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Everything posted by VerbalPuke

  1. I know a fellow in St. Louis that I exchange music with, so he can give me a good idea of the Bad Religion I should check out. Speaking of psychobilly, The Reverend Horton Heat played a show here not too long ago. I fucking missed that...god damnit. Since you're from Canada, I'd like to ask if you have ever seen Nomeansno live? If you haven't heard them, then hear them soon. Absolutely fantastic group, As a matter of fact, I looked up the Refused's bio on AMG, and Nomeansno was listed as a similar artist to them. Another good festival that may have been a one shot deal was the "Holiday in the Sun", which was alot of old school punk, crust punk, and other shit. The only band I remember from the bill was Anti Nowhere League, and they rule.
  2. The only band on the bill I'd have any interest in seeing would be The Casualties, and even then I'm not a huge fan of them. I've heard only a small sampling of Bad Religion, the song "We're only gonna die". That is a pretty damn good song, and if the rest of their stuff is like that, then I could get into them. There was also a smaller tour going around, it was a "Punks vs. Physcobilly" kind of thing, the only band I heard for the tour was The Business. I wish I could have caught that.
  3. I think our best bet for guarding Shaq is to continue the rotation of different bodies on him. I think both Mehmet Okur and Elden Cambell did an admirable job of guarding him in game 1 (I missed almost all of game 2, so I can't comment on how those two did, I do know Elden was in early foul trouble, had 3 before the second half correct?). I still like the Pistons chances of winning this series, and I think they should be encouraged that they took one game in L.A., despite this "HEART BREAKING LOSS!!!!" in game 2. It's a shitty loss, but the Pistons have come back from tough losses through this playoff series. This series is about to get interesting, and even if the outcome is another Laker championship win, I'm still proud of my Pistons for a very good season. As a side note, I'm fucking pissed off that I couldn't get tickets to game 4. They only released 2000 tickets to the fans, 1000 for internet buyers, and 1000 for people going to an actual box office. I love how they kept the rest of tickets for the "important people" as opposed to making every ticket available, for the true fans.
  4. VerbalPuke

    How much

    I'll shell out top dollar for a CD if I really believe it's worth it. However, I generally pay anywhere between 5-13 bucks for my cd's. I like to buy them online mostly, but always like browsing the used section in record stores.
  5. I don't think the Pistons heart has been ripped out. They gave the Lakers a good game at home, took them to overtime. We should be lucky to have the series split right? The Pistons have won big games throughout the Playoffs, and all I'm saying is that there is alot more basketball to be played.
  6. I like the idea of Chauncey Billups having his break-out games against the Lakers. It's almost as if ice water runs through his veins when he sinks big shots. Rasheed had a nice game despite not playing most of the first half. I think as a whole the Pistons did well, our bench produced quality minutes, and all of the starters were effective. Also, I think that this current Piston team is a hell of alot better than the Sixers team that also took game 1. I've been saying it all along, but we have a hell of a shot at winning this series.
  7. I noticed that Ren and Stimpy just isn't as funny as it used to be. Not because it changed, but because I got older. However, I still laugh my ass off whenever I watch Beavis and Buthead. Beavis and Butthead will forever go down as one of my all time favorite cartoons. They've actually had alot of awesome bands on the show when they play the music videos.
  8. I believe this game was called "Captain America and the Avengers", you were close. I remember this game because I loved playing it on Sega Genesis, I'm fairly sure the games are the same. The four characters were Captain America, Iron Man, Hawk Eye, and Vision. You fought Red Skull at the end of the game, this game rocks man.
  9. I read through the paper yesterday, and apparently back in November when the Pistons beat the Lakers in Detroit, Rick Fox told Joe Dumars "See you in the finals this year". It goes to show you that Detroit is respected, and I don't think LA will take the Pistons lightly either. I think we have as good of a chance as anybody to win a series against the Lakers. Keep in mind, we beat the Lakers before Rasheed was a part of the team. Wether he will be a factor is yet to be determined. I think one key to our success is how our bench plays. We need to get alot of production out of Mehmet Okur, Corliss Williamson, and Elden Cambell. Lindsey Hunter will hopefully continue playing his superb defense.
  10. The audience is who should have had their ass kicked, for paying to see those two shitty bands. There probably is more to this story, although my assumption is Godsmack's crew probably did go over the line here.
  11. I found that quite a few bands I like were part of the 80s. A few of my favorites included The Mentors, Fear, Bad Brains, Kraut, Reagan Youth, Suicidal Tendencies, D.R.I., The Adolescents, and more. This was a great era for punk, metal, thrash, oi, etc. Hell I even like some of the New Wave stuff, Devo in particular.
  12. Quoted for emphasis. You asked where the rest of the EWB Motor City was, well here is...some of it? Yeah, I'm happier than a pig in shit that the Pistons are in the finals, it's a great accomplishment. Many might credit Rip, Ben, or Rasheed, but I give this one to Joe Dumars. Big Joe has built this team from the ground up, making shrewd trades, and even pulling the trigger when Larry Brown became available. So yeah, I'm really fucking pumped up right now, but I think the up-coming series doesn't look to bright for us. If we continue shooting this badly, the Lakers are going to swallow us whole. I think the Pistons are capable of pulling off the upset here, very capable, but the Lakers are just so dominant. If I am able to get out of working next Saturday, than you can bet your sweet ass I will be in the crowd for Game 4. The tickets are going to be exspensive, but going to the NBA finals live is a rare opportunity. I wouldn't miss it for the world (only for work). That would be me, the other Puke.
  13. Nomeansno (Even though I'm not Canadian) Billy Childish and thee Headcoats/Milkshakes/Pop Rivets/Buff Medways etc. (I'm also not from the U.K.) The Offs (I am from the U.S. though, but not from San Francisco) The Chosen Few (Austrailin)
  14. Albums: Minutemen - Double Nickels on the Dime Black Sabbath - Paranoid Johnny Thunders - L.A.M.F. Bad Brains - Self Titled Dead Kennedys - Plastic Surgery Disasters/In God We Trust Inc. Songs: Reagan Youth - Jesus Was a Communist Richard Hell and the Voidoids - Blank Generation The Offs - 100 Dollar Limo Dead Boys - Hey Little Girl The Doors - Not to touch the earth
  15. VerbalPuke


