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Status Updates posted by TheSqauredCircleMessiah

  1. Since it's a taped show and the card keeps changing, there will be no WrestleMania PPV prediction contest. Season 2 is on indefinite hiatus.

  2. Does the search function make everyone else want to throw their computer out the window or is it just me?

  3. Be as smart and innovative as Rick and have friends/family as loyal as Morty

  4. Glad I didn't start that "Prince Phillip is dead" thread

    1. oldskool


      you & me both bro

    2. Lineker


      Well seeing as he never was dead you'd have both been rather silly!


    I went to stock market today. I did a business.

  6. Well...my wife is in labor 

    1. K


      Dope. Name the baby Keith.

    2. Benji


      Congrats! This your first?

    3. IDOL
  7. The touchpad on my new ASUS laptop is annoyingly sensitive. Can anyone help with this?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Forky


      Maybe it's not the laptop. Maybe you need sensitivity training.

    3. Rocketbusta


      Have you tried turning it off and back on?

    4. K


      spill some cola on it

      but not the diet kind, make sure it's sugary. that way itll get all sticky

  8. Definitive ranking of all the friends from "Friends"
    1. Phoebe
    2. Chandler
    3. Joey 
    4. Monica
    5. Rachel 
    6. Ross 

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. CobraKaiEnTai


      I always liked Phoebe the least honestly.

    3. Noah


      I never watched Friends. I remember thinking Courtney Cox was kind of cute but that's about it.

    4. Adam


      Ross was good in the later series, but yeah, this list is terrible for putting Phoebe anywhere but last. She shouldn't even be ahead of Gunther.

  9. Shut up about your catering business!

    1. C-MIL


      Was it difficult to gain their trust?

    2. TheSqauredCircleMessiah


      Don't go around telling Derek about this

  10. Peggy Olson is a Scientologist :( *kicks rock*

  11. Please talk more about how you hate Europe and bicycles.

  12. ...you don't control the birds, you will someday but not today.

  13. I got Kelly Kapowski pregnant!

    1. Mick


      And she still left you for Screech.

  14. Is Star Wars the one with the little wizard boy?

    1. Meacon Keaton

      Meacon Keaton

      Here's twenty dollars. Go watch a Star War.

  15. It means he gets results, you stupid chief!

    1. GA!


      Sit down, Dad.

    2. Sousa


      HEY. I'm TRYIN' to eat LUNCH here.

  16. "...something something, Burt Ward."

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