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I really don't think any of them are that good. The fire pig could be really interesting as far as second and final evolution goes. I was expecting more is all. The water one looks the least interesting compared to the other two. I also would have liked to see the 'grass snake' pokemon have no actual limbs yet, but that is the best one out of the three first form starters.

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They really are running low on ideas. Pig pokémon with a twirly tail? Spoink says hello. A 'grass snake' with legs which looks like a gecko? Treecko says hi. And a water-type feline...Buizel says yo-day.

Ah well. Upon first glance, I like the grass type the most. I always like the grass type starters more.

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Oh, by the way, it seems that this Pokemon game will be the first one that takes place outside Japan. Apparently the new Corocoro has a map of what the new region looks like, and if you rotate it 90 degrees to the right it looks like the Eastern of the United States.

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These are definitely the worst starters of the 5 generations. I really don't think anything will match up to the original Gen1 starters, probably for nostalgias sake, to me, but I really loved those ones. The next 3 generations of starters were good as well. It's probably just because it's been five generations of games, and near 500 different pokemon, because it can't be exactly easy to keep making new ones after so long and so many already made. My hopes were up on the new starters, though, and they did disappoint. I will at least hold up hope that the evolved forms of these three are more badass, since that is the way it's been so far in the series. It won't affect me getting the game (if I don't get bored of pokemon before then/can afford it), but they should have done better with the starters.

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The picture Izzy posted does kinda hit the nail on the head with the water one. Too much is put onto it to try and make it look, I dont know, cute I guess? Really hoping it's a case of Torchic where the first stage isn't something you'd really want to use but the final stage is bad ass.

Im still hoping that we see more Eeveelutions this generation. A steel and dragon Eevee would be interesting to see.

Edited by Vitamin E
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I'm conflicted. On one hand I'm disappointed since water types are generally my favourite, Blastoise and Feraligatr were two of the most awesome final evos, matched only by Charizard. The fire type in Gold/Silver just looked like boring, and Swampert I still maintain looks like it's mentally retarded. And the fucking penguin. I've never bothered with grass types so meh, but the new grass one is the best so far. Like Benji said, hopefully the fire pig will be an awesome warthog thing but eh.

On the other hand, I've been severely underwhelmed by the games since Gold/Silver. Theres just far too many of the fuckers to keep track of, and so many of them are redundant given how awesome the first 150 generally were (also arguably the second generation). I know theres only so much can be done with them, but I played at least one game in every generation and it just feels like we're treading the same old ground over and over. The new graphics and 3D stuff look awesome, but I most likely won't bother with this one.

I also hate how many legendaries there are already >_>

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Yeah, I've got to admit, as much as I love the formula, it needs a serious shake-up, I'm still waiting on a decent genuine training game for the home consoles as well as the hand helds, XD and Colosseum were fun (less said about Battle Revolution the better) but they're just no match for a more classic Pokémon game, which I have no doubt would sell shitloads if you imported the formula to the Wii now there's the internet to perform trades with.

And what Kaney said about legendaries, I'm sorry, but fuck off are half of them legendary.

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Im the same way. Every game is the same thing with no REAL variety thrown in. You start with a pokemon, beat gyms, fight Team _______, make it to the Elite Four, catch legendary pokemon of the generation. But at the same time, I'm not bored with HG yet, mostly due to the fact I want to raise pokemon up by EV training and eventually have some battles with people over wifi. If you just play the game and ONLY that, then the games will get old fast, but playing against other people with their own move sets and stuff can keep the fun going.

I also dislike how many legendaries there are. To me, Jirachi, Manaphy, and Shaymin just don't come off as legendary. The others I can buy, some just for being incredibly rare or whatever and the rest actually having a purpose (controlling space and time, etc). I hope they don't introduce any new legendaries in Gen 5, because how can you top Arceus? The only way I can see anything topping the creator of the Pokemon world is making a pokemon that is the destructor of the Pokemon world or something.

Making a pokemon game like the handheld ones for a system like the Wii would be incredible. After watching some newish episodes of the anime and seeing the stuff they do in contests, I really want a game where you can sort of control your pokemon and the attacks it uses, combine attacks, etc. The series DOES need a shake up, which was why I was hoping they would maybe change the starter type set or something. I wouldn't even mind a Pokemon League thing where after you get all 8 badges, you enter a tournament that you must win in order to face the Elite Four. Just put something in to make it more different.

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Arceus is easy to top, he's just a "Creator" of Pokémon, heck, if you classify it as "God", there's not one defined "God" in the real world, I've been hoping they'd head to Egyptian mythology for some inspiration on legendaries for about three generations now, just imagine tearing it up as any number of Egyptian deities.

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Totodile was awesome.

And Arceus can suck my dick. God pokemon? Really? It was bad enough with 'DNA' pokemon. They are creatures who live in a ball and you force them to battle for your entertainment! They don't have kings, and gods, and dna creatures. THAT is just silly.

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Isn't the entire premise of a 10 year old boy still being 10 after 10 years of roaming the Pokemon world silly in the first place? <_<

I dont really mind things like a god pokemon or DNA pokemon. A pokemon that is deemed legendary just because it can make flowers grow is what is silly to me.

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