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Status Updates posted by Lint

  1. Watching The Wizard...god..is it bad I can ID most of the games by their music?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Maxx


      I take credit for this.

    3. Beefus of Bethesda

      Beefus of Bethesda

      Not at all. I can tell a Zelda or Mario tune from a block away, among many other games tunes.

    4. Mick


      The Wizard is awesome :shifty:

  2. Terror alert level elevated to "Confetti"

  3. Tonight at 8:11pm, Skynet will come online..

    1. Mick


      This ain't 1997!

    2. mrmayhem87


      wouldn't it have happened in 2004?

  4. Yay for the Flyers...Fuck you to Kyle Kendrick on the Phillies...Kendrick'd...

    1. Plubby


      Yay Boucher! The Waterboy rides again!

  5. Lets go Flyers

    1. Sweet Holy Moses

      Sweet Holy Moses

      Stupid, stupid Buffalo. Nobody likes Buffalo.

    2. Lint


      Should've won that game. Flyers played good..Ryan Miller is just a beast

  6. Geez..what the hell did I miss today?

  7. Yea...Mystery Team is a wierd ass movie..good, funny..but wierd..

  8. love they been using this for UT/Hunter
  9. Decent short term fix for slowness...use the mobile skin. GRanted, its a bit quicker because less loads, but it still loads noticably faster then the board currently is

  10. One of the Libyian opposition fighters said "the winds of change are blowing" in an article on CNN.com. Now we know what the greater purpose for Nexus was..freedom for Libya!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SeanDMan


      Not really surprising, given that Anderson Cooper referred to the Egyptian protestors as "Wild And Young".

    3. Lint


      So we know the truth...Wade Barrett: Middle Eastern Revolutionary

    4. Lineker


      Clearly he's talking about the Genesis of McGillicutty.

    1. DJ Ice

      DJ Ice

      Hmmm, don't think I'm going to like that

    2. OctoberRaven


      So in addition to a Jets fan, DJ Ice is apparently a Juggalo.

      This explains everything.

  11. Mister Jooooones and me

    1. Hornswoggle4PM


      ...tell each other fairytales.

  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32OPyEAraU4 I can picture Jericho in a suit delivering this same promo..
  13. Never realized how far behind on Shimmer I was..just popped in vol 27 and hear how Serena Deeb signed a development deal with WWE..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ThrillhouseMAX


      Her tits have developed a lump in my shorts, tbh.

    3. Rocky


      I miss Serena's Deebs :(

    4. Lint


      I always preferred Serena Double Deebs..

  14. listening to an interview with Eagles president Joe Banner...he keeps saying "I don't want to play devils advocate" and "I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.."

    1. Heel Turn

      Heel Turn

      Maybe he's signing Sean O'Haire to shore up the D line. Christ knows he'd be better than some of the guys they have on there.

    2. Lint


      I'd laugh if it wasn't true..

  15. Seriously Hollywood? Did we REALLY need a "gritty" Little Red Riding Hood?

    1. OctoberRaven


      You do realize that most fairy tales, Riding Hood included, were pretty fucked up when originally written right?

    2. New Damage

      New Damage

      You mean Twilight with more red cloaks?

    3. IDOL


      If the blond chick shows as much frontal nudity as she did in Chloe, then YES YES YES

  16. I would like to thank Zero for being the only wrestling blogger I follow on Facebook to not spoil RAW in the description of their RAW Recap..

  17. Mega Python vs Gatoroid sucked...so disappointed in SyFy..

    1. zero


      Were you expecting The Shawshark Redemption?

    2. Lint


      No...but I was atleast expecting cheesy bad..not bad bad

  18. Here comes Peter Cottontail

    1. Rocky


      I like this one the best.

  19. I'd like to thank the Flyers and the Eagles for shitting the bed tonight...way to not show up there guys..

    1. Maxx


      I could review an episode of Double Dare, would that make you feel better?

  20. The Miz on Preston and Steve in Philly..and a GREAT facepalm by Preston

  21. Speed of lightning, roar of thunder,Fighting all who rob or plunder Underdog, Underdog.

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