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The EWB Band 100 Results


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How the fuck are Green Day that high? Can carry a decent tune but they've never been new/original or particularly influential in any major way.

The same sense I could say for SOAD. Again nothing ground breaking there with a few decent tracks but I wouldn't rate them that high. Will be interesting to see how the rest pan out now. Looks like an obvious candidate won't be number one if these are anything to go by.

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Led Zeppelin or the Beatles will be number one I guess, which won't bother me to much. Although it all depends on who the other three bands that make up the top five are.

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The Beatles are incredibly overrated to me, I just don't get it. I know everyone and their mother loves them and every band says they influenced them, but I just don't get it. When I worked for an Oldies radio station, I listened to them non-stop, but they just never really did anything for me. And it's not because they're old, there are a lot of artists from that era I really enjoy but the Beatles do nothing for me. Same goes for Elvis.

I know I'm late with this one, but I have to show some love to Zero for saying this. The Beatles and Elvis were hugely groundbreaking, and so it's only right that people recognise the impact they've had on popular music, they're just not relevant any more. They've aged horribly, and other than a few songs, they just sound shit. People who say The Beatles are still the greatest band in history are just wrong.

And while I'm vaguely on the topic, Oasis are shit, Radiohead are mediocre, Coheed & Cambria are shit, Green Day are dull, Foo Fighters have been releasing the same song over and over for the last two albums at least, Nirvana are alright, but a bit dull, Queen are good, System Of A Down are good, but not really my thing.

And whoever got The Killers that many votes need to be culled. They're like the musical equivalent of prostate cancer.

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Muse and Floyd are great.

Coheed and Cambria are laughable.

System Of A Down?!


I needed a good laugh, so thanks.

Gotta be Beatles or Radiohead, but it won't be, cos I'm surrounded by musical cretins who think that by growling or flinging hair around, or playing louder and louder riffs angrily makes good music.

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Muse and Floyd are great.

Coheed and Cambria are laughable.

System Of A Down?!


I needed a good laugh, so thanks.

Gotta be Beatles or Radiohead, but it won't be, cos I'm surrounded by musical cretins who think that by growling or flinging hair around, or playing louder and louder riffs angrily makes good music.

Coheed and Cambria & System of a Down are miles better than Radiohead. Beatles have been covered earlier.

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Muse and Floyd are great.

Coheed and Cambria are laughable.

System Of A Down?!


I needed a good laugh, so thanks.

Gotta be Beatles or Radiohead, but it won't be, cos I'm surrounded by musical cretins who think that by growling or flinging hair around, or playing louder and louder riffs angrily makes good music.

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They're not having an insane amount of hype at all, though. Just because lots of EWB like them currently doesn't mean they're getting insane hype at all.

Everyone I hang around with is busting a nut over them. As though their the second coming of the messiah. They're not getting any media recognition, but it seems everyone I know makes them out to be this band that God himself created, and their just not worth it. Their a good band. I like them, I really do. But the way I see it, their not worth the hype that I see that they're getting.

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Muse and Floyd are great.

Coheed and Cambria are laughable.

System Of A Down?!


I needed a good laugh, so thanks.

Gotta be Beatles or Radiohead, but it won't be, cos I'm surrounded by musical cretins who think that by growling or flinging hair around, or playing louder and louder riffs angrily makes good music.

Like I needed another reason to think you were a complete cock. Ah, well.

SOAD are one of, if not the best metal band around at the moment. They have their own unique sound and their live show is fucking awesome.

Coheed are also excellent. You have to admit, they're pretty creative, and don't sound like every other emo band that they get stupidly compared to. People need to stop being so dismissive, I couldn't stand Claudio's voice the first time I heard A Favor House Atlantic, but I gave it a few more lsitens at Summers' request, and they're now one of my favourite bands.

Fine, if you don't like them, don't like them, but if you're entering a music discussion thread, give reasons as to why you find them so laughable, instead of being an arrogant fucking twat.

Chill out mate, it's hardly MTV awards, or NME, or Rolling Stone music awards.

And I'm sure people are more than clear on our opinions of eachother.

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They're not having an insane amount of hype at all, though. Just because lots of EWB like them currently doesn't mean they're getting insane hype at all.

Everyone I hang around with is busting a nut over them. As though their the second coming of the messiah. They're not getting any media recognition, but it seems everyone I know makes them out to be this band that God himself created, and their just not worth it. Their a good band. I like them, I really do. But the way I see it, their not worth the hype that I see that they're getting.

It barely can be considered as "insane amounts of hype" just because your friends are huge fans, for fuck sake. Green Day are a band who get an insane amount of hype. Every single is aired nonstop, that's hyping a band.

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Just a couple of opinions.

To me, the Beatles seem like AJ Styles. Whenever a music-based debate flares up ANYWHERE, there will always be people praising the Beatles like they're Jesus. And yet, I've never heard anything by the Beatles that justifies their being considered a great of music. Similarly, I keep seeing people suck Styles' dick, and - while he's had some pretty good matches - I have yet to see a true five-star classic with him. However, show me a five-star Styles match or a...well, five-star Beatles song, and I will be convinced.

I haven't heard anything too recent, but I like most of the stuff by the Chilis. Except Californication. That gets played so often I will happily rip my ears off to avoid hearing it again.

Queen and System in the Top Ten make me a happy Squeak. Green Day, on the other hand, don't deserve to be, because pretty much every album of Queen and EVERY album of System's bitch-slap Green Day and say 'You're cack'. For that matter, System should have been higher, especially with both Mezmerize and Hypnotise out this year.

I have to say, I haven't heard of Coheed. If someone could point me in the direction of some of their better songs, I'd be very grateful.

Finally, Armenia FTW.

That is all.

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Muse and Floyd are great.

Coheed and Cambria are laughable.

System Of A Down?!


I needed a good laugh, so thanks.

Gotta be Beatles or Radiohead, but it won't be, cos I'm surrounded by musical cretins who think that by growling or flinging hair around, or playing louder and louder riffs angrily makes good music.

Like I needed another reason to think you were a complete cock. Ah, well.

SOAD are one of, if not the best metal band around at the moment. They have their own unique sound and their live show is fucking awesome.

Coheed are also excellent. You have to admit, they're pretty creative, and don't sound like every other emo band that they get stupidly compared to. People need to stop being so dismissive, I couldn't stand Claudio's voice the first time I heard A Favor House Atlantic, but I gave it a few more lsitens at Summers' request, and they're now one of my favourite bands.

Fine, if you don't like them, don't like them, but if you're entering a music discussion thread, give reasons as to why you find them so laughable, instead of being an arrogant fucking twat.

Edited by Sahyder's Best Friend
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People always challenge my music tastes, and they're right to, because some of my tastes are pretty dire while a lot are just straight up strange. Of course, I think they're great but that's cos they're my tastes.

Tell ya what, I know you couldn't care less, but for a better quality Hamster reply in the thread, I'll find myself a few more C&C tracks, spend a while listening and put forward a more complete critique, which I know people don't particularly care about, but would of course be better than mere laughter or something.

All's well that ends well. (Y)

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Chill out Dragsy.

Where did Hamster rag on them because they were different? It's no different from what I said about them. Or what Summers said about Oasis.

It's annoying when people get blasted at for saying the slighest negative thing about Co&Ca (which is what you seem to be bothered most about, despite the fact that Hamster barely mentioned them). It's just a fucking thread about music, if Hamster's being an arrogant cock for not liking them, then you're being an arrogant cock for shooting down his opinion.

Just because you like a band doesn't mean you're 100% right on the matter. People are allowed to dislike them, you know.

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