    Heh, funny I saw this performance as well at my friends house. If they are what is representing EMO right now then I think I'll pass. Alot of people said Dashboard sucks and isn't the kind of "emo" they like, but that Switchfoot wasn't much better. Although Switchfoot reminded more of a Nickleback clone, which is the last thing we need. (I'm waiting for the booo's and hisses of all the Nickleback fans now)
  16. I just recieved the "Decline of Western Civilization" today in the mail. It was a fifty dollar purchase, but I divided the cost with a friend, so it was only 25. Anyway, this is a great little punk documentary from the early 80s. This tape is pretty rare as it's currently out of print, so some copies can go as high as 350 dollars. It's hard to find master copies of this video, and they usually are extremely expensive. Anyway, this tape has some great footage of Black Flag, The Germs, X, The Bags, Catholic Discipline, Circle Jerks, and Fear. They show alot of interviews with the members of these bands, and even a few interviews with the club owners of that era. I'd recommend this movie to all fans of punk, young and old, big and small, fat and skinny, etc. If somehow you have the opportunity to view this, or can find this for a price you deem reasonable, then by all means watch it. And also, has anybody here already seen this? Add your own comments if you have, I'm interested in hearing other opinions.
  17. Pit Fighter- Take control of one of three fighters with different styles and take place in underground battles. Digitized graphics and great gameplay aplenty. That is the greatest fucking fighting game of all time. Pit Fighter was such an incredible game, albeit a limitation in characters to select. However, I felt that the controls were very simple, but still you had a good set of moves for the type of game that is was. I also loved the interactive environments you would fight in. People from the crowd would attack you at random, and you could knock them down. Also a nice variety of weapons to choose from, nothing like smashing a stool over somebodys face.
  18. Man oh man, I am so glad we eliminated New Jersey. Of the four major American sports, I detest the Nets more than any other opposing team (which says alot with the Packers being the previous #1). I'm going to say Pistons in 7 against the Pacers, I just have a feeling that this is our year to challenge the West. I think it'll go 7 games, simply because the Pacers are better than New Jersey, and we went 7 with NJ.
  19. I have a DVD titled "Essential Clash". I'm sure not every song on it is included on the actual album, but it does have great footage. It also includes a black and white silent film, that the Clash made. As for cd's I'd like to buy... Cockney Rejects greatest Hits Vol. 1 and 2. Subway Sect's best of album. And can anybody give a quick review of the Clash's "Give Em' Enough Rope" album?
  20. I like the good old days, when punk bands didn't hate one specific politician. I liked it when they said fuck everybody, as opposed to one man. I think this CD should have been "Rock Against Politicians" to get a true meaning to it.
  21. The Stooges - We Will Fall I just can't get into this song, it's not something I want to hear from the Stooges. The Germs - Sex Boy Another song I have trouble getting into. I love the Germs, but this is one song I never listen to much. Thats about all I can think of. It's hard for me to find a bad song amongst my favorite bands.
  22. Same here, something about Jello I didn't like before. Of course now, I love the band. They are one of my all time favorites. Condemned 84 - The Boots Go Marching In Crass - Best Before 1984 Descendents - Milo Goes to College Battalion of Saints A.D. - Cuts
  23. 1. Taxi Driver - Travis Bickle stands in the mirror and utters the famous "You Talkin to Me? You Talkin to Me?" line. 2. Deer Hunter - Yet another Deniro selection. John Cazalle, a hunting buddy wants to borrow a pair of hunting boots from Deniro. Deniro refuses and eventually comes to the line "You see this? This is this, it aint nothing else". The line makes no sense, but it's classic anyway. 3. Romper Stomper - The end when Davey stabs Hando in the back of the neck, a knife Hando helped Davey buy. Sweet irony. 4. Trainspotting - I get a kick out of the interview Spud gives after he is hopped up on speed. This is the part where he is speaking quickly, and trying to fuck up his chance at getting the job. 5. A Clockwork Orange - I like when Alex slams his cane into Dim's stomach/lap, after Dim disrespects a woman singing Bheetoven. It shows a bit of class on Alex's part.
  24. You could also go with the Dictators cover, or the original by the Rivieras. All three are great choices. L.A. Girl - The Adolescents I figured I could find more Cali songs...I can't.
  25. AH, sorry I my idea's were useless, I guess it was a bit of a reach for some. However, I will try again... Primus - This could be one you might be more specific and just stick with Les Claypool. As we all know, Primus is still very active, and Claypool may be the greatest bass player of all time. It seems this would be a good addition for funkier, more abstract rock from today. Mike Patton - He's works with so many groups, it's best to just stick with Patton himself. His music is also very much like Claypool's, in that it's a bit different than much of everything else. Patton throws alot of musical variations into his music, and would also be a good mention. Elvis Costello - He has been active for years, and he has experimented with so many different kinds of music. He's branched into punk, new wave, country, or just straight rock. Costello is also still a great show to see live, and even had a new album out last year.
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