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Watch Dogs


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The Conan review is hilarious.

Anyone heard any thoughts or opinions from anyone they know yet?

Im a filthy pirate and I have played around 30 minutes of the game. So ask away.

How do you get electricity aboard your ship and is it difficult to play with a hook for a hand?

Oh and I've heard graphically it looks like shit. Is this true?

The graphics look really really well, especially the character textures. This is PC im playing, on everything maxed except I got MSAA 4x instead of 8x. Especially the nightscapes look really really gorgeous and brings out the best in the game, but the daytime is also very well.

It might not be Crysis 3, but its one of the better looking games out there.

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I'd do a virus scan if you've got a copy, there's reports one of the most leeched torrents was bundled with a Bitcoin miner.

The first thing I always do when I download crap, I threw it through the washer and I checked every single file there was and luckily no miner for me.

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Have you got a cat? You might want to open up your PC and let them have a look inside. BitCoin miners actually release a little dwarf into your PC and they start digging away, they're scared of cats though so it should chase it off.

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Have you got a cat? You might want to open up your PC and let them have a look inside. BitCoin miners actually release a little dwarf into your PC and they start digging away, they're scared of cats though so it should chase it off.

Sadly I don't have a cat, but I can assure you the deathlasers inside my computer fixes any sort of dwarf issue. Unless they're gymnast dwarfs, then i'm fucked.

Using your computer to create bit coin code? That should be easy to detect I'd think.

It's very easy to detect if you know what you're looking for. Your memory and CPU output going balls deep is one of the symptoms, and anyone with decent computer knowledge can spot that.

Also every running process is shown in the processes tab, and if you got admin rights you can see them all. Anything that doesn't fit you track down to the source and quarantine that bitch.

Now if it's a pro then he'd probably add a script that replaces a system important file making it a bit harder to just remove, but those guys don't really focus on pirated games to make their money, they just root the entire shit out of systems.

Due to not knowing shit about computers yet being paranoid about everything, what exactly are bitcoin miners?

A bitcoin miner is a programme that utilises your computer processing and memory power to generate bitcoin code. That bitcoin code is linked to the account creating it and it compiles into the ''bitcoin'', a digital currency which is kinda a big deal (among some...).

The legit miners create customised rigs for the mining of coins and let them run 24/7 to make their money. The non-legit guys create viruses which infect computers and start mining through that.

The thing is though, those non-legit miners don't give a rats ass about the equipment and will slash and burn any computer they affect, it's all about making fast and easy coins and they don't care about their victims.

The easiest way to ''spot'' a miner on your computer is to go into task manager and look at the ''performance'' tab, if your processor and/or memory output are spiking even though the pc is idling, then you might be infected with a miner.

Source: Studying IT and I did a whole lot of research into Bitcoins (and mining) for presentations.

Edited by Jasonmufc
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Are there dogs in the game? And if so, have you watched them?

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Let's ask the important question everyone wants to know.

Can I go to Srar's house and hack her microwave?

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Have you got a cat? You might want to open up your PC and let them have a look inside. BitCoin miners actually release a little dwarf into your PC and they start digging away, they're scared of cats though so it should chase it off.

This is a serious topic, mate. :/

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Yeah, buy one from a local store and then return the online one? Or return the online one to EB when it arrives.

As for the install, it's probably quicker to fly to the real Chicago.

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