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TKz last won the day on January 21 2014

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  • Birthday 08/10/1990

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  1. My advise is to tank if you don't play a "meta" DPS class. I was spending hours trying to get into groups, let alone playing the game when I played an off-meta DPS. But even as an "off-meta" Tank class I never had to wait long.
  2. I guess I don't really understand the problem, outside of renown weekly which is like an hours work a week, I basically only do M+ and that was enough for me to succeed in that. I have friends that only raid and they're not far off geared what I am with Ahead of the Curve. And I've got friends who just PVP that're well geared from just PVP... You can definitely play just the content you want and be adequately geared. Sure, if you're capable of getting 2100 in PVP then yeah, it's the best way to get to 226, but it's kind of splitting hairs to begrudge that you could be slightly more geared for other content when you can be just as easily geared doing just the content you want to do. I cleared Normal raids just to see the content but never felt like I had to do it for gear, it's why I never bothered with Heroic Raiding this tier.
  3. I haven't done the Maw since like a week after it launched and I'm basically Mythic Raid geared, it's definitely not needed. My IO's here if you're that interested - https://raider.io/characters/eu/nagrand/Hornyjane What do you mean only do 15s? How much higher content do you want to do? Yeah you'll need all that if you're trying to push +20s, but at that point you're being a bit unrealistic to think you can play casually and do the hardest content in the games hardest levels? Everything I've described is more than enough to clear +15s and heroic raids. And I did it all pugging it without a guild with only a few hours a week. Conduit Item Level barely makes a difference, we're talking only a few % between a regular mythic level like 184 and a 200 item level. I got mine to 200 by just playing the game and never felt the need to upgrade them further.
  4. I don't think that's necessarily true, I got Keystone Conquerer this expansion and pugged all of Normal (didn't bother with heroic because the ilvl rewards aren't much more than I was getting for M+) and I only really have an hour or two to play a night. All that's "required" to be relevant is to build your BiS Legendary (you don't even have to upgrade it really, it's only like a 3-6% damage increase from 190 to 235), which you can do by clearing Torghast twice at layer 8. And then gear up. You don't even really have to run the raid, as most classes best gear comes from Mythics. You don't have to do 10 M+ a week, you're still only getting one item a week, it just gives you a bit more choice. I tended to clear 4 a week (so like, 2-3 hours of dungeons a week) for two options and managed to get 220 ilvl by the time I'd finished my goals for this patch. There's no reputation grind that's relevant to player power, so the only thing you're doing similar to that is renown - week to week that could be knocked out in no time at all, one quest to collect souls that takes about 10 minutes and one quest to collect Anima, which can be done in an about an hour whilst doing other things. And if you're behind, you get renown for killing bosses/doing dungeons and can just casually build it up as you play. And even then, you don't really need to do your entire renown tree - once you've gotten your soulbind fully unlocked from it, everything else is mostly cosmetic. The last thing you might need to do for player power is getting the right conduits for your soulbind, but the ilvl increase are such tiny damage increases you can just pick up the base level version, slot that in and it'll be good enough. I don't think they're doing a good job of advertising it, but Shadowlands is easily the best WoW has been in a long time for just playing as and when you feel like it and not being behind. You can pretty much just login and do what you fancy for the first time in a few expansions.
  5. As someone with like half of the classes at 80 now, healing is way more chill than tanking in FFXIV. I love both, but healing is just doing a simple DPS rotation most of the time and then hitting one either AOE or single target heal button once people take enough damage to warrant it. I quite enjoy it but compared to something like WoW, healing is far and away the easiest role in this MMO. You have to pay attention, but once you know what you're doing it's actually less work than DPSing. Tanking is super chill in FF though, you're right. Unfortunately in raids it's also kind of boring, until you're doing Savage raids, if you're not the main tank you're basically a less effective DPS, as there's not really as many tank tactics as WoW has (and WoW doesn't even have much!). I enjoy FFXIV for different reasons than WoW, it's a much more chill time, but when it comes to challenges I think WoW has a better curve. FFXIV is like... everything is easy, then the first bit of hard content (Savage Raids) is much more punishing than WoW raids. A raid in FF is more like a game in memorising the tactics and executing them flawlessly - almost like a dance, where as a raid in WoW, even on Heroic, has more room for mistakes. Standing in the bad in WoW will see you lose half your health, but you can be healed back up. In FF, you'll die instantly, then you won't be in position to soak a mechanic the second afterwards and you'll wipe the raid. GNB is awesome btw, most fun tank by far for my money - definitely worth getting there. As with everyone else, I'll echo the sentiment of anyone interested should stick with it, every expansion is better than the last with Shadowbringers being, for my money, the best Final Fantasy story, maybe ever?
  6. Competitive FF is Savage Raids (Heroic Raids in WoW) and the Extreme Raids (Mythic difficulty but there's only one boss). There are max level dungeons but they're probably about the difficulty of like a Mythic+4. FF raiding always feels so weird coming from WoW though, I feel like with WoW you have way more room for mistakes, there's very few wipe everyone mechanics and for the most part, you can clear bosses with a few DPS down. FF raids are way more punishing, they feel more like a dance routine you have to perfectly perform. There's less other players so despite being able to res mid-combat as much as you like, the debuff that makes you do less damage means that you'll have a tougher time - and to top it off a lot of the raids have multiple mechanics that can wipe the group if one person messes up. It's arguably tougher than WoW outside of Mythic, but on the other hand you can get basically just under max levelled gear with just doing daily dungeons, there's typically only four bosses (that you can queue for seperately) per "tier", with one Extreme, and outside of getting 5 item levels higher than everyone else, there's not much to gain.
