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GoGo Yubari

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Status Updates posted by GoGo Yubari

  1. Vote Crossbones in the EWB 100 or BE DISEASED.

  2. I just watched a match on NWA TV from the '80s in which a Thunderfoot *won* a match. They must have been really desperate for time filler.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. HailtotheYo


      Probably in July-ish time frame. They were doing the GAB tour and they needed to make EVERYBODY look good.

    3. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      Yup, that's exactly it.

    4. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      Schiavone sounds so hilariously uninterested in the match, too.

  3. For the record, the fact that you're such a good sport about the rest of us making fun of your taste in music makes you a pretty cool dude. I just wanted to say that for posterity before I go back to making fun of your taste in music. Also I might be going through a phase where I actually actively listen to Soundgarden so there's that too.

  4. I made that one the video my sig's image links to. Still, I'm thinking of cycling through a few of them, in which case that's definitely going to show up. Which reminds me, it's time to move on to the next one!

  5. Like I told Ollie when we were plotting this one out, it's a good thing I didn't pick Don because I would have made the *entire Carousel pitch* from season one my custom title.

  6. I saw your status update. Be our Don Draper, Zero, you know you want to.

  7. So am I just going to have to say "for fuck's sake, NO SPOILERS" any time anything of note happens in the world of sport/fake sport?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      What's it like living in the blind spot of the WWE? <_<

    3. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      C-MIL, some guy did a thing.

    4. C-MIL


      So called it.

  8. Halcon Guerrero: doing painfully slow armdrags soon in the Dome.

  9. Awesomely dated wrestling lines: "This is D-Generation X and we're getting jiggy with it!"

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sousa


      WOOOOOOOOOOO! Ha-ha, ha-ha!

    3. Sousa


      wicky-wicky-wicky-Wild Wild West!

    4. Benji


      GoGo West, desperado, rough rider, no he don't want nada!

  10. Just so we're clear; from here on out, there's a zero tolerance policy on World Cup Final spoilers here. If you post them, you'll be warned.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DJ Ice

      DJ Ice

      But then Joe Hart with the swerve on James. Green wasn't there for the save :(



      am I allowed to post spoilers regarding Alan Hansen's suit?

    4. New Damage

      New Damage

      It's a shame that they formed nWo Rehash #625 though.

  11. Just a friendly preemptive reminder given that US vs. Ghana is a big one; no spoilers in status updates for this match, please.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. hugobomb


      Rocks fall and everyone dies

    3. GA!


      USA... I am your father!



      bet you didn't expect me to comment on this

  12. Let's see if Kaney is wrong.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      Kaney was wrong in thinking Italics would work! Ha!

    3. Kaney


      I AM NEVER I am never wrong.

    4. Benji


      Only the actors who portray him?

  13. I, on the other hand, want to punch your avatar in the face. (All this in spite of the fact that I'm probably seeing them live later this year.)

  14. Fantastic. I'll change mine once I get off work.

  15. I hate that you changed your name before I could switch to a No More Heroes one :(

  16. ... okay, no, I have no clue if you were actually online or not. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt because it's been a long day for me and I'm just saying verbal warning until this Board Discussion stuff cleans up. By the time it does, your status will be ancient history anyway.

  17. I know you're online. Please change your status within, let's say, fifteen minutes of this comment or you're going to be warned for spoilers.

  18. Hey, could you change your status to something a little vaguer (ending of Raw, possibly)? It's not like you did an explicit spoiler or anything, but better safe than sorry.

  19. I agree. They're all really well-done portraits of characters who are all deeply flawed but also still really awesome. Here, have a GIF from season three that in no way spoils anything and is absolutely hilarious; dancingpete.gif

  20. Pete's one of those guys who has completely convinced himself he's a badass when he's more like a kid playing tough. Like when he tries to blackmail Don only to have it completely blow up in his face. But I love him for that, he's enjoyably flawed. He has a really badass moment later on in S2, though. Also, I love Paul's neckerchief in like the second episode of S2. Plus, th...

  21. I was disappointed that "A thing like that" didn't show up in your Pete Campbell name. I just watched the episode where Pete and Don go to California and I love how he is the only person in the universe who actually says that.

  22. Apparently he is a socialist. Or he hates being forced into stupid competitions where he has to sell things to win.

  23. You'll definitely vex Matt Sydal Guy. whoever that was.

  24. 1. I've been busy and forgot about that one for once.

    2. Who the hell is Daniel Bryan? That guy sucked.

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