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12 hours ago, Forky said:

I figured it wasn't going to happen but I was hoping for a new dungeon to go with the new raid but alas, no such luck on this one.

there 'kinda' is. The alternate visions of Orgrimmar and Stormwind are designed to be replayed over and over becasue you need to grind obtain the upgrades to be able to clear them.

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6 hours ago, SquareRootOfSi said:

there 'kinda' is. The alternate visions of Orgrimmar and Stormwind are designed to be replayed over and over becasue you need to grind obtain the upgrades to be able to clear them.

That's more Mage Towerish from Legion than it is a new Dungeon. I mean that will still be fun I think but it's not quite what I was hoping for. A Nyalotha (sp?) dungeon to go along with the raid would have been cool. Honestly though I still haven't done all of the BFA regular dungeons yet, and haven't stepped foot in Mechagon Dungeon so I have enough to keep me busy as a Non-Raider.

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12 hours ago, Forky said:

That's more Mage Towerish from Legion than it is a new Dungeon. I mean that will still be fun I think but it's not quite what I was hoping for. A Nyalotha (sp?) dungeon to go along with the raid would have been cool. Honestly though I still haven't done all of the BFA regular dungeons yet, and haven't stepped foot in Mechagon Dungeon so I have enough to keep me busy as a Non-Raider.

I'm just continuing to grind rep... :(

Got honoured wit the stupid tortollans and the realised I still needed to get honoured with Rustbolt Resistances AND Ankoran. Atleast...both are in end game zones and have a 'lot' of daily quests available. I dont know why i'm working so hard for this flying...

That being said...given the vulperan i'm tempted to jump ship and actually level my one Horde character just to unlock them.

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I unlocked flying like a week and a half after Pathfinder Part Two went live. GET ON MY LEVEL, GUY. I also have no job so I was on the grind every day.

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3 hours ago, SquareRootOfSi said:

I'm just continuing to grind rep... :(

Got honoured wit the stupid tortollans and the realised I still needed to get honoured with Rustbolt Resistances AND Ankoran. Atleast...both are in end game zones and have a 'lot' of daily quests available. I dont know why i'm working so hard for this flying...

That being said...given the vulperan i'm tempted to jump ship and actually level my one Horde character just to unlock them.

Ewww you're alliance scum?! Gross!

3 hours ago, Rey Cloudy said:

I unlocked flying like a week and a half after Pathfinder Part Two went live. GET ON MY LEVEL, GUY. I also have no job so I was on the grind every day.

While I didn't unlock it as early as you, I'm actually impressed that I even have it with as much as I've jumped between characters this expansion.

I've got my neck level to 49 in the 3 days and I'm up around 360 for ilevel on my warrior. I'm going to try to do some more dungeons tonight and on the weekend. Hopefully by Sunday/Monday I'll be ready to do some lower keys. I need to be ready for 9.0!

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So, I'm done with WoW and Blizzard. 


For those of you that are unaware, long story short a Hearthstone player won a tournament, at the end of his interview expressed support for the Hong Kong protests. Blizzard then banned him for a year and rescinded his prize money. The reason is believed to be due to influence from the People's Republic of China. 

So....yeah. You can read more about it through a Google search. 

I loved WoW, I loved Blizzard games, but yeah....this seems a little fucking harsh and who knows what else is down the line? 

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A gay WoW Classic guild was forced to have their name changed.


Ars Technica received word on Thursday that the "GAY BOYS" guild within the recent World of WarCraft Classic fork had its name changed late Wednesday to the machine-generated gibberish "Guild ZFXPK." An email, apparently sent by Blizzard Customer Service, indicated that the guild's name-change process began because "your fellow players reported your in-game name as inappropriate multiple times." From there, the email cites "a thorough investigation" that also led to the guild's creator receiving a temporary account suspension. The suspension was later overturned, but the guild's name remains "Guild ZFXPK."

The good news is, they eventually got their name back.