  7. Yeah, I'm all for Netflix being shamed for being shitters with cancelling shows lately, but this is probably the one time they're not doing it for shits and giggles. Apparently they weren't likely to finish filming and post-production for release until 2022 and based of the numbers they didn't think people would care at that point. Which I get, I liked Glow but I never got the impression it had much of a following.
  8. FFXV is weird. It's a lot more of "Final Fantasy does open world", which is an odd statement about the company that popularised the giant RPG with world maps staples. I guess I mean more... Final Fantasy meets modern open world, in the vein of an Assassins Creed or something. It's cool and it's weird, I'm not it's biggest fan but I think the worst thing about it is just that it feels a bit... unfinished? Worth a shot for sure. FFXIV is where it's at though, that game's story is the best Final Fantasy has been in decades. Shadowbringers is magnificent and you can play all the way through base game and Heavensward for free now.
  9. I mean Millar owns that IP doesn't he? I imagine he would've been involved in the decision process.
  10. There's some solid stuff in the Ultimate Universe that gets overshadowed by Ultimatum being a nightmare. Ultimate Spider-Man probably doesn't need to be mentioned as it's got a good rep, but early Ultimate X-Men was good and I actually think all of Ultimate Fantastic Four was fantastic. They wasted Doom but man, the turn of what happens to those characters and the creation of The Maker is so well done. Plus some of their adaptions of iconic villains and stories are great. Ultimate Comics: Ultimates was pretty great too, but then part of it was written by Hickman so kind of goes without saying.
  11. What, you don't like being chastised for not knowing an extremely obscure character from Rebels that had his backstory revealed in a one shot comic book in 2010, who is apparently somehow integral to the main story of Rise of the Skywalker? I'll put the Arrow/Flash/CW fanbase on there. A bunch of toxic teens that'll defend their property to the death. I probably only find it so annoying because I was definitely that at 15 too. 😂
  12. To be fair the concern, at least on my part, is that games as a service model don't tend to be built strong out of the gate. Destiny is actually a great example, because for the first like year of the games life the end game was non-existant. Which wouldn't be that bad, but the main game was also basically non-existant too as it was clearly just a set up for the end game. Loot based games live and die on three things; loot, cosmetics & challenges. I'm hoping this game will be really cool and fun and get it right, but Crystal Dynamics has no experience in the games as a service model and it's hard to be optimistic when even some of the greats of the genre have fucked it up at launch. (looking at you, Destiny, Destiny 2, Diablo 3) I think the existence of what looks like a premium currency in a full price title is a reasonable red flag too, because even if it's just for cosmetics you can end up in a situation where the coolest stuff in the game is behind the paywall and you're playing the content to grind out stuff that's subpar. I hope they come out with a good example of what the end game is intended to be, I think a Marvel game has huge potential for this model due to the decades of cosmetics already on offer. Doing things like... hey, this month we're dropping a new map and you'll fight The Green Goblin! He drops a new bonus set for each hero and you'll get a new costume for every character you beat him on! Also, if you beat him on the hardest difficulty, you'll unlock an exclusive skin for Captain America!
  13. Ooof, this is like a greatest hits of game openings for me. Mako Reactor in FF7, Balamb Garden in FF8, Shadow Moses Entrance in Metal Gear Solid, the pre-The Boss segments of Metal Gear Solid 3 are all definitely at the top for most replayed. I've done the Alliance Human Starting Zone in WoW about 20 times now and I'd still rather do that than slog through any of the others. Though I don't know if they really count as it's rare that I ever restart those games without playing all the way through. Answers that are a bit more fitting would probably be White Orchard in The Witcher 3 - I've owned this game on PC, PS4, Xbox One, standard and GOTY and I've never been able to push past the Bloody Baron questline until recently. It's an odd one because it's got everything I could want but something always caused me to drop it before engaging enough to be hooked. I think I might have finally managed to push past that in my current playthrough, I'm definitely further than I've been before at least. I'll also say Alexandria in FF9 because that one never hooked me the way the others did (I'm sorry!). I think it's because I could never afford it until after I'd already been obsessed with the other two PS1 FF's and I was just a bit culture shocked to go from sci-fi fantasy to regular fantasy. And definitely Rabanastre in FFXII. I've got a distinct memory of nearly beating that game as a kid but I swear I've tried revisting it so many times since only to fall off a few hours in, I think I've finally accepted it's just not for me. And the opening of Persona 4 Golden as well, I adored Persona 5 but trying to get into 4 after playing 5 just feels so backwards. I really wish I had played it first because there's nothing wrong with it from a gameplay or story perspective, but it just feels lacking after having played 5.
  14. Hello? Do people still go here? My reputation number is green, is that good?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. livid


      no we all left

    3. DoubleX


      I've always been a figment of your collective imaginations.

    4. Sousa


      Oh you're gonna hate it here though.

  15. I've never read the books but I didn't feel all that alienated by the first episode. I feel like the cover what's happening well enough for the introduction, it'll just be a shame if it never expands on who those characters are later down the line.
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