of stress. Maybe I'll just look up how it ends

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See, everyone whining about the drill doesn't even want to attempt the last Riddler Course. Drill was a piece of cake compared to that.

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See, everyone whining about the drill doesn't even want to attempt the last Riddler Course. Drill was a piece of cake compared to that.

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