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Status Updates posted by Blaze09

  1. The -1 button was made for people like Stevev10....boy do I miss it now.

  2. We must end the racism and non-funny on the board!

  3. So since this is the last day MPH will spend time on EWB, how should we spend it?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      The last Shut up, MPH day of 2010. :(

    3. Blaze09


      Well, we won't need a Shut Up, MPH day anymore since he will finally shut up

    4. Rocky


      Are you going to follow him?

  4. Sousa and I have some business to take care of. If we aren't back by the new year, turn on the world news.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sousa


      As usual, you are wrong and not useful.

    3. Gazz


      If you have any spare ammo to use on Sarah Palin, that would be much appreciated.

    4. Hornswoggle4PM


      And by the way, you misspelt "you're"

  5. Ok Facebook...at least the cartoon thing reminded me of good times....this number shit is just annoying

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Meacon Keaton

      Meacon Keaton

      Are the counting how many orphans are in Africa? Or just seeing how high they can count?

    3. fr34k


      The answer is 42.

    4. Blaze09


      Meacon...that's the same thing <_<

  6. FYI, Coachman is doing Sportscenter right now

    1. sahyder1


      Why would you bring that to our attention? He's horrible. I usually have to shut off Sportscenter when I see him on.

  7. So I'm watching Raw for really the first time this week, and Alex Riley is awesome

  8. Brock Lesnar's Beard = EPIC

    1. Rocky


      It is very nice indeed... Maybe I should keep growing mine.. Trimmed it a couple of days ago :(

    2. EddieG


      I'll get me one of those by not shaving for about 40 years.

    3. Rocky


      Awww... Kids... They have such big dreams.

  9. Then maybe he can give me all the answers to my test

  10. I always keep one rolled...

  11. GoGo has turned into EWB's version of CAW from the beginning of the Chikara Season

    1. GoGo Yubari
    2. TEOL


      So that's what that is.

      I thought you'd just gone insane.

    3. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      Actually there is a different motive for it sort of, but it's an accurate description nonetheless.

  12. So yeah.....about that podcast?

    1. Rocky


      What podcast would this be?

  13. I just seen someone who runs a no-name wrestling promotion ask Mike Rotch what has he accomplished? WTF

    1. C-MIL


      He should ask him to help name his wrestling promotion.

  14. Should I even listen to those Mel Gibson tapes?

    1. apsham


      They're pretty boring. If you know what he said, you've got the gist of it. Guy was just telling bitch how it was. :shifty:

    2. Lint


      Seriously...Mels just in trouble for keepin' it real

  15. What the hell happened to the Dome?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blaze09


      But....MsChif is a doctor? Why would she be having sex with Shane?

    3. Sousa


      Not that son, the dead illegitimate one.

    4. TEOL
  16. The NBA is now a wrestling promotion, The Grizz for champ!!!!

  17. I'm starting to wonder who left the door to the TEWR fourm open?

    1. Rocky


      Why would you wonder that?

    2. brenchill


      He's wondering how he managed to get into there.

    3. Sousa


      Grizzly Redwood.

  18. I just noticed Sousa's avatar...another great childhood memory

  19. "1st off I wanna thank my hood"

    1. jrtdot


      best comment ever.

  20. The Tigers game ended just over 3 hours ago....I'm still pissed

  21. I am still not over the fact you superkicked me off a cell onto the floor......so I still hate you

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