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Everything posted by Gazz

  1. That's fine, I'll be de Jonging Ellis off the pitch.
  2. is EWB's second most popular Lithuanian,

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DavidMarrio
    3. Lint


      I never knew you were Lithuanian

    4. Colly


      Are LT United still the biggest band in the country? They were ace.

  3. I pinned Ultimo Dragon is 20 seconds with a roll up. Meltzer gave it 12 stars.
  4. There's no Mr. Smokes without HELLFIRE AND BRIMSTONE!

  5. Go on, I'll be the resident jobber.
  6. Old World Blues in out on July 19th Featuring... MECHA RADSCORPIONS!
  7. Well, Yeovil are using twitter to scout players.
  8. Chelsea sold Nemanja Matic? Lame. FM11 beast. (Y)
  9. There are only two plausible reasons behind that story. 1. Someone in 'The Sun' office has been playing FM11 and Luiz moved to Barca. This seems to be the way most transfer rumours start. You always see the latest 'FM Beasts' linked to the big clubs. 2. Luiz has the same hair as Puyol, so is a natural successor in the Barca backline.
  10. It was. No, he isn't. Though he is still about 13. Newcastle are apparently planning a season long loan move for Danny '20 goals' Sturridge. I like this.
  11. Surely that would be a 'tap up' though, since they couldn't speak to him without Porto's permission while he was under contract.
  12. And he was discovered by Bobby Robson, so that makes him all right in my book.
  13. Apparently he's paid the £13.2m release clause himself, how the fuck could he afford that?
  14. is fucking someone's North American wife. Good times.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gazz


      Meacon's actually.

    3. Meacon Keaton

      Meacon Keaton

      That'd explain why she was late getting home. At least she brought supper. :)

    4. 9 to 5

      9 to 5

      You learn well Gazz.

  15. Erm, the correct answer is NBA Jam on the Mega Drive / Genesis.
  16. As per legally binding EWB facebook group contract, I hereby implore that ApSham be made a mod.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. apsham


      I'll take whatever I can get just to get into the boys club. I'm hungry and ready for it captain!

    3. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      That one is also sexual.

    4. apsham


      I've noticed that I'm not a mod yet.

  17. You've got 'transfer budgets in first window' switched off.
  18. There isn't really a deadline though, say every one does 3 months game time a turn, that shouldn't take more than a week or so, and if they update the thread with monthly run downs of results etc. that should keep the thread ticking over. And if someone wants to finish their turn early, they just upload the latest save file and the next person takes over. I quite like the idea of doing it in South America or Asia, get people out of their comfort zones. England, Italy and Spain are absolute no no's.
  19. Yeah, but if we do that, I'll win.
  20. Here's the best succession game over at Sortitout
  21. I'd be down for a one season, one manager game. I'll even start it off, but we really should start at a lower league club. There have been a few of them over at sortitoutsi and they've gone on for 30-40 years.
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