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Everything posted by Hellraiser

  1. 10 years ago today we lost Ronnie James Dio to stomach cancer.
  2. Her real name is Pelessaria B'Sayle. She goes by Peebee because she doesn't like it. And she is the best character in this game.
  3. During a recent earnings call EA confirmed that they are working on an HD remaster. Technology website VentureBeat claims that EA confirmed they're remastering the Mass Effect trilogy. EA hasn't confirmed anything yet. If it happens I hope that they'll include all the DLC.
  4. And major plot details have been leaked. So watch out for that if you don't want to be spoiled.
  5. Spoilers for episode 8:
  6. I've enjoyed this season a lot so far. Much more than season 2. The only thing I'm not down with is the Hale-host subplot.
  7. Welp, now the waiting game begins again. I doubt that this show will be back by early 2021 like they had initially planned. Let's hope that Jonathan Banks and Mark Margolis make it through this pandemic unscathed.
  8. WrestleMania: The Arcade Game 2k20 or bust. I wanna hear Michael Cole yell "BOOM CHAKALAKA"!
  9. So I finally bought this game. Got it for about 5 or 6 bucks at the PSN march sale. Just finished the final mission. I'd say it's a solid 7/10 for me. The technical stuff didn't bother me too much. Yes, it didn't look as good as other games that came out around the same time even with all the updates that they eventually rolled out. But I can look past that if the story is good, which it was. What really brought the game down for me were all the generic open world shenanigans. Big worlds that look pretty but feel empty and there is usually nothing to do but tedious and repetitive busy work. The day that this open world fad finally goes away can't come soon enough. Then there all the loose ends that will never be tied up because this was supposed to be the first part of another trilogy that will likely never happen. Stuff like the benefactor and Garson's murder, the history of the Jardaan, the other arks or Ryder's mom. The combat was fine but overall a bit too chaotic for my taste. I enjoyed the story a lot. The Angarans are a very interesting race and the Kett formidable villains even if they are just an organic version of the Borg without the hive mind. The best part of this game by far is the crew and their loyalty missions. I love all of them and their interactions. Not one boring character among them. Even driving around the empty open worlds is made more fun by hearing them bicker. Especially Peebee and Dreck. Or Peebee and Jaal. Or Peebee and Vetra. Peebee is probably my favorite and I would've romanced her if I hadn't already decided to flirt with Suvi and didn't want to break her heart. I like them even more than my Normandy crew. But then again I haven't gone back to the original trilogy since ME3 came out. So my opinion might be a bit different if I had replayed the original trilogy recently and everything that happened there was still fresh in my mind. The ending was a bit anticlimactic but makes sense if you keep in mind that this was supposed to set up another trilogy. I would've liked to have a big boss fight but the lack of it didn't bother me too much. And, as it has been already pointed out here, in the end the Archon is just a dude who doesn't even have full support from his superiors. Although the fight against the architect controlled by him probably would have been more impactful if I hadn't already beaten 4 of them by that point. Overall the game is nowhere near as bad as it was made out to be. But I guess if you have to follow up one of the most beloved trilogies in gaming history the deck is automatically stacked against you. And if you then mess up the launch like Bioware did with Andromeda backlash is inevitable. I'd still recommend this to every Mass Effect fan.
  10. So I take it that I'm the only one who was underwhelmed by the last batch of episodes? The people involved in making the show have hyped up the final episodes of this season so much on social media. I was expecting Breaking Bad season 5 levels of escalation. And while these last few episodes have been really good nothing big has happened yet.
  11. I also enjoyed the episode. Let's hope they don't mess it up this time around.
  12. They were also allegedly rewriting stuff for season 2 because someone on reddit figured out a plot twist. I don't know if Jonathan Nolan was being serious when he said that though.
  13. They also have a second channel named Jolly on which they let the priest from the video above react to christian memes, among other things.
  14. I don't want to have to edit things as I go along. I just want to pick whoever I want to pick and start playing. MyCareer would be just fine for that if it wasn't for all the limitations you have when it comes to creating your wrestler.
  15. Season 2 was very underwhelming but I'm still looking forward to this.
  16. I really wish that these games had an old school style season mode where you can just choose whoever you want and play through it. No the MyCareer stuff where you have to create a wrestler from scratch and are limited on what moves you can use or how they look because you have to unlock that stuff with microtransactions or WWE Universe mode where you have to book the shows yourself. Something like in HCTP. Even something basic like the Season mode in the PSX games would do. As far as I am concerned they don't even have to do voice acting. I'm fine with text. Or at least give me the option to clear the towers with whomever I want to do it. Or the option create custom towers.
  17. CBS are trying to get a show Clarice Starling from Silence Of The Lambs off the ground. They aren't the first to try. Back in 2012 Lifetime announced that they were working on a show called "Glarice" after NBC announced that they were going to do a TV show about Hannibal Lecter. The proposed Lifetime show did not go forward though. The new show is supposed to take place in 1993, a year after the events of Silence Of The Lambs. The show will be written and produced by Alex Kurtzman (Star Trek: Picard, Fringe) and Jenny Lumet (Star Trek: Discovery, Star Trek: Picard). https://deadline.com/2020/01/clarice-silence-of-the-lambs-sequel-tv-series-cbs-alex-kurtzman-jenny-lumet-big-commitment-1202828050/
  18. So I watched Highlander the Source for the first time today. They had former Uriah Heep singer John Sloman re-record Queen's "Princes Of The Universe" and "Who Wants To Live Forever": The lounge version of "Who Wants To Live Forever" is the worst.
  19. It's in the trailer. I don't think we need to put Han's return in spoiler tags. If they want us to be surprised bit it they shouldn't have put it in there. Edit: Nevermind. Totally forgot that Mia was Dom's sister. Makes totally sense to bring her back since this is about family.
  20. Wait, wasn't this supposed to be the final season? Did they renew it?
  21. For all the people for whom the video linked above is blocked as well:
  22. Helloween have reunited with former vocalist Michael Kiske and former guitarist Kai Hansen back in 2016. They have toured the world under the "Pumpkins United" banner for the last 3 years and they are working on a new album right now. Also the Night Flight Orchestra, the AOR/Classic Rock side project by Soilwork vocalist Björn Strid, will release a new album in February which I can't wait to hear. Demons & Wizards, the side project by Blind Guardian's Hansi Kürsch and Iced Earth mastermind Jon Schaffer, will finally release their 3rd album next moth as well.
  23. TMZ are reporting that one of his daughters, Gianna Maria Onore Bryant, died in the crash as well. Truly awful...
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