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The Dominion
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Status Updates posted by Adam

  1. Happy Birthday Hugobomb! Hope it's a good one mate.

  2. There's a new challenge to take a run at in the EWB Booker Challenge for the would-be Paul Heymans among us, check it out in The Cube!

  3. Benji is one post in The Cube away from EWB Bingo! I dare not post again until he does it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Noah


      We need one of those X-Com Diaries going again.

    3. Thrilla


      Should have told @Gazz to finish the Pentagon

    4. Benji


      I figured I'd forget so he could feel how that poor boy he left on the bench felt :shifty:

  4. Benji currently on for EWB Bingo, only needs a couple more boards...

    1. TEOL


      Even he doesn't have the guts to risk waking up kliq though.

  5. To save everyone time - the answer is a resounding no.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Adam


      Notable isn't the word I'd use.

    3. Numbahs


      Steady decline can be called notable.

    4. JasonM


      This show deserves to be spoiled before the 48 hour deadline is up to warn everybody how shit it is.


    1. Numbahs


      They really let the referee go to town on that mic tonight.

    2. MJB


      "HE SAID NOOOO!"

    3. JasonM


      Mike Chioda was used to much last night, the crowd are starting to get sick of him.

  7. Desperately sad news about the passing of Chi Cheng. :-/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ant


      What was his cause of death? Was it from his car accident?

    3. Adam


      The statement on oneloveforchi.com just said his heart suddenly stopped. Can only assume it was complications stemming from the accident since he's been in a coma/semi-conscious state ever since.

    4. andPartwayBack


      I assumed the side effects of the accident was to blame as well.

  8. Oh thank god we're back. This is the spiritual EWB V, of course. VI be damned!

    1. Rich


      Just because we have flashbacks, doesn't mean we can't move on to the sequel.

    2. Pat Richards
    3. Adam


      But I'm not ready to move on! :P

  9. Boxing Day Sales should be banned. National holiday from now on please.

  10. So, how about that Flair run-in to steal victory from under the nose of Obama?

  11. What time is Raw on tonight UK yewbers, midnight or 1am?

  12. I need to know...does Jouzy have purple hair!?

  13. I like how t' new word filter change just enables me to type how I actually speak.

    1. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      I know, right?! This has alienated a lot of people but for me, you, Matt etc, it's how we read EWB in our head anyway!

    2. Hobo


      You speak in bold?

  14. I can't wait for the response to this weeks obligatory "is Raw worth watching?" post.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lineker


      Ollie, if you're reading this, then you should definitely watch Raw. It should NOT be missed.

    3. Nerf


      I was gonna start watching again this week :( Is it that bad?

    4. C-MIL


      The hivemind disapproved.

  15. I really hope those who haven't yet get to see Ben Parkinson carrying the Olympic torch through my hometown today. A true inspiration to anyone and everyone.

  16. Hmmm...very odd that you comment the same day I plan on changing that picture. Weird!

  17. I'm keeping my promise...have fun against Exeter and Wycombe next season!

  18. Oh no, I've been found out. <_< This doesn't change anything you know, I'll be here this time tomorrow to gloat about Millwall's victory ;D

  19. Hey Dave, not spoken properly in a while. Hit me up next time you're on MSN!

  20. What they said...I can't find out who she is :(

  21. Looks like you're about to get your wish.

    And don't do a TNA-side diary, what you're doing now is good as it is.

  22. Oh right, that. Yeah, I haven't given up on that one just yet, maybe itll come in after the busy christmas period ends. I;m debating how to actually set it out atm, because I'll likely get burnt out quickly doing full shows.

  23. I posted my Judgment Day PPV last week and received no feedback for it...you can see why that'd not exactly fill me with enthusiasm to post new shows >

  24. I just wanted to say, your diary (the one you actually stuck with this time :P) has helped me get back into the Dome on the whole. Kudos.

    Actually, thats not all. Who is that girl iin your avatar? Not Keira?

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