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I'll rejoin WoW if we do an EWB guild, I guess I'll have to hit up the american servers though.

I'll join as long as we never ever do: BRD, Zul'farrak, LBRS. Im all good for the other ones.

EDIT: Wait, can us Euro's even join American servers?

Edited by Robster
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I'll join as long as we never ever do: BRD, Zul'farrak, LBRS. Im all good for the other ones.

Hey, ZF is fun!

*sings "Heeeeeyyyyy, Gahz'rilla!" for duration of post*

The wave'o'trolls is fun (as long as you have a decent group) as well as the fight against the guys afterward. And besides, zombies~!

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I'll join as long as we never ever do: BRD, Zul'farrak, LBRS. Im all good for the other ones.

Hey, ZF is fun!

*sings "Heeeeeyyyyy, Gahz'rilla!" for duration of post*

The wave'o'trolls is fun (as long as you have a decent group) as well as the fight against the guys afterward. And besides, zombies~!

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I can see why you don't like BRD or ZF - BRD is such a pain in the ass to get groups for, and the area around the Grim Guzzler (including the GG itself) isn't fun to fight in. The Lyceum is really bad. In fact, I'm considering dumping almost all my BRD quests, because I can never get a group that doesn't end up falling apart within an hour of entering the place. And ZF doesn't have much good loot drops.

But why LBRS? Its a great place to raid for loot, because epic tailoring patterns and other items that sell for a lot of loot drop there, along with a few Tier 0 armor pieces that can be sold in the AH for a good price (or to a vendor for a few gold, if bop).

Do you prefer doing Dire Maul for loot instead?

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So last night after running scholomace for my Dreadmist set (I only have the bracers atm) I handed in a quest and got my first ever character to level 60 ;-) im not in a raiding guild atm just with a group of friends i have leveled with since like level 10 and we have 50 activ players now so im staying with these although i have had offers to join end game raiding guilds.

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What kind of character(s) are you playing, and are you on a PvE or PvP server?

Right now im playing a Night Elv Hunter. And im on a normal server. Ill probably check out a PvP server once I get used to everything :)

someone give me a free trial code thing, please :P

someone give me a free trial code thing, please :P

Tell me your e-mail and ill send you a 10 day trial code


Thanks a lot (Y)

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I can see why you don't like BRD or ZF - BRD is such a pain in the ass to get groups for, and the area around the Grim Guzzler (including the GG itself) isn't fun to fight in. The Lyceum is really bad. In fact, I'm considering dumping almost all my BRD quests, because I can never get a group that doesn't end up falling apart within an hour of entering the place. And ZF doesn't have much good loot drops.

But why LBRS? Its a great place to raid for loot, because epic tailoring patterns and other items that sell for a lot of loot drop there, along with a few Tier 0 armor pieces that can be sold in the AH for a good price (or to a vendor for a few gold, if bop).

Do you prefer doing Dire Maul for loot instead?

Edited by Robster
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I've just started playing again, and christ, how many times have we mentioned an EWB guild without actually doing it? We'd be fucked for most endgame instances with such a small number (at least for the American servers), but it'd be good fun. Someone should actually get us started.

On the subject of servers, PVPRP are far superior to anything else.

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Nope you dont have to buy it now i think you can use that Trial activation as your Key dont quote me on that though.

LBRs got shit on today by are 5 man PUG.

60 Priest, SHammy, Warrior, Rogue and Warlock must of took us an hour tops even the Skull level shadow Troll didnt put up a match not one person died the entire run ;-/

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For the benefit of new players, Illmatic, and anyone else playing a Hunter or considering starting one:

http://www.wowhunters.com/forums - a pretty good forum for Hunters. I registered there as Oakenthorn instead of Oakthorn by mistake. Can find a lot of useful info and advice there.

http://petopia.brashendeavors.net/ - Petopia, the one site every Hunter should bookmark. Tells where to find just about every pet (including the rare and uniques), what abilities they have and can learn, and where to learn all the pet abilities. Also has some good information on taming certain pets, like the lvl 60 bat in ZG.

