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1 hour ago, Tigerstyle said:

I'm obsessed with watching WoW on YouTube because I can't play it myself. Who's good?

Depends on what you're looking for. And I'd watch it on Twitch if you can over Youtube.

PVE: Sco is good. Asmongold is good but he's a douchebag. CDEWX (he does PVE & PVP), I also watch Rich Campbell as well though he doesn't seem to have a great rep with other streamers for some reason. He does a podcast with Hotted and Asmongold as well.

PVP: Bajheera and Towelie. Towelie. Towelie does more PVE than Bahjeera I think but they both do a lot of PVP.


Why can't you play though? I wish more EWBers played but region locks would keep a lot of us from playing together anyway I guess.

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  • 2 weeks later...
7 hours ago, thepunkrockicon said:

I've just started back up in this game after about 5 years. Cleared my old characters and basically started all over. In a couple weeks I only have a lvl 30 ish pandaren monk, but I'm alliance with all my characters haha

Ewww. You wish to serve the Boy King. Ptooie!

Sorry, had to play my role there. I have an Alliance Warrior on one server I think but I haven't played him really. I created him to see the other side of the war and the story but I just haven't had time as I want to focus on progression and I don't have the time for multiple characters until I have one that I feel comfortable with in Dungeons and Raids which will hopefully be my new Undead Warlock. I'm mainly a ranged player so any of my Melee toons tend to take a back seat unless I want to try something different.

What Realm are you on?

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16 hours ago, The Banshee Fork said:

Ewww. You wish to serve the Boy King. Ptooie!

Sorry, had to play my role there. I have an Alliance Warrior on one server I think but I haven't played him really. I created him to see the other side of the war and the story but I just haven't had time as I want to focus on progression and I don't have the time for multiple characters until I have one that I feel comfortable with in Dungeons and Raids which will hopefully be my new Undead Warlock. I'm mainly a ranged player so any of my Melee toons tend to take a back seat unless I want to try something different.

What Realm are you on?

So when I first started playing, I was an all Horde player. Tauren are actually my favorite race in the game. But I stopped playing for a while, and when I got back into it a few years ago, I had some friends who were Alliance so I made all Alliance characters. And then I kinda just did a hard reset of all my characters when I restarted recently. I actually started a Tauren Druid last night because I forgot how much I had liked being Horde. As for my Realm, I have absolutely no idea how to check that

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4 hours ago, thepunkrockicon said:

So when I first started playing, I was an all Horde player. Tauren are actually my favorite race in the game. But I stopped playing for a while, and when I got back into it a few years ago, I had some friends who were Alliance so I made all Alliance characters. And then I kinda just did a hard reset of all my characters when I restarted recently. I actually started a Tauren Druid last night because I forgot how much I had liked being Horde. As for my Realm, I have absolutely no idea how to check that

Your realm is at the top of your character select screen.

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  • 4 months later...

Meh, he wasn't honestly that great of a character anyway.

All my friends switched to Alliance so that's where I've gone now too. It's so much brighter and not so much about death and bones and blood. Although I'm working my way through both sides of the story just for the hell of it now.

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Don't you go using my own words against me :P

I still thing Sylvanas is awesome but it was the only way I could play with my real life friends. They quit on me for months and when they came back, they had taken on the light :( I still have my horde characters and play them from time to time, but unfortunately most of my effort is now in servitude to that Boy King and his Mutt!

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For all two of us (maybe three) who might care.


Josh breaks down the World First kill of the latest Raid, talking about strategy. It's a cool little look at the amount of strat that goes into this shit.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm getting a new laptop delivered on Tuesday and want to get back into MMORPGs. I played WoW very briefly a number of years ago and thinking of giving it a try again. Done some research online and it seems lots of people are complaining about things now. Is the game not great anymore? Is it worth investing the time and money? I'm more a fan of story than min-maxing and stats - will that be an issue at all? So mostly PVE. 

Also having a look at classes and I'm first drawn to Rogue (as with other MMORPGs I've played) but the Warlock looks really interesting. Both good classes? 

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On 24/03/2019 at 07:03, HarshMillennium said:

I'm getting a new laptop delivered on Tuesday and want to get back into MMORPGs. I played WoW very briefly a number of years ago and thinking of giving it a try again. Done some research online and it seems lots of people are complaining about things now. Is the game not great anymore? Is it worth investing the time and money? I'm more a fan of story than min-maxing and stats - will that be an issue at all? So mostly PVE. 

