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If a criminal gets too far and I don't feel like chasing I end up using the pistol. I managed to explode one of the things in the ground and kill one of the guys. Sometimes I try to switch the traffic lights to make the guy running away get hit or somehow slow him down. Can't say it's worked yet.

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Well - range is the kind of thing I'm going for here, which my baton doesn't seem to have. :shifty:

I like this guy a bit for now, at least - because he's not just a shitty person like a GTA protagonist (for the most part) and doesn't really have to kill to get the job done. I just managed to complete another mission by high tailing it and that's ten times funner than just getting into another shootout. Having the ability to incapacitate people with a shot in the leg or something would've been nice.

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I don't think it really stops them long. I've shot people in the leg and it seems to make them stumble or fall, but they end up running off like normal a couple of seconds later.

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I had to go up a big spiral multistory carpark to beat some gang leader up. Got up there, bit of a firefight along the way, reinforcements were called. I knocked the guy out and instead of fighting my way down again I just jumped in a car and hammered it, tyres squealing, all the way down the spiral with guys firing at me. Loads of fun.

Now I've found an underground high stakes poker game. $10,000 buy in which is pretty big money but I could leave with $40,000. It's not badly implemented.

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I did that same gang one but I managed to escape by driving off a conveniently placed ramp on the roof!

This has 4.4 user score on metacritic (pc) so I thought if have a read. My favourite so far is this one;

"The specs for this are ridiculous! How can they expect people to upgrade computers in this, a time of crisis!? I give this 0/10!"

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I did that same gang one but I managed to escape by driving off a conveniently placed ramp on the roof!

This has 4.4 user score on metacritic (pc) so I thought if have a read. My favourite so far is this one;

"The specs for this are ridiculous! How can they expect people to upgrade computers in this, a time of crisis!? I give this 0/10!"

Metacritic user reviews is hilariously bad. It's either a 10/10, or it's a 0/10, no middle road.

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I just did the construction zone one - and it went real bad, with the police being called halfway through due to people on the street hearing gunshots (that was kind of cool). I never had qualms with gang members anyways, so after I took out the main guy I booted it - tried to hide but that didn't work and I got in a big truck and SOMEONE managed to get away. Parked it in the middle of a.. well.. park, and then I was off.

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I did the carpark one this morning. Was pretty good. I managed to take down a few guys on the first floor, then got the guys on the second distracted, managed to take out the target, and then run off and avoided the other guys. Looking forward to doing more of those.

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I forgot. Earlier I listened in to a guy talking about having to ditch a shipment or something and that it was too dangerous to pick up. So I picked it up with no problem and it was a rare coin. I didn't notice it giving me money so does anyone know what to do with it?

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My MO for the hideouts (well, I only did one) is to use the cameras and wait for people to walk by deathtraps to blow them up until I'm confident that I have a clear route to the target.

Also re Benji's post, if I do a second playthrough I'm totally taking a more extremist route; shooting criminals, and people who associate with criminals, and just random people whose metadata blurbs I decide Aiden doesn't like.

As it is, I just rob everyone blind and only kill when it's not a one-on-one situation.

Edited by OctoberRavenO
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I had to go up a big spiral multistory carpark to beat some gang leader up. Got up there, bit of a firefight along the way, reinforcements were called. I knocked the guy out and instead of fighting my way down again I just jumped in a car and hammered it, tyres squealing, all the way down the spiral with guys firing at me. Loads of fun.

Now I've found an underground high stakes poker game. $10,000 buy in which is pretty big money but I could leave with $40,000. It's not badly implemented.

I did this one, with similar awesomeness.

Police were called and closing in, and I took down the leader, hopped in a car and drove off the top of the car park in a "fuck it" move, as police were already on their way up the spiral. Landed it, drove over a bridge then put it up, and escaped. :)

Btw, can you shoot whilst driving? If you can, I haven't worked it out yet.

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How does the hacking work? Like in that example, you're driving away and you pulled a bridge up behind you? I'm guessing it's like a preset button or something but it sounds like it could be quite complex.

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It's as simple as pressing square. The only time I've seen that hacking is any more complex than that is when hacking ctOS towers, which is a Deus Ex Revolution type puzzle minigame.

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