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MNM X Koofi e R-Truth

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Everything posted by MNM X Koofi e R-Truth

  1. just bought Wrestling Spirit 2 and I think I'm already starting to regret it. Not as fun as it seems, to me at least.

    1. OctoberRaven


      It's not the best Ryland game. Are you playing Rookie to Legend?

    2. MNM X Koofi e R-Truth

      MNM X Koofi e R-Truth

      Yeah, that's all I've tried so far. I'm thinking maybe the one where you take over for a superstar may be fun. I just wish there were more mods. I have Cornellverse and DOTT.

    3. OctoberRaven


      I never tried DOTT. Rookie to Legend takes a looong time to ever get to a good promotion, and you need to play the outright silly blackjack-ish game to get the relationships to make it to a name promotion.

      Superstar Challenge is a bit more engaging, or the League Mode if you just want to do matches.

  2. killed the blacks from Glory. amidoingitrite

  3. k so who is in this revolution promo? apparently they're familiar but i'm not recognizing them.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      Kso? Is that like an evil Uso?

    3. Evil Chase K

      Evil Chase K

      The return of Kenta Kobashi.

    4. Whtie Dolphin

      Whtie Dolphin

      OBVIOUSLY its for Kizarny.

  4. so dmv just sent me a letter that my registration will be suspended since i never sent them proof of insurance. problem is i did send them proof of insurance. fucccccck.

    1. Lineker


      Poor old Gi-oh, wait.... you're not Gil!!

    2. MNM X Koofi e R-Truth
    3. Fudge


      S.V. Ellis. Keep up.

  5. besides Monster and Careerbuilder, what are some sites to find jobs? Haven't had to look in years...

  6. My friend Sophia's girlfriend left her a few years after her operation because she couldn't come to terms with everything.
  7. What I'm interested in knowing in this instance is what is going to happen with Laura and Heather's marriage, legally.
  8. Yes. And then I've met people who are transgendered that disagree and didn't want to be called her until they finished the process. And then I have gay friends who want to be called her but identify as men. So really, I don't think it's always that clear cut. If they're transgendered and DON'T want to be called her, they're probably not transgendered. The whole ide of gender dysmorphia is that you believe you were born into the wrong gender. Consequently, if you believed you were a female why would you want to be referred to as a male?
  9. technically, the phrase would be good for her and she has guts.
  10. Why don't you just download the demo versions of all the ones you don't have and convert them yourself?
  11. who the fuck is dan.

    1. Summers


      What? Get the fuck out. He was the punchline of the best ever EWB joke. http://www.ewbattleground.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=28924

    2. The Lusophone

      The Lusophone

      Dan is an arcade game developed by Namco and licensed for distribution in the U.S. by Midway, first released in Japan on May 22, 1980. The player controls Dan through a maze, eating Dan-dots and avoiding four ghosts.

  12. Picked the house I want to rent, the wife is looking at it in a few hours. With any luck we'll have a new house in a week

  13. My one year is watching smack down with me.

    1. MNM X Koofi e R-Truth

      MNM X Koofi e R-Truth

      Change the channel and WFX is on. Didn't even know they had a show

  14. looking at apartments saturday :)

  15. pick your poison, the Jake Roberts DVD will be here when I get home from work.

    1. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      For authenticity, it's waiting with a mean look, an empty bottle of whisky and a pair of fists with your name on them.

    2. KONGO


      Your name is written across both fists just so it has to punch you twice to get your attention.

  16. I'm marking huge for Jake Roberts right now.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. EWB's Best Poster.

      EWB's Best Poster.

      Whats wrong with half of you? Its racist, thats what.

    3. Your Mom

      Your Mom

      That happened to me once. But instead of Ham and Jake the Snake it was a Rueben and Kamala.

    4. Your Mom

      Your Mom

      That happened to me once. But instead of Ham and Jake the Snake it was a Rueben and Kamala.

  17. Would you accept a job with decent pay forty miles from your kid if it meant being that 90 miles closer?

    1. C-MIL


      No. I hate my kid.

    2. KONGO


      Ate your amazing tin can collection. Good reason to hate him.

    3. C-MIL


      Oh, you don't know the half of it.

  18. would it be awful to call off work tomorrow to go see my son?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Redefine Sick
    3. Your Mom

      Your Mom

      The way you post about how little you get to see him I would punch my boss in the face to see my son if I had to.

    4. Your Mom

      Your Mom

      The way you post about how little you get to see him I would punch my boss in the face to see my son if I had to.

  19. Hopefully gonna watch CHIKARA The Renaissance Dawns tonight. advance reviews?

    1. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      Black T-Shirt Squad vs. Gold Bond Mafia is a good main event. That's all I've seen off of those thusfar because it was on the Best of 2002 DVD.

  20. this is going to sound so gay. who watched wife swap tonight? was it any good?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Sousa


      Why would emotionally imbalanced people watch Wife Swap?

    3. MNM X Koofi e R-Truth
    4. Gazz


      Why would females... oh, Sousa's already asked this question... ¬_¬

  21. was that champ/champ match worth watching? i normally don't watch the weeklys but i feel like that'd be a good one.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. GoGo Yubari
    3. The Lusophone

      The Lusophone

      the Punk/Bryan match was pretty good.

    4. TGC


      It was excellent. And don't trust C-Mil's word on anything WWE does.

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