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ZJ Penn

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Everything posted by ZJ Penn

  1. ZJ Penn

    Mighty Boosh

    The bit where the Hitcher pissed in Howards face had me laughing for ages. “That were a bad time for you, weren’t it boy?”
  2. I can see Arsenal ending up buying someone along the lines of Gilardino or Ibrahimovic. Especially with the rumours that Zlatan could leave and Sheva might be going back to Milan. I personally think they should steal Keane and McCarthy from Spurs and Rovers. One things for sure now though, they need serious investment to keep their top 4 aims alive.
  3. I'm really looking forward to this. PES has been the highlight of my gaming calendar for about five years now and I don't expect it to change this year. Look forward to improved graphics and getting rid of the niggles from the last game. Should be fantastic.
  4. I gave up on this long ago. Starts off as a great game, but just doesnt have that FF feel that would make me see it through to the end. Shame really as I think I was near the end.
  5. I can understand the Law and Order one due to the poor taste and everything that goes with it, but the Manhunt banning is bullshit. It's one of those things that pisses me off more everytime I think about it.
  6. Damn, this was one of the games I was looking forward to. Looks like we'll have to wait 10 years till peoples standards have degraded to the point where it'll be passed no problem and we can play "Manhunt 2! The Game No-One Wanted You To See! Previously Banned Worldwide, Now In Its Full Uncut Version!". Like used to happen with some horror films like that one about cannabilism.
  7. Championship Manager 2001/2002, and I've very nearly reached the 2007/2008 season. In fact, I'm considering doing a "Parallel Universe" diary in time for the new season.
  8. Was it Scarborough that Roman Abramovich gave something along the lines of £1Million to curb their debts? It was a few years ago when they played Chelsea in the FA/Carling Cup. I seem to remember Frank Lampard hitting the post from about forty yards too.
  9. John the Fisherman by Primus. That's literally the only one I can think of that hasn't been mentioned already.
  10. So I just started a game with the top leagues from England, Spain, Italy, France, Holland, Portugal and I think Germany set as active and picked a random club for the hell of it... ...Willem II. Which will be interesting due to my lack of Dutch football knowledge outside of PSV, Ajax, Feyenoord & Heerenveen. I'll probably only stay for the year then look for a move to Portugal. I've always wanted to give it a shot managing there and never gotten round to it.
  11. I know it's months away but I'm hella looking forward to this season. Aside from the small possibility of a 21-team Premiership, it just looks so close on paper. The top four should only be stronger this season, especially United, Chelsea and Liverpool if they can land that frontman who'll score consistently for them. Then all the teams coming up look like they could avoid relegation for sure, while a lot of the teams in between have had heavy investment. Villa, Spurs, West Ham, Reading, Bolton, Newcastle, Portsmouth, Everton, Blackburn and Middlesbrough will all be aiming for a top half finish and possible UEFA Cup spots, with even some of those looking for a shock CL place.
  12. Is this all on Sky nowadays? Or do ITV4/BBC3 viewers get a look in?
  13. I don't know why, but I can't imagine watching them at cinema, I always had them on good ol' VHS.
  14. I've considered it in the earlier games, especially when Barcelona we're absolutely invincible in the Champions League. Never bothered though cause, my PC was crap and took ages to save/load.
  15. Manhunt 2, the new Smackdown and the TNA/UFC games if they manage to get put out this year, although I doubt it. And PES7 just to see how awesome Manchester United are going to be.
  16. I remember Zero posted a list of horror movies that looked like good fun, although I'm not sure how many of those were summer releases. Transformers, Simpsons should both be top notch. Although the summer clearly belongs to Die Hard 4(.0 or whatever it's called now)
  17. Beauty and the Beast wins hands down. Giant beast man fighting wolves, a man named Gaston and singing cutlery, that film had it all. It's awesome. Not to mention the excellent soundtrack that comes with all Disney films. Jungle Book I'm looking at you.
  18. Just picked up WCW/NWO Revenge for a mighty £2.99. I've never played it before so I can't wait till Saturday so I can have a blast. Mainly just because it's a got a large roster supposedly and it's got Hart, Goldberg. Hogan and the nWo all under one roof. No Flair though.
  19. You can usually tell how good a movie game is gonna be by the length of time between the film and games release. Like The Warriors, in my opinion is the best tie-in of all-time and they were like thirty years apart. But yeah, I find that if a game is being made to tie in with the films release it'll be shit, if it's being made at it's own pace it could be a surprise.
  20. Not really, never said that. I was just telling people what happened if they wanted to know. It's not a bad ending, never said it was. And there's very little nudity in it. Which is another black mark considering how much they push the 'going to make an amateur porn film' thing. Don't fall for the trailer...
  21. I own this film. It's shit. If I remember correctly it finishes like this...
  22. Isn't it the same squad for both the friendly and the qualifier?
  23. People are fickle, well the media is. They hate him one day then love him the next. I'm personally glad he's in the team and hope he plays his socks off just to make McClarens face redder than it already is. If possible.
  24. Hulk Hogan films, I just can't resist them. >_> And I'm a sucker for any comedy film, not matter how bad the reviews and write-ups of it are.
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