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Everything posted by Hellraiser

  1. There are several Hitlers in the Workshop. The first one was published in mid July.
  2. Kurt Angle's face looks weird.
  3. I get where you are coming from but I think there can a happy medium between dragging everything out, having everyone move further apart and and getting everyone involved in more and more subplots (which I've heard Martin being criticized for by some book fans) and rushing everything to get to the end as fast as possible and logic and character developement be damned like the showrunners are doing with this show. And especially after episode 5 I simply don't buy their excuse of not having enough material. You could've easily stretched the plot of this episode out over like 3 episodes.
  4. For current cuts for WWE wrestlers you can always go to their homepage. NJPW also uploads the profile pictures of their roster in the .png format. And I think RoH does as well but I'm not 100% sure about that.
  5. Holy shit! Sooooooooo much stuff happened in this episode! In the past they would've needed like half a season's worth of episodes to tell the same story and move all the players around like they just did in one episode. And it was an awesome episode as well! I honestly haven't been this hyped after watching an episode of GoT since season 4. Can't wait until next week. Am I a bad person for hoping that someone leaks the final two episodes of this season ahead of time?
  6. I'm so over Lady Mormont. When she first appeared in the show it was fun and cute to have this 9 or 10 year old child who acts like a total badass and seems to be wise beyond her years. But recently everytime I see her speak up and school all the other Lords at the meeting of Jon's forces it takes me out of the scene. There is no way that all these Lords who have been in their positions for decades would listen to what this 10 year old child would have to say. I know this is a weird thing to get hung up about in a show that has dragons, ice zombies, a cult of assassins who worship death and who can alter their appearance via a combination of magic and using their victim's faces like masks and witches that can summon smoke demons from their vaginas but it does bug me.
  7. Why is it that the Planet of the Apes reboot franchise doesn't get the attention and hype that it deserves? The first to movies are awesome and The War for the Planet of the Apes is no different. I watched it today and I loved it. Although the trailers don't accurately represent what the movie is about. At least the one trailer I saw:
  8. I do understand that but for the love of god couldn't he have mentioned something else about her past that isn't related to the night she was raped? That isn't the only thing that happened to her since they last spoke to eachother. Mention that the poison that was used to kill Joffrey was hidden in the pearls of her necklace or that Littlefinger pushed Lysa Arryn through the Moon Door. Also:
  9. Wasn't bringing back Agent Coulson without telling anyone at Marvel Studios what cause all of the Marvel TV Universe to be a non-factor in the Cinematic Universe? At least that is what I heard.
  10. Eventually. But it won't be covered by the season pass.
  11. So more additional content that probably won't be covered by the season pass. I'm out.
  12. Season 2 Trailer from Comic-Con
  13. They have released 5 new episodes of Adventure Time:
  14. I'm trying to create Steven Seagal and there is one thing I've noticed that I'd like them to change in a future update: Take all the hair styles that also have beards attached and seperate the two. It sucks when you finally find the hairstyle you want to use for your wrestler but you can't because there is a beard attached to it and vice versa.
  15. Definitely this. Which non-comic book fan knew who the hell the Guardians Of The Galaxy were? Or the Ant-Man? They took a risk in dedicating these movies to relatively "unknown" superheroes and it payed off.
  16. Until I saw the trailer for it before Guardians 2 I totally forgot that they are doing 3 movies per year now and that we are getting Thor 3 this november. The trailer looked cool. Just makes me wish that Marvel can eventually reach a deal with Universal like they did with Sony to make a solo Hulk movie. The Hulk deserves a good movie. And how long do you thing this MCU thing will last? Seems like they can't do anything wrong at the moment and even movies that are not as well received such as Age Of Ultron or Thor 2 can't slow down their momentum. Do you think people will eventually grow tired of it just like they eventually did with Western movies in the 70s?
  17. The Fox X-Men universe has it's own thread and so did the MCU TV Shows so I don't see why the MCU movies don't deserve their own thread. I finally watched Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 today. Don't know why it took me so long. Was a very entertaining movie. But I do have some questions: And my rankings for the marvel movies so far: Avengers: Endgame Captain America: Civil War Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 Avengers: Infinity War Avengers Spiderman: Far From Home Iron Man 3 Dr. Strange Guardians Of The Galaxy Iron Man Spiderman: Homecoming Ant-Man And The Wasp Captain Marvel Thor: Ragnarok Black Panther Ant-man Thor Captain America Captain America: The Winter Soldier Avengers: Age Of Ultron The Incredible Hulk Thor: The Dark Kingdom Iron Man 2 Hulk, Thor 2 and Iron Man 2 are the only movies I really consider sub-par though.
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