http://www.worldofwar.net/ - The site where I get my UI mods at. I doubt there's any site that has more of them and is updated as often. Also has a lot of good profession guides. (The fishing guide is a must read if you want to do fishing at all, and especially if you want to participate in the STV Fishing Extravaganza held each Sunday) If you do fishing, definitely get the Fishing Buddy mod, and if you're high enough to be going after epic armor (including tier 0), get Set Wrangler.

http://thottbot.com - WoW database. Can find just about any information on items and quests there, plus information on professions (Want a Fiery or Unholy enchant on your weapon but aren't an enchanter? Look up the items needed there then go find someone to do the enchant)

http://wow.gamepressure.com/index.asp - Has pretty good maps, and decent quest information

http://www.wowwiki.com/Main_Page - WoW Wikipedia. I don't use it that much, but its got a lot of good information.

http://www.roguespot.com/ - Good site for Rogues.

http://www.wowmb.net/ - Good site for Warlocks.

http://www.goblinworkshop.com/ - No, its not a Goblin Engineering site. Goblin Workshop is a fairly decent WoW site, and if you do the Darkmoon Faire stuff there's a pretty good page with information on the Faire, telling what you can get for your tickets and what you can turn in to get them.

If you're new to WoW and playing Alliance, the Darkmoon Faire is in Goldshire, down the road from Stormwind, right now. Go check it out. (Definitely talk to Sayge for a fortune, at least. You'll get a random buff that lasts a couple of hours)

Advice for Hunters (Night Elves, in particular):

Avoid taking a Bear for a pet. They'll eat just about anything so they are easy to feed, but the tradeoff is that they suck in combat. If you're a Dwarf, I'd suggest a cat, wolf or boar. If you're a Night Elf, go for a cat or spider. I can speak from experience that owls are irritating to other players when you group, which is why I've never used one.

If you're a Night Elf, once you get to Stormwind or Ironforge, consider training in one-handed swords or axes. Or both. I haven't touched a dagger since around lvl 25 or so. (I can use swords or axes, but have been using axes only since around lvl 45 - I'm using an epic main hand axe and have a lvl 48 blue offhand axe with a fiery enchant on it)

Might be a good idea to learn Guns in IF if you're a Night Elf. I personally have stuck to Bows, but I've seen a lot of my fellow NEs using guns. The main reason is that there are apparently a lot more blue to purple guns than bows that are good for hunters. (I'm using the Verdant Keeper's Aim, a lvl 48ish bow that was a quest reward, because I can't get a decent replacement (the ABB hasn't dropped in any of the Scholo runs I've done, and I haven't been able to get into any of my guild's ZG runs))

One pet I suggest going after once you get to about lvl 26 is a Windserpent. They're found in Thousand Needles, which is just below The Barrens. You can find some lvl 20-24 Windserpents in the Barrens, but they are gold colored and don't look as nice as the green and white varieties found in TN. There are also some unique Windserpents in the Wailing Caverns instance in the Barrens, and some red ones found in Feralas when you are in your 40s. Windserpents have Lightning Breath and can learn Dash, which comes in quite handy. Windserpents are offensive pets, but can be built to make fairly decent defensive pets with the right abilities. I've used one since lvl 26 or so, and it knows Growl but not Cower. They are also easy to feed, eating fruit, bread and cheese - all buyable in most major cities. (If you're Horde, or just don't want a Windserpent, I'd get a Scorpid instead)

Oh, and one bit of advice for Rogues: No matter what build you go for, at least put enough into Assassination to get Relentless Strikes. I got it on my Rogue last night, and it rocks. RS gives you a 20% chance per combo point to regain 25 energy when using a finishing move. Meaning you don't have to drink as much Thistle Tea.

(I'm still working on my Rogue's build - he's lvl 23 now - but am probably only going to put 5 pts in Subtlety - all in Master of Deception, because I plan on using him for PvP a lot once he gets to lvl 29 and a hard to detect Rogue armed with explosives (he's an engineer) should be the shit in Warsong Gulch)

Edited by GhostMachine
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