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Just finished reading "The DaVinci Code". Man, what a loaded book that is. It's full of dangerous conclusions drawn from false pretences, and while the book is labeled a fiction, the claim that all accounts of religious practices are true is very deceptive. The research into the book is poor, and all I can say is that I looked forward to the end, not for any resolution but rather to be done with it.

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I just finished the Half Blood Prince, Brooklyn Noir, and Are We There Yet? The tales of WWE superstars.

Half Blood Prince is great book to read and I finish it within a month or so.

Brooklyn Noir took me a few months or so due to me reading Half Blood Prince.

Are We There Yet? took me a two months or so.

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Well....I bought Lord of the Rings(the big black book that has all three in one) and In the Pit with Piper. I am almost done reading Piper's book and I found it interesting and amusing altough some of the things he says are a little off.

Then I can start reading LOR....and I quit the Silmarillion for good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got through Slaughterhouse-Five. It took me a while to actually start it, but I plowed through it in one day. Great, great book and I finally get Kilgore Trout's username. I think I will definitely pick up more of Vonnegut in the future.

I'm about to finish Fahrenheit 451. It's great so far.

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  • 1 month later...

I just finished Angels & Demons by Dan Brown(author of the Da Vinci Code, which I have yet to read) and it was a very enjoyable read which completely took me off guard during the ending, I never saw it coming, Jaw definently dropped.

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Right now I'm reading Adam Copeland ON EDGE...I just got it on Friday, and I've got about 35 pages to go. It's been a really good read for me, looking at the similarities between his childhood and mine, but at the same time, I guess that a lot of wrestling fans had a childhood similar in many ways.

I'm really looking forward to picking up the Black Metal Gospel that was written by Dani Filth, but I can't find a concrete release date on it. Coles/Chapters told me November 1st, but I checked back and they told me that they didn't know what I was talking about, and their website says that it's unavailable to order, so I don't know when I'll be getting that.

On that note, however, I also have a Motley Crue book (written by the band) to read at some point...if my girlfriend ever finishes the bloody thing.

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I just finished the Star Wars novel "Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter" last night. It was pretty good, set before Phantom Menace. Made Maul a much better character than the movie did.

In the next day or two I have two more Star Wars novels "The Joiner King" and "The Unseen Queen", the first two books in the new Dark Nest Trilogy, arriving from Amazon. Supposed to be pretty good, so I'm looking forward to it.

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I'm currently reading "Anansi Boys" by Neil Gaiman, and really thinking about ordering "American Gods". Is it any good? I loved all Gaiman books I've read (NeverWhere, Stardust, Smoke & Mirrors, Good Omens (with Terry Pratchett) am loving Anansi Boys) so far, and I'm really considering it. By the way, what's its story? I have no clue, but since I'm becoming a big Gaiman fan I'm thinking of buying it just because it's from Gaiman.

And I'll have to read Homer's "Odissey" for school. Meh.

Edited by Y2Johnny
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  • 1 month later...

Having just read The Five People You Meet In Heaven, I am now obliged to start a OH-VER-RA-TED chant. There's nothing remarkable about it. Basically, if you want to take it as a nice little tale about a old man learning about his life, then I guess its an ok book. I don't get how it became a national bestseller. I don't get why all sorts of people recomend it to me. What we have is an old man who's only relatable quality (that he's stuck doing the same thing all his life), is hardly touched on, instead we're moved from cliche scene to cliche scene, as we watch the events that supposedly shaped his life. However, these events (maybe one or two) aren't very significant either (maybe not about 'changing his life' as the book claims, but perhaps about two people bumping into each other leading to some sort of random impact, and even that isn't right either). In the end, other than a perhaps a different view of heaven (again, not really the focus of the book), there's not much to care about. The end result is a simple, pulpy book pretending to be though provoking, targetted at the masses. Bleh.

If you want a simple though provoking read, go get Life of Pi instead.

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