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Everything posted by Toe

  1. One thing that these Leafs have had - and continue to have - is a dangerous penalty kill. They always seem to create chances. Samsonov let in a stinker last night but seemed to calm down after and looked OK. The Leafs also did a good job limiting quality chances against him.
  2. Toronto controlled good stretches of the game, but the powerplay just couldn't come together. That final goal by the Canadiens was one that Murray should definitely have stopped. Let's see what Samsonov has tonight.
  3. That's actually part of the appeal for me - being able to just spend a good chunk of the day listening to these two guys talk about why they love these dumb movies.
  4. Comedy Bang! Bang! is the only podcast that's almost caused me to crash my car. It's hilarious, insane, and features some of the best improvisers around. With Gourley And Rust is a podcast about horror movies, but it's the coziest horror movie podcast around. Unlike most review shows, they seem to always find the positives in the movies they watch - even when they don't like the movie. They started their show by reviewing all the Friday The 13th, Halloween, and Nightmare On Elm Street movies, and right now are watching "Yuppie Nightmare" movies like Fatal Attraction.
  5. Orisa was my favourite to play as in the first game, so now I'm curious to try OW2.
  6. Blue Jays started the season with a big comeback win, and end it with a huge collapse.
  7. Toe

    The Horror Thread

    The new season of Chucky started this week, and it definitely comes out kickin'. Season one was really fun, so I highly recommend people check it out!
  8. How are people feeling with the new season officially starting (at least for 2 teams) tomorrow? I think the Leafs will be fine. I don't trust either of the goalies they've brought in, but I think at worst the Leafs have the firepower to still score their way to a playoff spot. Once we get to the postseason? Who knows.
  9. I'd be terrified of a first-round match-up against Scherzer and DeGrom.
  10. I remember Subban doing some TV stuff with Sportsnet during the half-season lockout, and he was pretty good. I could easily see him becoming a part of their NHL coverage.
  11. Haha, no worries. I've seen horror stories on Reddit, but I've only had great experiences finding a group on Roll20. It's actually how I met the group I've been with for a couple years now - I wanted to try out the new Star Trek Adventures RPG, and found someone putting together a game. I've never paid for a DM, so I'd be curious to hear some experiences from people that have.
  12. The group I've played with for a couple years now used Roll20 and we've recently moved to a different virtual tabletop called The Forge. I like Roll20 as a player. I find it pretty easy to use, and it has a lot of support for D&D. I could never quite get a grip of it from the DMs side, but I think I could get a handle of it if I watched some online videos or something.
  13. Toe

    Star Trek TV

    Pretty excited for this. The first two seasons of Picard have been up and down, but I've still enjoyed them quite a bit. And of course, I'm just happy to get one last ride with the crew that I grew up with.
  14. I'm thinking of mixing up his spell list too, just to add in some more spice.
  15. We haven't got to the dinner party yet, haha! They are all level 6 now, so I think Strahd would actually have a tough time in a fair fight. I need to think up some ways to split up the party and have Strahd hit-and-move.
  16. I've now had three sessions in a row that boiled down to "travel to X, huge fight for 4 hours". Players have enjoyed it though. This last fight finally had them get their hands on some magic loot and ended with Strahd inviting them over for dinner!
  17. Yeah, although I think getting Gasly would be a good consolation prize.
  18. So this looks like it could be a lot of fun...
  19. Toe

    The Horror Thread

    I love Scream 4. And Scream 5 was great, too. The only one I don't love is Scream 3 - it tones down the gore and is missing the music from the previous films.
  20. I saw something earlier about Haas offering him a seat, so it seems like Ricciardo isn't finished in F1. Does this mean the situation with Alpine and Piastri is resolved?
  21. Just watching for a few moments - I think they've delivered on creating a "No Mercy" style game.
  22. What are people's expectations for the final 8 races? Does anyone see Ferrari turning things around, or has Verstappen got the title in the bag?
  23. I'll put it in tags just to be safe.
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