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Everything posted by Naitch

  1. Here's a question for those of you with actual memories of football in the 1990s: When was David James at the peak of his career? I ask because I just found out he made over 200 appearances for Liverpool between 1992 and 1999. Due to the fact that I don't really have any memories of football before the 2002 World Cup, I only really know him alongside Paul Robinson as competing for the England keeper's spot following Seaman retiring. I knew James was the more experienced of the two, already being in his 30s at the time, but I still think of him as a Man City or Portsmouth player, as opposed to Liverpool or, apparently, Aston Villa/West Ham. For me, the period between David Seaman and Joe Hart is the era of England keepers being Premier League relegation or Championship-level, Robinson aside. Back to the question; David James, when was he at his best?
  2. Naitch

    FIFA 20

    Top players planning to object to use of their likenesses in FIFA.
  3. None of Burnley, Bournemouth, or Brighton actually won promotion to the Premier League. The league has a contractual obligation to have at least one team beginning with B.
  4. 2000 - Ziege and Zagorakis 2008 - Zenden and Zamora 2011 - Zamora and Zabaleta 2019 - Zaha and Zouma These are all complete guesses and the letter Z no longer looks like a real letter.
  5. Wouldn't the kind of special mode ORO is suggesting be much better using an iconic national hero? Generational stars and/or former international captains from their respective countries. Andy Selva leading the Sammarinese revival, for example.
  6. This but subbing off the first three to hit 80% or lower, 85% with yellow cards, and a preference for starting players needing match fitness for cup and European group games.
  7. Less matches equals more valuable? That's a very un-UEFA (and FIFA) thing to say. If only they felt that way about international tournaments...
  8. "He'd do that to a male linesman"... the man has been playing football professionally for 17 years, if they can't provide evidence of him doing it then you have to imagine he hasn't.
  9. Anyone up for joining Werewolves mafia as a replacement player?

  10. I would but I'm a Chelsea fan who's never had the means nor the money to (legally) watch them play much before, outside of the FA Cup and European matches. Not sure how much I'd be willing to pay for that honour but even £5 a match (£190 if you watch every one) sounds like too much. Maybe for the bigger matches.
  11. Current tenure presumably, so the likes of Aston Villa are only on one complete season. What I find more shocking is that West Ham get in over former champions Leicester through the same rule (since 2012 for the former compared to 2014 for the latter).
  12. My first thought was that there's no way Germany get it ahead of England, purely based on their hosting of the 2006 World Cup. Then I remembered how badly we're bungling our COVID-19 response when compared to the Germans and douche canoeing our way over the Brexit waterfall at the end of the year.
  13. I actually think Norwich might benefit from signing him and either cashing in on Pukki or getting rid of Drmic. If Welbeck's prepared to drop down to the Championship, that is.
  14. Thinking about it, it's almost a shame that Leicester already achieved their unpredictable title win a few years back (and Liverpool finally ended their dry spell). I'd love the fairytale return of Leeds to end with them lifting the the Premier League trophy. And yes, I was just pulling your leg Matt
  15. Solely to annoy Matt (and all the other Leeds fans who'd undoubtedly be furious).
  16. Not if Ole gets sacked and Man Utd come sniffing around...
  17. Norwich's poor results came from their inability to score just as much as a leaky defence. They only scored 7 of those goals away from Carrow Road and just 2 goals in their last 14 games, 1 in 9 after the restart. Pukki very much fizzled out (his last goal from open play was in mid-December), Drmic never delivered in front of goal, and I know a lot of fans were getting frustrated that Farke didn't really deviate from the tactics that barely won them the Championship. Even when it was clear they were going down in the midst of the club's worst ever run of losses, he didn't change up the tactics or give youngsters like Adam Idah a chance.
  18. Just Max Aarons and Todd Cantwell to go before Norwich spend years as a mid-table Championship side.
  19. I actually prefer the grey one. It's more in line with Enter Shikari shirts I already have. Still not shilling out £45 for a team I couldn't even tell you the division they're in though. I'd consider it at £30.
  20. I want to believe that Norwich would use the funds gained from selling off Lewis and Godfrey to re-invest in the team. However, the fact that they're almost certainly going to be in a financial black hole from losing matchday revenue AND top-flight football TV income means that these sales are almost certainly just going to be keeping the club afloat. I feel fairly confident in saying that Norwich won't be going back up next year. If Ipswich can avoid bungling their form again this season then I'm pretty sure the East Anglian derby will be back in 2021/22.
  21. Pictured: David Beckham being a loving and responsible dog owner.
  22. Ugh, you just reminded me that Drinkwater still has a Chelsea contract.
  23. Yay less games, now we can focus on continuing ballsing up the league until January! I say this in full confidence that Chelsea will either breeze the Champions League group stages only to get knocked out in the second round, or finish third in the group and reach at least the semi finals of the Europa League.
  24. My first one was FM07 on the Xbox 360 and it was so difficult to play. It created my overuse of the assistant manager's automatic team selection because manually swapping players around took so damn long. I still suffer from it to this day just from habit.
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