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GoGo Yubari

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Status Updates posted by GoGo Yubari

  1. Also have you gone to Pike Place Market yet and if so, did you go to Golden Age Collectibles?

  2. God, was that like *sixteen hours* of downtime there?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kaney
    3. Fitzy


      I blame your face!

    4. SeanDMan


      See, this is yet another reason to put the Internet on a big truck.


    1. The Brian J

      The Brian J

      WaYuigi is back. Now the comments are fun again.

  4. I give the Little Boy Robot an F.

    1. TEOL


      "Is that a Girl Scout cookie reference?"

      "Yes it is."

  5. Last call to vote on EWB's Favorite Singer II! I have seriously no idea what this one is going to look like beyond the top two, it will either be amazing or terrifying or both.

  6. I forgot about how hilarious Steve Corino's endless, crowd-killing intros were in RoH circa 2003.

    1. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      Bobby Cruise is currently going through a seemingly neverending list of wrestlers who have held some NWA belt that Corino was holding at that point. He got to Rick Rude, which drew a huge pop, and then followed it up with Lex Luger which drew HUGE boos to hilarious reactions from Corino and Christopher Daniels.

    2. LUKIE


      It would have been one half of the NWA Intercontinental Tag Team from Zero-One.

  7. So are you actually a fan of One Piece or do you just like Tony Tony Chopper? Because your sig is tremendous.

  8. Tell me more of your hatred of Brian May!

  9. Manage Ignored Users should be under Change Avatar in the profile section, unless you were joking.

  10. Holy shit, Manny Fernandez suplexed Abdullah the Butcher! Starrcade '85 is AWESOME thusfar for this reason.

    1. Plubby


      Dude was only 11 then. Impressive!

  11. I would like to once again advocate for the use of the Ignore button, EWB. It's a trip, man.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      Seriously, though, whilst it's the ORO/TEVOL thing that triggered this one it's been something I've been thinking for the last day; the biggest problem with The Ring is that instead of ignoring certain people, everyone jumps at the chance to tell them how stupid they are. I'm not innocent in that one myself, either.

    3. TEOL


      I didn't think it was a secret that most of my posts come straight from the heart onto the page without bothering to trigger the brain.

    4. IDOL


      The only person on my ignore list is sahyder1. Fuck that guy.

  12. I will make the bold prediction that the team from Seattle will *not* go all the way.

  13. Tonight I ended up on stage with Stereo Total during their encore. I did the Alex Wright dance. I am a cool and dignified person.

    1. SeanDMan


      What else could a person do in such an oppurtunity? Mick Foley's dance is too hard on the knees.

  14. If you switch back to The ROCayanagi Twins or so on we'll be that much closer to a full League of EWBvil Exes. LIVE THE DREAM.

  15. Quick, back to GEDion Graves (I think I've already forgotten how you spelled it!)! We're like two name changes away from a full League of EWBvil Exes.

  16. Tell that to the cleaning lady on Monday.

  17. I hope we get the Australian TV report every week.



  19. At least, I hope your post was basically saying "shut up about TJ and get back to the thread topic" in other words.

  20. Naturally Be is the one who has "Invaders Must Die" as his theme.

  21. I was considering being Gideon GoGordon Graves and that would have been my exact custom title, but I love Roxy way too much. Evil Ex five.

  22. You've still got a couple hours to vote for Crossbones in the EWB100! Don't miss your chance to support a great, great man!


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