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People are hating on this story so much and yet I'm loving it. I really want to take the next expansion more seriously and experience more parts of the game because I've felt behind this entire expansion due to not really having a main that I wanted to stick with, and not taking part in a lot of the content that I should have. Next expansion though I'm going to try to join at least a Heroic Raiding guild and see what I can do. Possibly move to mythic within next expac or the following one.

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On 24/09/2019 at 20:23, Forky said:

People are hating on this story so much and yet I'm loving it. I really want to take the next expansion more seriously and experience more parts of the game because I've felt behind this entire expansion due to not really having a main that I wanted to stick with, and not taking part in a lot of the content that I should have. Next expansion though I'm going to try to join at least a Heroic Raiding guild and see what I can do. Possibly move to mythic within next expac or the following one.

I think for me, the story was really cool. They put a lot of effort in telling a continuous story from start to finish. It didn't really feel like they tact on randomn 'major' plot points that didn't connect to what was actually happening from the start.

What disappointed me about this 'mini-patch' was the ending was kinda lacklustre. Outside of the cinematic the last part of the war campaign felt like an afterthought which is disappointing. I suspect we will get a final 'big' update that will setup the next expansion (I assume they will announce it in November at Blizzcon). I all kinda just...ended.

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3 hours ago, SquareRootOfSi said:

I think for me, the story was really cool. They put a lot of effort in telling a continuous story from start to finish. It didn't really feel like they tact on randomn 'major' plot points that didn't connect to what was actually happening from the start.

What disappointed me about this 'mini-patch' was the ending was kinda lacklustre. Outside of the cinematic the last part of the war campaign felt like an afterthought which is disappointing. I suspect we will get a final 'big' update that will setup the next expansion (I assume they will announce it in November at Blizzcon). I all kinda just...ended.

The only part that really got me was how quick those who sided with Sylvanas went from death sworn loyalty to "Wait, did she just call us nothing? Let's hate her now!" because deep down everyone knows that someone like that only thinks of you as a means to an end. You'd have to be stupid to be under any other assumption.

One of people's biggest complaints is the slow story progression and while I can kind of see their point, we can't have instant gratification either because then people would be going "Now what?"

I hear (see since it's mostly on twitch) a lot of people talking about how small this patch is but jesus, we just got 8.2 which was huge, and I feel like 8.3 is also going to be pretty damn big. I feel like you really can't keep the community happy no matter what you do. People bitch about the grind. I enjoy the grind. It always gives me something to do. Old me hated this game. New me loves this shit.

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18 hours ago, Forky said:

The only part that really got me was how quick those who sided with Sylvanas went from death sworn loyalty to "Wait, did she just call us nothing? Let's hate her now!" because deep down everyone knows that someone like that only thinks of you as a means to an end. You'd have to be stupid to be under any other assumption.

One of people's biggest complaints is the slow story progression and while I can kind of see their point, we can't have instant gratification either because then people would be going "Now what?"

I hear (see since it's mostly on twitch) a lot of people talking about how small this patch is but jesus, we just got 8.2 which was huge, and I feel like 8.3 is also going to be pretty damn big. I feel like you really can't keep the community happy no matter what you do. People bitch about the grind. I enjoy the grind. It always gives me something to do. Old me hated this game. New me loves this shit.

I'm just deep down hoping that

A) N'Zoth is not the last 'big bad' of the expansion and

B) Sylv is not the last BIG BAD of the expansion because I think they both deserve more content and or story exploration.

Rumours I saw was that it'd be a raid in Silithus. But half of the stuff on there make literally NO SENSE. It even briefly mentions Illidan being there. I have also heard, so take it what you will, that there might not even be an 8.3.

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2 hours ago, SquareRootOfSi said:

I'm just deep down hoping that

A) N'Zoth is not the last 'big bad' of the expansion and

B) Sylv is not the last BIG BAD of the expansion because I think they both deserve more content and or story exploration.

Rumours I saw was that it'd be a raid in Silithus. But half of the stuff on there make literally NO SENSE. It even briefly mentions Illidan being there. I have also heard, so take it what you will, that there might not even be an 8.3.

I'm hoping that we lose in the end. We have to rebuild after N'Zoth wins and try to come together to take him down without all the power we used to have.

Edit: I just got thinking while I was at work today. With the popularity of Classic, what if N'Zoth wins and it gives us a reset of sorts and we go back to a gameplay style a lot like Classic. I wonder if people would like that, or it really would be one of those situations where "You think you do....but you don't"

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So, I never really played through Legion, so right now I'm trying to play catchup. Damn, do I feel lost and a bit overwhelmed since I have to get Legion Pathfinder for the flying...

