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GoGo Yubari

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Status Updates posted by GoGo Yubari

  1. Closing the voting for the TV list within the next couple of days, so get your votes in or risk being that asshole who whines about the results of a list he didn't participate in!

  2. Going to see The Sonics on New Year's Eve. Perhaps only Skummy will know how fucking awesome this news is.

    1. Meacon Keaton

      Meacon Keaton

      At first, I thought you meant the basketball team. I was hoping you hadn't thrown out the receipt.

    2. Skummy


      That is incredibly, incredibly fucking awesome. I'm kind of annoyed that I'm promoting/DJing on NYE, as I'm missing out on Sonic Youth, Shellac and The Pop Group in London, which makes 2010 the first year in five years that I have NOT seen a member of Sonic Youth live.

  3. Okay, this season is sucking less now that it's in Evil Motivational Speaker territory.

  4. "The same thing we do every night, Pinky; TRY TO TAKE OVER THE *WORLD!*" ~ a mouse that sounds like Orson Welles

    1. Benji


      And that's why Goggles is better than us.

  5. Oh that is bullshit. Right now mine is refusing to let me watch the Christmas videos in the Shorties section so that my current beef with Classics.

  6. Man, did you see the Mike Jackson vs. Denny Brown match from the NWA episode on WWE Classics from the past two weeks? That was fantastic.

  7. Hey, EWB! Did you watch up to fifteen TV shows this year and enjoy them? Then vote in my thing in the Movies & TV forum!

  8. EWB's Favorite TV Show 2010, coming to the Movies & TV forum next week! Or, well, the voting for it is. Get those lists ready!

    1. LL!


      1. Arrested Development

      2. Arrested Development

      3. Arrested Development

      4. Arrested Development


    2. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      I probably should have said "Favorite TV Show *of* 2010." NO ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT FOR YOU.

    3. LL!


      1. Community

      2. Community

      3. Community

      4. Community

  9. ... also I like that you're going to be Upchuck until you can donate again.

  10. The ChikaraFans vs. CHIKARA 101 Split in a Nutshell: On CF the other day some guy got legit irritated with the fact that a match preview had the word "self-aggrandizement" in it and use it as a forum to bash Quack.

    Meanwhile, on C-101 there's a thread that goes like "if CHIKARA were a college what would the wrestlers be the professors of?"


  11. It's a good one, but entirely because of Keith David. I'd put it in the third tier.

  12. Finally, no longer do I have a man complicit in the assassination of a US President in my sig!

    1. Kaney


      Attention has been paid.

  13. Rock Band 3 leaderboards are the biggest buzzkill, man.

  14. I am shocked at how bad I am at Rock Band keyboards.

    1. EddieRuckus


      Are you good at real keyboards? Also, what system >>

  15. Who has two thumbs and totally sucks at GTAIV? NOT THIS GUY BUT INSTEAD IT'S KANEY.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      Kaney has a fascinating take on history.

    3. TEOL


      Yeah, GoGo acts all cool but he is fucking terrifying when roused.

    4. LL!


      I bet he told Kaney to tell others, but Kaney is a selfish son of a bitch and wanted to keep GoGo to himself.

      But, yeah, I would've definitely disqualified him.

  16. Could you change your status, please? There's a rule on sports spoilers when it pertains to major events, of which I think the ALCS is.

  17. Those ice cream saps will rue the day they ever tangled with... The *Best Friends Gang.*


    1. C-MIL


      I saw that one!

    2. Sousa



  19. Can I move the Heel Cena thread to Donators? You know it's such a Donators thread.

  20. It's hard to argue with Action John Wilkes Booth.

  21. Thank you for the birthday wishes, I'll reply to the posts in the thread later today. In the meantime, Zack Ryder karaoke: http://yfrog.com/ncrr4z

  22. The last minute of Boardwalk Empire tonight is going on the shortlist for Best Minute of TV in 2010.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sousa


      Better than that one time on Family Guy where they stretched out an unfunny moment for a full three minutes?

      ...wait, did I say one time?

      ...wait, did I say THREE MINUTES?

    3. Maxx


      *samoan drop*

      *big splash*


    4. MalaCloudy Black

      MalaCloudy Black

      shit, now I HAVE to watch the new episode before I go to bed.

  23. Screw you, there's only two days of this left.

  24. Nothing like rewatching the cutscene for the Bad Girl fight in No More Heroes to remind me how awful the dialogue in that one was.

    1. The Brian J

      The Brian J

      I liked that cutscene! Sure the dialogue wasn't great, but I like the character of Bad Girl being this completely crazy bitch who just cared about hurting people. Shit, I based a gimmick on that in one of my old diaries...

    2. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      Oh, she's an awesome character, it's why I'm reusing this one. It's just the dialogue itself in that cutscene is like... every third line sounds like it's from a different conversation entirely.

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