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Guest Professor Kou

Well might as well add my grace to this happened tonight on my server at first i thought it was a fluke and this guy is a well known druid on my server.

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Well might as well add my grace to this happened tonight on my server at first i thought it was a fluke and this guy is a well known druid on my server.

*shrugs* Not that impressive. Dueling a Lock who knows how to play = instant loss. Just like Kou's Warlock Alt.

Oh yeah, If you bitches are on Sargeras whisper Isobe (Not me >_>) to join Cali's horde alt guild Crimson Bushido. :D

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Interesting duel.

I myself hate getting challenged to duels all the time by people I don't know when I'm just passing by (and usually in a hurry), and most of them not getting it when I refuse the duel and walk on. Had one idiot challenge me four times, and I finally had to stop and whisper that I was in a hurry and didn't have time. (I was on the way to a LBRS raid)

Oh, and what do you think about this? (Happened a couple of months ago, and I am in a different guild now - long story, but the following has nothing to do with why I'm not in that guild anymore. I'm not in that guild anymore because the leader is a goddamned psycho.)

I was running Oakthorn, my Night Elf Hunter, one night and got to talking about duels in guild chat with some people and decided to go watch a Paladin and Warrior duel. The Paladin beat the Warrior just barely, and I told the Warrior to try again, using a shield instead of duel wielding (her offhand weapon was fairly weak for her level). She almost won, but then the Paladin pulled a few tricks out of his hat and won. (It was close: one or two more hits by the Warrior, and he would have lost)

So I challenged the Paladin....who was two lvls lower than me at the time....to a duel to see how I would do against him. Due to my higher agility, I was dodging about every other attack, and was getting in a few hits while he was alternating between attacking my pet and healing himself. I almost got him down to half his health by the time he got my pet killed, and he was running low on mana, so I figured I had the duel in the bag. Then, when I was within about 3 hits of killing him, the sob stunned me and bandaged himself, and kept doing this every time I came close to killing him, then finally stunned me and killed me.

So, was stunning and bandaging once he was out of mana:

a. absolutely acceptable.

b. a cheap way to win.

c. cheating.

(I'm asking because there was an argument about it in guild chat. In my opinion and to a couple of other people, it was b, but most people thought it was a or c.)

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It does feel cheap when it happens, but I believe that if it is an ability, it's fair game. Besides, if he wants to waste his resources in a duel (be it bandages, potions, w/e), so be it. Just because I lose a duel doesn't mean it will hinder my future endeavors.

Two points I want to bring up, though:

1. Why must the guilds I ever ran across be so elitist as to what classes MUST DO AND BE in order to raid things such as Molten Core/BWL/AQ40, etc.? I grew tired very quickly of being told I should respec to Restoration in order to get in an end-game guild.

2. The next person that contends that people who play PvE are "carebears" can officially line up to take my groinal area in their face. PvP servers !> PvE servers, and vice versa.

Furthermore, what are the odds of an EWB guild getting started? I need something to perk my interest in the game again, and something like this could be just the trick.

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I highly doubt we could get an EWB guild going due to people being on different servers and different continents.

Ghost Machine i would say that your incident is a mix of b and c. Where it isnt exactly cheating as such i tend to think people who use Badnages and Potions in duels are just plain stupid as there bound to need them at some point but then again it did help him win the duel.

The Midget its the joys of joining a PvE guild who are end game farmers you cant be a priest go full shadowspec and still expect to be allowed into these raids as it wont benifit you or the guild in the raids. THe joy of playing on a PvP realm is the fact you can spec whatever way you want however if your a Druid/Shaman on a PvE realm or on a PvP realm but in a PvE guild then yeh thats the joy of rolling that class secondary healer.

And i might aswell post my extreme hate for Blackrock Depths now the place is incredibily boring but Scholomance owns on so many levels.

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The Midget its the joys of joining a PvE guild who are end game farmers you cant be a priest go full shadowspec and still expect to be allowed into these raids as it wont benifit you or the guild in the raids. THe joy of playing on a PvP realm is the fact you can spec whatever way you want however if your a Druid/Shaman on a PvE realm or on a PvP realm but in a PvE guild then yeh thats the joy of rolling that class secondary healer.