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52 minutes ago, Mick said:

So, I never really played through Legion, so right now I'm trying to play catchup. Damn, do I feel lost and a bit overwhelmed since I have to get Legion Pathfinder for the flying...

There has been a lot of talk from creators that Blizzard needs to do away with this. Not for the new expansion of course, but if you're playing BFA then you should be able to purchase flying in the previous expansions.

The thing is, people aren't really wrong when they talk about the fact that Blizzard measures things on certain parameters, such as time spent logged into the game and keeping those types of things in means people have to work towards them more, which means more time spent playing. One thing I feel like they forget is that some people simply get sick of having to deal with it and just don't play at all, because much like you they feel overwhelmed and like it's not worth it. (I still don't have Draenor flying by the way and even though I say that I'm going to take the time to get it, I probably never will.)

With the talk of a level squish coming in next expansion, I think Flying is something they need to look at. One of the biggest issues with flying is that Blizzard never intended to allow it. They hated the idea of it. They only did it because of the backlash from the community.

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I don't really mind not being able to fly in the previous expansions. There's very few reasons why you need to travel back to those zones, outside of grinding rep for the race unlocks and achievement hunting. Which if your doing that, you'll make it work one way or the other.

I will admit however...it has been an absolute nightmare getting flying in BFA. I'm (at work currently) 213 rep away from Honoured with the tortollan which is the LAST thing I need to unlock flying. I intend to and will likely NEVER do another tortollan quest once i'm hit that mark, that's not because I don't want the rep, but more because they have been the MOST repetitive and boring quests. For a faction with such a key requirement to a feature of the game....they made 3 world/daily quests...come on...that's not enough.

Also...the best thing in the world...guild members who can fly and have 2 person mounts... #CastsSummonNobleSteed

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1 hour ago, SquareRootOfSi said:

I don't really mind not being able to fly in the previous expansions. There's very few reasons why you need to travel back to those zones, outside of grinding rep for the race unlocks and achievement hunting. Which if your doing that, you'll make it work one way or the other.

I will admit however...it has been an absolute nightmare getting flying in BFA. I'm (at work currently) 213 rep away from Honoured with the tortollan which is the LAST thing I need to unlock flying. I intend to and will likely NEVER do another tortollan quest once i'm hit that mark, that's not because I don't want the rep, but more because they have been the MOST repetitive and boring quests. For a faction with such a key requirement to a feature of the game....they made 3 world/daily quests...come on...that's not enough.

Also...the best thing in the world...guild members who can fly and have 2 person mounts... #CastsSummonNobleSteed

See, I think that's one of Blizzard's biggest issues outside of class tuning. They need to start using these old zones and putting stuff in there. All I've heard since I started playing is how the new expansions have gotten smaller and smaller because Blizzard didn't want to put money into creating new assets. So then give us some quests and shit in the old zones. Maybe there's an uprising in Tirisfal now that the Undead seem to be a bit more unchecked. I know that we have little things that take us back there but we could have whole quest lines.

Also, I don't know how anyone who played regularly didn't have the initial reps for flying. Just grinding world quests had me with all the early rep and I'm the most indecisive fucker you'll meet when it comes to WoW (until now. I've finally settled on what I'm doing for next expansion). Mechagon rep was the real bullshit.

I go back to old content to farm mounts/Transmog. I need to actually do much more of this once I get my tanks leveled up. I swear tanking skill increases by 5% with good transmog :shifty:

My buddy Sean, who is a streamer didn't have flying for the longest time once it came out so he did the two person mount thing and had people drag him around to do World Quests. Once again, I don't know how someone who plays the game as much as he does didn't have the rep.

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my lack of the rep, is purely down to having an 8 month break. I wasn't doing world quests regularly so the Champions Of Azeroth and Tortollan reps where WAAAAYYYY behind the others. (Who i think i'm exalted with now). Its just became a REAL grind. However...i'm not a player who really bothers with world quests. Unless I have a specific reason to do them, i'm not really interested. I'll play arena, m+ or bgs instead, 

Same as Mechagon. I've been there once, done all but the last quest in the story chain and haven't really made the effort to go back. I WILL play through Nazjatar, but the issue I have atm is I play with Warmode On (because i'm not a coward) and EVERYBODY can fly so I get jumped all the damn time because I have to run. Its really the only reason I want to get flying so I dont have to worry about monsters from above lol.