Update, 12:58 p.m. ET: Blizzard still hasn't responded to our questions, but the guild's original "GAY BOYS" name has since been reinstated, according to members of the guild. Jilani forwarded a screencap of Blizzard's latest customer service message to the guild, which begins, "I too would hate to lose my account if the account was caught up in something some [sic] thought was violating the TOS/EULA and got the guild renamed, and I'm bummed yours was."

After confirming that the guild name should be back to normal and citing a "careful investigation of your account warning," the unnamed moderator made clear that this kind of automatic takedown may very well happen again: "There isn't a way to stop people from reporting this name, as some find the way the term is used offensive. If you get actioned again, you can appeal like this, and we can look at it once more. For now, though, you have your guild name back!"



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Eh, they called their guild something that i'd think the majority of people who would have reported them probably thought it was a bunch of immature idiots being edgy. That would have been my first inclination.

Glad they got reinstated though, shows Blizzard can actually talk and communicate to their players when they want to.

Edited by SquareRootOfSi
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Hype has been intensifying for a Shadowlands-themed expansion with recent datamining discoveries including a string pertaining to a new Death Knight Intro cutscene, textures for Pandaren and Allied Race Death Knights, new starting zone swords including one with a Bolvar-themed burning tint, and dialogue about Bolvar. We could see a return to the Lich King's story, necessitating a revamp of the Death Knight starting zone to account for Pandaren and Allied Race DKs, as well as furthering the story of Bwonsamdi and Vol'jin, not to mention Sylvanas' goals to master death.

An interesting detail is that Bolvar's eyes through the helm are now blue, while previously in WoW they have been orange. Does this symbolize the Lich King's growing influence over Bolvar? Do they only turn blue in certain situations, such as when he channels in to the power of the helm? Will we get to see them turn blue in a cinematic at BlizzCon?



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On 28/10/2019 at 18:56, Rey Cloudy said:

I'm hoping that this leak is true. I didn't get a chance to experience the original Wrath Of The Lich King, and honestly the leveling experience for me was pretty boring around this time but I've enjoyed the story surrounding Arthas and the Lich King. I assume that it's going to lead to Sylvanas attempting to usurp Bolvar's powers and us actually assisting Bolvar/Lich King to stop that from happening.

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7 minutes ago, Forky said:

If that trailer doesn't get you hyped, I'm not sure what will. That was not at all where I thought Sylvanas was going to go with that....

Here's a list of all the new stuff coming with Shadowlands.

Of particular interest to me:


• Claim a Covenant’s Power: Players will be called upon to forge a bond with one of four Covenants that rule Shadowlands’ new zones, setting the tone for their journey through the expansion with a full Covenant Campaign. As they level up, they’ll get new abilities based on their choice, including class-specific abilities for each Covenant—as well as developing Soulbinds with specific Covenant members, which grant them access to that character’s specific traits and bonuses.


• The steadfast Kyrian of Bastion, whose discipline and duty compels them to safeguard souls from the mortal realm as they pass into the Shadowlands.
• The mysterious Night Fae of Ardenweald, who fiercely defend the spirits of nature from those who would deprive them of rebirth.
• The cunning Venthyr of Revendreth, who feast on the souls of the prideful and vain in a gothic realm of opulence and torment.
• The warlike Necrolords of Maldraxxus, who forge the undead armies that serve as the first line of defense for the Shadowlands and honor those who seek power and glory in battle.
In their journeys through the Shadowlands, players will also come face-to-face with some of the departed legends of the Warcraft® universe, such as Uther the Lightbringer, who struggles against dark forces that seek to transform him into a symbol of retribution, and Kael’thas, who pursues vengeance on an enemy from his past while confined to Revendreth for the crimes he committed in life.

Please let this mean I can choose to side with the vampire elves.

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I may have already pre-ordered this :shifty:

Also, I too will side with the Vampires!!

On an unrelated note, did you see how fucking fast Sylvanas whooped up on Bolvar? She has someone who has given her that kind of power. The question is....who?

