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WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2006

Guest ch1ppy08

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Dammit this Bischoff/JBL storyline sucks.

It could've been so awesome...then Bischoff's benefactor is JBL? Lame.

As soon as they brought up the rich benefactor I immediately thought of DiBiase. That would have been so much better, in my mind.

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The FUCK? I just DID the Possum Pin kickout after a shitload of attempts (it's the worst new feature of the entire game by the way) and it hasn't registered. Fucking game.

-- Edit: Did it this time, still hate that system, now onto superstar challenges ^_^

Edited by Benjirino~!
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Could someone list all the storylines they've had so far? I want to know who to go through season with for something fresh.

I've used...


- World Tour

- Undertakers Urn

- Road To Mania'/ECW


- Eddie Detective work (I forgot the name)

- World Tour

- Road To 'Mania/ECW

Randy Orton

- VS HHH/Flair (Forgot name)

- Forgot this segment

- Road To 'Mania/HHH's cronies

And JHS/ACS/Whatever, you have to accuse Cena of being defensive when on Smackdown! so that RVD joins you for that moment, later on it should all set itself up I -think-

Edited by Benjirino~!
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And JHS/ACS/Whatever, you have to accuse Cena of being defensive when on Smackdown! so that RVD joins you for that moment, later on it should all set itself up I -think-

I think that is the defining specification. I've done three seasons on SD!, both times I accused Cena, RVD became world champ at the Rumble. The once I accused RVD, Cena was champ.

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I have to say, despite the glitches (and there are quite a few of them) this is the most improved Smackdown! game in the entire series, at first the system is fucking annoying, but you come to realise it makes for a much more even and better playing field (even if it is frustrating going through the Rumble and forgetting your stamina meter :shifty: ). I'm glad they got rid of series finishers, the momentum meter is far better, it ensures no-one just finishers everything to death (except Kurt Angle, he locked on the Ankle Lock multiple times because of his 'favourite moves' and how long the move lasts).

Even if you're on of those that doesn't buy them every year and bought it last year, I would recomend it, at least for rental just to see how much change has been made, I look forwards to next year (hopefully on PS3) when a lot of these bugs are ironed out and there will be yet more space for new features.

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Dammit this Bischoff/JBL storyline sucks.

It could've been so awesome...then Bischoff's benefactor is JBL? Lame.

As soon as they brought up the rich benefactor I immediately thought of DiBiase. That would have been so much better, in my mind.

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Completed all the challenges, trying to get match veteran but am yet to do so. A couple of pages back AllDawson said it wasn't necessary to do every variant but I dunno, I can't think of any match I haven't done.

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Oh man, Paul London just won the World Title on GM mode. :ohwell:

On the plus side i've finally caught up with and taken over RAW for the first time.

Though as I say that all my good fueds come to an end and RAW race back into the lead. :(

Edited by King Ellis
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If you ask me, this is damn near close to the best wrestling game ever. The only thing that keeps it away from touching No Mercy is the lack of customization. I say this every year, but changing wrestlers' looks and match rules should be in the game by now. There is absolutely no reason why I shouldn't be able to have a Royal Rumble where I can turn off over the top rope eliminations, go anywhere around the arena and make it falls count anywhere. There's no reason I shouldn't be able to go outside the fucking ring in a submissions match. There's no reason why I can't have a six man elimination match where I can go outside the ring. Besides that, and the horrible excuse for a Create an Entrance, the game is fanfuckingtastic.

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I like create a entrance , a bit bare but good for a start. the same goes for gm mode. No mercy sis good but for best wrestling game this si tied with No mercy. Season is better than last years but it seems limited , but I think there might be ways of getting different storylines. maybe winning or losing certain matches

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