Edited by SquareRootOfSi
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1 hour ago, SquareRootOfSi said:

mine lack of the rep, is purely down to having an 8 month break. I wasn't doing world quests regularly so the Champions Of Azeroth and Tortollan reps where WAAAAYYYY behind the others. (Who i think i'm exalted with now). Its just became a REAL grind. However...i'm not a player who really bothers with world quests. Unless I have a specific reason to do them, i'm not really interested. I'll play arena, m+ or bgs instead, 

Same as Mechagon. I've been there once, done all but the last quest in the story chain and haven't really made the effort to go back. I WILL play through Nazjatar, but the issue I have atm is I play with Warmode On (because i'm not a coward) and EVERYBODY can fly so I get jumped all the damn time because I have to run. Its really the only reason I want to get flying so I dont have to worry about monsters from above lol.

I only did the rep because of flying. I do WQs for the AP because neck level does matter. If you're doing M+ then there really is a reason to do Mechagon because Cyclotronic Blast which you can get from mechagon, and doing the MechaDungeon allows you to get the 2nd and 3rd tier of the essence. Najatar also gives you an essence which is pretty good for M+ depending on what role you play.

I actually like that they've done more to give you a reason to farm rep though a lot of people don't because of the grind. They should have made essences account wide but people would still complain about it even if they only had to grind it on one character.

I play with Warmode on because the bonuses are so much better. Most people leave you alone until you get to 120 and then it becomes a free for all. I hate Rogues!

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Say a prayer for me folks. Tomorrow I'm going to start spamming Normal dungeons as a first time tank a year and a half into the expansion. I've done a total of about 10 dungeons this entire xpac as DPS and paid attention to absolutely nothing. People are going to expect me to know the dungeons this far into the expansion and boy are they going to be disappointed. I don't really plan on doing any serious dungeon crawling until next xpac but I need to get some experience as a tank so that I can go into the next one with at least some tanking skills.


Also, right now, my Ilevel on my warrior is 320. I feel like even normal dungeons are going to slaughter me.

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Tanking can be...well, it depends on who you support is. If your healer is someone you know and trust, then it's awesome. If it's someone who's clueless...yeah.


First time I tanked was I think Heroic Nexus, as a Blood DK (back when you could tank as any DK spec). It was rough at first, but eventually I was the go-to tank, which, while rewarding, kinda sucked since I liked DPS more. To this day, I still shudder about having to tank XT in Ulduar :( . 



*cries in fetal position* 

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To be fair, I will be quite clueless starting out. I feel like I'm going to have a hard time remembering the mechanics at first but I assume it's much like anything in that the more you do it, the better it's going to be. I've got a few people I've met on twitch that are looking to run some keys once I'm geared but other than that it's probably going to be mostly randos from pugs. I'm trying to get a buddy of mine to start healing again but he's been kind of a flake this entire expansion so I'm not sure I can trust him.

I'm not sure I ever will try to tank a raid, though it might actually be easier than Dungeons. I just have a love for the dungeon crawling even though I haven't really done much of it as of yet. I've mostly enjoyed watching them on twitch and shit. I feel like it'll be more fun doing it. My biggest issue is I hate people who bitch and complain in dungeons. We're all there to have fun but people tend to take shit way too seriously and get pissy when you make mistakes in dungeons.

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Visions of N'Zoth - Battle for Azeroth Development Preview

Blizzard has previewed the next content update for Battle for Azeroth - Visions of N'Zoth. This is the first time we've encountered an Old God in their full might, fully free of shackles, undermining everything we're fighting for. Titan facilities are the key to controlling N'Zoth, and they're constantly under attack. We'll also be going to Ny'alotha as the final raid of Battle for Azeroth--it's on the other side of a thin veil that N'Zoth is trying to tear, ushering in horrible visions to Azeroth.

Patch Highlights include:
  • New Allied Races - Mechagnomes for the Alliance, Vulpera for the Horde
  • Auction House revamp, including favoriting items and making shopping lists.
  • Worgen and Goblin Heritage Armor
  • Ny'alotha is a 12 boss raid with N'Zoth as the final boss
  • Challenges inspired by the Mage Tower in Legion, designed for 1-5 players, to clear alternate visions of Orgrimmar and Stormwind. Wrathion will help you, and you'll power up a legendary cloak to improve your defenses against the Old Gods.
  • More levels for the Heart of Azeroth, new essence slots, and more Essences coming from 8.3 content.
  • Assaults by N'Zoth Minions on Titan Facilities - Uldum and Vale of Eternal Blossoms. The Vale has finally been cleansed and restored to its original MoP appearance! When an Assault takes place, the entire zone is affected and special treasures and content are available.
  • With all the assaults on Titan facilities, the Titanforged system may be replaced by something new!
  • New Mythic+ Affix to reflect N'Zoth - Corrupted. There are Black Empire obelisks that pull you into an alternate reality, and then port you out in a new location.
  • 8.3 PTR likely going live later today!


For the three of us who might care! Hyped!
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