Also having a look at classes and I'm first drawn to Rogue (as with other MMORPGs I've played) but the Warlock looks really interesting. Both good classes? 

I'll try to do this without sounding like a rambling fan boy....but it's probably inevitable.

WoW has it's issues. Nobody will deny that, especially with the new expansion. With that being said, I've only played for a little over a year now which means I came in at the tail end of last expansion and this is the first expansion I've really been all in on. You're always going to have those people with the attitude of "Back in my day..." in anything you do. Hell, I do it with wrestling all the time.

If you're a new player who doesn't care about Min-Maxing as you've stated then there are tons of things to do. Hell, you have like 6 expansions to go through and there is tons of stuff to collect from toys to mounts to transmog. There are dungeons and raids to run if you enjoy that though older Raids are pretty much dead because getting 20 people together who play older content is nearly impossible. They do have Dungeon/Raid finder but the queues for the Raid part of those would be really long.

People complain about the story but a lot of that revolves around faction bias. It's never been a secret that Blizzard/Activision/whoever is currently writing the stories has always cared more about Horde. A lot of the story is told from their POV so people playing Alliance are usually pissy because the best stories are Horde. It also bleeds over into the competitive scene because most of the top guilds who raid are Horde because the Racials are just more useful.....although I would argue that Night Elves Shadow Meld is probably the best racial for Mythic+ Dungeons because it allows some pretty awesome death runs. To me the story is incredible. It's a bit predictable at times but I've read up on a lot of the lore because I honestly get more of the story through Wowhead and Lore Guides than while I play the game because I'm generally quick leveling. The one complaint I'll agree with is that they sometimes forget things they've done in the past that don't correlate with something they write now....but honestly with as much history as Blizzard has created, I can forgive them for sometimes forgetting something they said 3 expansions ago.

For classes....both that you've mentioned are good classes. Again, if you're not looking to do Dungeons/Raiding competitively then any class in the game will work. Some will feel more powerful than others and honestly they should. Even if you were looking to do competitive Dungeons/Raiding, both classes you mentioned above are good for that. A couple of their specs are more favored than others.

Warlock is probably the easier of the two to play. Destruction being the easiest of the three specs for a Warlock as well. Affliction and Demonology are simming at the highest right now. Affliction requires the most focus of the three because it's a lot of DOTing (Death Over Time) and micromanaging your up time on those. Destro is just basically "Click and watch die" which is fun. I've got a Destro Warlock that I had a lot of fun with it though since I'm going to start streaming, I'm looking to do a bit more competitive stuff so I'm currently leveling another Warlock with the Affliction Spec because for Raids/Dungeon bosses, Affliction kills all.

Rogue I have never really played. I've got one....still sitting at level one. The Rogue rotation scares the living hell out of me because it's so involved and trying to remember the order that I need to use in order to be competitive seems very complicated. Again, where I'm looking to stream more often now, I'm going to try to take the game a bit more seriously so eventually I will attempt to learn how to play Rogue. In the opening Raid for the current expansion, Rogue was the best role to play. It was top of the charts for DPS and some fights (Zul) had guilds stacking like 6 Rogues out of 20 slots.

So long story short (which I've already failed at) WoW is still the best overall MMORPG even with it's flaws. Some people have recently left and went to Final Fantasy XIV which I've tried but the combat system is just too clunky and slow for me. A lot of the issues that you'll see people complain about only really applies to the MIN/MAXers and the competitive people: Things like class balance, azerite reforge costs, gearing options and RNG in gearing.

If all you're looking to do is play, do quests, do some different content then WoW is still worth playing. Plus, everything up until BFA is free with a monthly subscription as well. If you do decide to play, and want to do anything or need any advice, you can always add me and hit me up. I'm generally on every evening and a lot of the weekend. (I'm kind of addicted)


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  • 2 weeks later...
6 minutes ago, The Fork Horsemen said:

I unsubbed last time my 6 months was up and was like "Okay, I'm done. That's it.".....I think I lasted two weeks before I resubbed again.

I resubbed fully intending to drip-feed content to myself, and that was at like 12:30 AM. 7AM rolls around, and I've done the war campaign up to the Battle for Dazar'Alor and a bunch of the new quests and stuff and now I'm like "welp, time to PVP!"

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