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Everything posted by Hellraiser

  1. I lover this theory and now I'm going to be really disappointed in two years when it doesn't turn out to be ture.
  2. Why can't someone just leak the other 6 episodes? You just know that they'll save up the 2nd battle at Winterfell for the second to last episode.
  3. Gotham is getting intense. I love how balls-to-the-wall crazy this show is getting. Can't wait for the conclusion! Also
  4. Can I vote for the parody song the hosts are singing right now? Better than any of the other songs I've seen tonight.
  5. Hellraiser

    RIP Lemmy

    The German postal service Deutsche Post in cooperation with the biggest German tabloid news paper Bild will honor Lemmy with an official set of German postage stamps that can be purchaed through the website of Bild for 10€. One set will contain 10 stamps depicting 10 Lemmy motifs in total. These stamps are limited to 7777 sets and will only be sold from May 17th and June 17th.
  6. Many great singer singing horrible songs. I love how they mention the versatile musical backgrounds of these singers in the introduction videos which makes you hope you might get something original only to have them sing generic garbage.
  7. The CSI franchise is pretty much done now. Cyber was the last spin-off. The original show was cancelled last year.
  8. Do you really want to hear the theory about what is going to happen next? If it turns out to be true It's a major spoiler.
  9. He said that because his father obviously told the story in a different way. His father was his role modle. Someone he probably held up to an impossibly high standard. In the few scenes we saw with them together he tried his best to impress his dad. And to find out that the guy he looked up to all his life and whom he likely build up in his mind as a paragon of honor did something dishonorable can come as a shock.
  10. It's a shame that Matthew Vaughn didn't get to direct more X-Men films. I really loved First Class. Days Of Future Past wasn't bad but after Vaughn took the series into a slightly new direction It felt like a step backward. Also I hated that they pretty much killed off most of the First Class supporting cast off-screen. And it was a waste of Peter Dinklage's talents. Has anyone seen the Rouge-Cut of it that was released last year? Is that worth getting?
  11. He was sighted in LA and according to E!News he is sober and clean. At least that is what he says. I'm curious as to what this means for Sabbath and his solo career. Sharen has been managing him pretty much since he left Sabbath in the 1979.
  12. I feel like you could easily edit the stuff with her from the last 3 episodes into Season 5 and have a much more compelling story arc then the one we ended up having. One would think that the story of Arya being inducted into a cult of magical, shapeshifting assasins worshiping death would be engaging but apart from a couple scenes it just dragged on and one.
  13. That and Arya's arc. I feel that arc has been drawn out way too long too.
  14. At least there were no cock jokes from Tyrion this time.
  15. Hellraiser

    RIP Lemmy

    So they're going to release a live album of one of the last shows they played. I watched some of the preview clips. Lemmy looks and sounds terrible. I have a lot of respect for him for doing all these tours for his fans despite his deteriorating health. If anything this live album will be a testament to Lemmy's dedication to give his fans a good show no matter what. But do they really have to release that officially? Isn't there some old show from the 70s or 80s with Lemmy in his prime they could release instead?
  16. Agreed. I'd be all for it if they decide to do it as a spin-off after the main series ends.
  17. Do you think that with Bran having all those flashbacks we'll finally get to see the execution of Brandon and Rickard Stark by the Mad King they shot for Season 1 but never used?
  18. Team Iron Man. 100%. Fuck Captain America.
  19. I'm being serious. I find it hard to believe that whoever thought the franchise up said "I'll make a great comedy and then I'll make lots of sequels that will get progressively worse until no one cares anymore": I know that a lot of franchises end up that way but I'm sure they don't plan it that way when they get started. Or was Colly just being sarcastic and I didn't get it?
  20. They planned it that way? Why?
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