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Everything posted by lanky316

  1. Given it's Napoleonic cavalry officer training the horse should be relieved it's not British and lost its ears due to incompetence.
  2. The Wokesters is still a better nickname than most of the teams in The Hundred.
  3. 997! Despite watching them all somehow I'd never got round to subscribing.
  4. Her behaviour didn't really gel with "she has an injury and is looking after herself" like they reported, nursing a leg injury and jumping about more than the people on the apparatus most of the time seemed odd. Good to see her looking after herself mentally and hope she is able to clear her mind to compete in the individuals but if not, I'd rather she looked after herself than try to please the sponsors and tv crews and hope that the media give her the space/support as and when she requires it.
  5. Worst part of this Olympic Ceremony being changed due to the global situation. We're more than likely going to be robbed of the hilarity of Clare Balding and the other BBC suits being subjected to Babymetal.
  6. They had a good deal going with FIFA and I assume by association things like Twitch so guess it's being "renewed" in a sense as official sponsors. I'm cautiously optimistic of hopefully a play off run this year. Last year was poor but in the second half of the season they seemed on the right track so hopefully can come out with some momentum.
  7. fond memories of '94, right up until stupid rotten Notts County had to go and ruin it by knocking Southend out in the semi
  8. It wasn't even really that was it? Didn't a chunk of that fee go towards paying off money Newcastle owed for Andros Townsend?
  9. Well, hats off to Pickford he had a good go there, but those lads thrown to the wolves at the end.
  10. Stupid fuckabout runup gets punished. Fucking hell.
  11. All the drinking and fighting has clearly worn them out. At the moment it's only slightly livelier than Arsenal. Been very quiet tonight which I wasn't expecting.
  12. He did so well to make that save, couldn't quite push it wide and unlucky with the bounce.
  13. Given the quantity of what sounds like "paki cunt" in that video I get the feeling they'd have roughed up the asian lad whether he had a ticket or not.
  14. After spending the day breaking in to the stadium you'd expect a bit more life in the crowd but I guess the game has sucked what little life there was in them out of the place! Comfortable first half after that quick goal.
  15. Got to try and sneak them into the stadium somehow after the fines from the last match
  16. After a few years of miserable isolation I've finally got some tickets to go to a gig again. Sabaton next March with support from The Hu and Lordi, should be a fun evening and plenty of time to build up to crowds and this "going out" thing that I've not done for so long.
  17. Is this the first time they're talking about charges over the "disturbances during the anthems"? I'd assume it was worse than in previous games in some ways if so, though hard to tell. It took a good few hours to mention the "blinding the goalkeeper with a laser" on our coverage.
  18. Similar here, I like the players themselves and Southgate is inoffensive and I enjoy seeing his tactical approach even if selection and subs may raise an eyebrow at times. The fucking flag shagging, anthem booing, general pimples on the arse of society that are fully on the train have wound me up so much though that part of me would hate them to win it. Of course, if my dad's anything to go by this might be the only time I ever see us win a major tournament so can't not want to see this part of history so on balance want them to do it but there's an element that'll be relieved not to have that twat de Pfeffel parading around rallying the gammons in more xenophobia.
  19. You don't put Sterling and Graelish on the pitch if you're not planning on throwing yourselves to the floor. Definitely a homer decision as that's not a penalty any day of the week. Denmark invited it though and gave the opportunities.
  20. Tournament starts with a player dying on the pitch and looking like ending on a dive... Keeper saved it but followed up well.
  21. Denmark looking on the ropes here, not even defending well enough to stop chances coming in at them.
  22. It was a foul by Kane before then anyway. Which is what the decision was and the referee had blown for I thought so was surprised about the call for the penalty VAR check.
  23. Triple substitution, bold call.
  24. Does Jack Black chew the scenery as Stein in this one? (although I do confess to enjoying the Goosebumps films more than I thought I would)
  25. I like to see that as a "don't get carried away lads, have you forgotten who your first choice goalkeeper is?"
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