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King Ellis

The Donators
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Status Replies posted by King Ellis

  1. I have discovered by looking in the mirror that if I grow a beard I may resemble Husky Harris. Good thing?

  2. We should play a game that ends in Ellis getting banned

  3. We should play a game that ends in Ellis getting banned

  4. Don't be stupid; be a smarty! Come and join the Nazi Party!

  5. seems like raoul moat is the only englishman who can shoot on target at the moment

  6. Ditched a dude the other night. Needed to shit and his toilet smelt like BBQ sauce.

  7. Just seen the Katy Perry 'California Gurls' video? What the hell were they smoking when they came up with that?

  8. Grizzly Redwood can blow me.

  9. Grizzly Redwood can blow me.

  10. Grizzly Redwood can blow me.

  11. Who's leg can I stand on without getting carded? :|

  12. Would anyone read my Wizards (of Waverly Place) Diary!?!?!?


  14. who's got the oldest kid here anyway ?

  15. So, I'm back, but I can't post, like bringing mj back but taking away Neverland :(

  16. Anyone like the Dan Band?

  17. I'm starting to wonder who let the dogs out...I know I locked them up before I sent those texts at 3am.

  18. Who will eat the Undertaker's steak?

  19. Who will eat the Undertaker's steak?

  20. Who will end the Undertakers Streak?

  21. Vance Archer and Stephen Bonnar have the same nickname...

  22. Dolph Ziggler or John Morrison?

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