I just cannot fathom being pigeonholed constantly. As a feral druid, I can outdamage rogues in kitty form (300 AGI) -- in bear form, I'm an exceptional off-tank (300 STA, 275 STR) -- and yes, I can heal, too (300 INT, 250 SPI).

Granted, gaining these three sets of armor (AGI, STA/STR, INT/SPI) cost a lot of money and time, but I'm willing to put in that effort. When my work just gets crapped on because my class "is only good for secondary healing", well, they can just lick me.

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Private Servers are illegal i thought ;-/

Midget even though you probably are all of them things guild still see you as a Druid and if you want end game Resto Druid same for me and my Warlock atm if i was to go raiding i would have to go demonology/Affliction losing all of the damage output that i have.

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Scholo, yeah, its pretty good. Its damned hard to successfully pull without getting a lot of extra mobs in the first big room, and I've yet to get in a group capable of killing Alexei, but other than that, its cool.

If Alex's room is the same as it was pre-patch (Barov and two 57-61 Risen Guards), here's what my guild did to take him down:

1. Have a priest shackle the lower-level guard. Keep him shackled. In the meantime, the priest can keep whoever needs it most healed. Don't over-do it, though, as you need to conserve mana.

2. Have the tank with higher armor pull Barov *away* from the group, as you will take shadow damage from just being around him. Any pets that you have go with this tank.

3. Have the other tank and everyone else attack the guard as to kill it off faster.

Here's where the plan can deviate just a bit.

4a. Have the tank that handled the guard take aggro from Barov while the other tank handles the other guard, as to give him a bit of a rest.


4b. Have the tank who just took out the guard start taking out the other guard with a single healer, while everyone else focuses on the Barov tank.

5. Once the other guard is down, DPS the hell out of Barov if he's still alive.

Anyone going to start a Draenei alt when the expansion comes out? I'm considering it. I have a lvl 12 Human Mage that I may delete and make a Draenei Mage instead. I don't like playing Horde (I have one Horde character, a lvl 7 Orc Warrior), because I find their lands to be both boring and ugly for the most part, so I likely won't bother making a Blood Elf.

Oh...you'll want to make a Blood Elf caster. Mana Tap & Silence right off the bat. Besides, hawt :shifty:

I'll likely ditch my 30 Paladin for a Drain-eye Pally, depending on whether the racials woo me. Racials are the main reason I rolled and kept my Tauren for so long.

Well, that and my friend's guild was Horde-only. Although Stromgarde Baptist Church is the best damn Alliance guild name I've ever heard.

And does anyone else fish a lot? I've had Oak's fishing skill maxed since around lvl 35-40 or so, and use a Big Iron Fishing Pole with the STV fishing contest Eternium fishing line attached and a mod called Fishing Buddy. (I want the waders and hat from the fishing contest, also, but haven't been able to participate in the contest in a couple of months - I'm either too busy or in bed asleep) I make quite a lot of money fishing for Stonescale Eels at Steamwheedle Port in STV and selling them in the AH or fishing for Deviate Fish at Lushwater Oasis in the Barrens then cooking them and selling the Savory Deviate Delights in the AH. (Alliance AH in both cases; I don't bother selling stuff in the Neutral AH, because the deposit is usually too damn high) Fishing gives you something to do when you're only on to talk in guild chat and don't feel like standing around in one of the cities checking the Auction House, or when you're waiting on a Crossroads raid in the Barrens.

Fishing was my #1 way of killing time. Granted, I didn't get into it until 60, as I didn't really care much for secondary professions, but I grew to like it. It made decent bank on Khadgar, as well. Can't go wrong with 5g for 10 Deviate Fishies.

Edited by The Midget
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Btw, there's a version of the WoW Atlas book coming out for instances\dungeons, with every instance up to and including both versions of AQ. Its supposed to be released the 13th (date was pushed back from May 25th). I reserved a copy at Gamestop last month.

(I do use a pretty detailed Atlas mod, but I figure the book will be more detailed and give a lot more info, and I'd rather be able to have it on hand so I can do research when I can't use the computer)

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