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We want each expansion to tell its own story and lead into the next one, and the Shadowlands has a whole new set of mysteries to unlock and new things to figure out. If you were a loyalist before, it's not going to be something that directly impacts how your gameplay is going to shape out. It's all about getting in there, finding out about these covenants, and seeing what the cause of Sylvanas' actions were in the big picture, and who these new forces are that she's aligned herself with.

I guess that kind of answers my question...sort of. It looks like she's paired up with one of the covenants. Money is on those god damn vampires!

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On 01/11/2019 at 19:19, Forky said:

The question is....who?

That mysterious Jailer fella. The big chained (clearly) bad guy she stands in-front of is the 'ruler' of The Maw (the max level zone) and it appears to be the reason she has more powerful.

I thought it was GREAT that the talk basically started with...'Maybe...just MAYBE...she did everything she did on purpose'

Seems to be that the 'story' quest line will see you move through each of the four zones working with each of the covenants before you head off to the Maw. In a particular order as well, unlike the last few expansions you wont get to choose which zone you start in, much more narrative this time round. 

You also only get to choose a covenant at Max level. Unless of course you've already completed the main questchain/story arc at which points your alts can just pick a covenant from the beginning and quest wherever they want.

And final thought.....DRUST confirmed for this expansion....maybe we will FINALLY get that raid encounter with Gorak Tul that CLEARLY should have been in this game. :)

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2 hours ago, SquareRootOfSi said:

That mysterious Jailer fella. The big chained (clearly) bad guy she stands in-front of is the 'ruler' of The Maw (the max level zone) and it appears to be the reason she has more powerful.

I thought it was GREAT that the talk basically started with...'Maybe...just MAYBE...she did everything she did on purpose'

Seems to be that the 'story' quest line will see you move through each of the four zones working with each of the covenants before you head off to the Maw. In a particular order as well, unlike the last few expansions you wont get to choose which zone you start in, much more narrative this time round. 

You also only get to choose a covenant at Max level. Unless of course you've already completed the main questchain/story arc at which points your alts can just pick a covenant from the beginning and quest wherever they want.

And final thought.....DRUST confirmed for this expansion....maybe we will FINALLY get that raid encounter with Gorak Tul that CLEARLY should have been in this game. :)

No, I totally understand the Jailer is the big bad of this expansion but who is the jailer. I've seen many people speculating that it could actually be Terenas, Arthas's father. There was also another name mentioned that I can't remember right now that it could also possibly be.

There is also the issue of Sylvanas's ultimate plan. I'm hoping we don't get something as trite as her being a double agent (which has been mentioned by a few people) and that she is straight up evil. I also want her to have another plan in mind. Maybe even an attempt to usurp the power of The Jailer and become the ultimate evil. I don't want a story where all of a sudden she becomes good and we see her redemption. We have enough redemption arcs. Just allow her to be pure god damn evil.

I love the linear aspect of it as I feel like it will allow people to keep better track of the story. I started playing this game with all intents of simply looking at end game content but if I'm being honest with myself, I'm never going to be a mythic raider. I may eventually be able to push some high keys but I need to really pick a class and learn that class in order to do that. I'm working on that but while I work on that, I find myself sucked into the lore of things. Unfortunately there is so much I've missed since I only came in Legion, and the stories were so disjointed because of how you could progress through the game. I've managed to learn things through reading articles and such on WOWHEAD but I feel like it would be so much easier if the game was a bit more linear. Once you're 120 then by all means, open it up to everything but while you're trying to track the story, I like the feel.

The tower for this expansion looks amazing. The fact that I can solo it is great for me. I mean I have a couple friends that I like to play with but they're not into pushing keys and shit like that, so I feel like this will give us something we can do together. I'll want to do it to build my legendaries for keys and they'll want to do it for....well just because they like the game.

I also like that even though little is known about the expansion so far considering we have about 10 months before we see it, it feels like they're listening to the playerbase somewhat. I mean players need to understand that the game cannot be balanced around Mythic Raiders. They make up about 5% of the game. But they look to be trying to find a happy medium with this xpac and as long as they aren't just paying lip service, it should be amazing.

Edit: Mure'zahn or however you spell it is the other name!

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