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Eurovision 2018


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Kind of a bad Eurovision final this year. I wasn't into Israel at all and was only sort of into Cyprus. Honestly, the most satisfaction I got out of the results was Sweden getting absolutely murdered almost right off the bat when it came time for the popular vote.

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Hopefully Israel's win will make the competitors next year a bit more outlandish. I enjoy Eurovision for the kitsch and OTT (which is why I liked Moldova so much); some need to embrace that. UK got fuck all despite the outside interference as there's nothing memorable about a lass singing a mid-tempo number inside some LED squares.

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11 hours ago, GA! said:

Netherlands seems to rip off country music every year. @Lars Kuyt is there some cultural reason? 

Country even isn't a thing down here. 
But the last few years the artists that went there thought it is great music for the Eurovision and they want to make country bigger in Holland, I like country but not the kind that douchebag Waylon makes. Glad he finished so low. 

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13 hours ago, GA! said:

Hopefully Israel's win will make the competitors next year a bit more outlandish. I enjoy Eurovision for the kitsch and OTT (which is why I liked Moldova so much); some need to embrace that. UK got fuck all despite the outside interference as there's nothing memorable about a lass singing a mid-tempo number inside some LED squares.

A dude singing a slow-tempo song with just a few lights behind him won the contest last year.

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