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Everything posted by Hellraiser

  1. I could put my championships on the line right away. And for anyone who cares: Van Damme defeated Hunt.
  2. I've simmed a 32 Man MMA Tournament for the Ultimate Fighting championship. Alistair Overeem emerged victorious after defeating fighters such as Chuck Lidel, Guy Mezger, Don Frye and finally Chuck Norris in the final bout. He successfully defeated the championship against Bradshaw only to loose it in an upset when he was bested by the "Supreme Fighting Machine" Kama Mustafa. But Kamas reign didn't last long either as he got his head kicked off by Mirko Cro-Cop who himself was swiftly defeated by Mark Hunt. But Hunt's first title defense will be against new challenger Jean-Claude Van Damme. Will Hunt manage to defeat Van Damme to follow in the footsteps of Overeem or will we witness the crowning of yet anoter Ultimate Fighting champion?
  3. Mike Shinoda confirmed it:
  4. He doesn't do anything too bad in this episode. I think they're trying to convince us that there is still some good in him and that he isn't a lost cause entirely.
  5. So The Strain returned yesterday:
  6. I'm afraif I can't help you. Other than trying out TEW05 when it became freeware I've never played TEW so I don't have any of the mods or pic packs for that. So if you can't find a workling link at the Grey Dog Software forum or any user there who still has it and if it isn't on HomeOfProWrestling.com you'll just have to compile your own pic pack.
  7. It wouldn't even be that hard to fix. Just add an option that let's us turn off loading the wrestler models in the wrestler select screen. Or give us the option to select several wrestler at once when sorting them into teams. Edit: Bobby Duncun Jr. Kaz Hayashi Wayne Bloom Martty Jannetty Horace Hogan Brian Knobbs Hector Garza Kendall Windham Does anybody have one of these that he would be willing to share? I'm trying my hand on a Bobby Duncun Jr. right now.
  8. Is there any way to reduce the lag on the wrestlers selection screen? I'm trying to sort my downloaded guys into teams and the lag makes a already tedious process even harder.
  9. I had an old Steam gift card lying around that I bought more than a year ago but never used for some reason. I decided to give this a try. I hope it runs on my old PC. How do you actually select workshop guys for matches? All I can get when I want to play a match are the default guys.
  10. Here you go: http://www.homeofprowrestling.com/ And the Grey Dog Software forums as well: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/
  11. Is it a historical mod for the year 2008 for TEW? If the creator of that mod didn't compile a picture pack himself I don't think it exists. Someone made a 2006 mod for TEW10 that has a pic pack. You can find it here if you scroll all the way down. There is another 2006 mod for TEW05 that has a pic pack which can be found here. There is also a EWR pic pack by Paige Turner which can be found here. If you're looking for specific pictures you can go the TheWho87's two photobucked accounts here and here. That is the best I can do.
  12. Thank You! Looks awesome!
  13. Is it possible that you could to the same for this logo: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/1e/NXT_Wrestling.png Thanks in advance!
  14. Than you so much! It looks awesome!
  15. I'm playing a EWR game in which NXT split from WWE. Can someone please photoshop the WWE logo out of this NXT logo? I tried it myself with my limited skills in GIMP but it didn't look good. Thanks in advance. https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/wwenetwork/images/3/3e/Nxt.png/revision/latest?cb=20170209053448
  16. My favorite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQwgU8zUFfo
  17. The only time Seagal ever got a laugh out of me was at the very end in Machete when he gets stabbed with a Machete by Danny Trejo's character. With the machete in sticking out of his belly he says that this is nothing and that he still could kill Trejo very easily. But he knows that Trejo would be waiting for him in hell so he pushes the machete further into his stomach to die. Knowing how little self-awareness Seagal has he probably genuinely thought that this was a bad-ass moment for his character and didn't get the joke. Which makes it even more hilarious. I wonder how they got him to not only play the bad guy but also to die in the end. He is known for not wanting his characters to die in his movies.
  18. Edit: Ignore this. Didn't see that we were already on page 3. As far as bad commentary in old WWE Games is concerned the on that stuck with me, other than Just Bring It and Attitude, is Vince shouting "BOOM SHAKALAKA!" in WrestleMania the Arcade Game for the SNES.
  19. I bought the Lego Batman Movie on Blu-ray and watched the movie for the first time today. It's awesome! And they actually got Billy Dee Williams, who played Harvey Dent in the 1989 movie, who was supposed to be turned into Two-Face in Batman Returns before they cut his character entirely and who ended up being replaced by Tommy Lee Jones when they finally brought Two-Face back for Batman Forever, to voice Two-Face in this movie and even modelled the character after him. It's just a small part in the movie but still awesome that someone remembered him.
  20. I finally played the Batman TellTale game (my first Telltale Game) and I'm a bit disappointed:
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