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The Comic Book Thread (spoilers)

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21 hours ago, =BK= said:

Hey, I've been meaning to tell you something for like a week.

Give Detective Comics a chance. Ever since Rebirth started Batwoman has basically been the main character and it's damn good. It's got me interested in reading her solo book.

I'm not reading any Marvel right now. They shake things up and cancel books and change casts way too often. DC's far more stable at the moment.

Forgot to ask can I just jump in or do they have like a big story going right now?

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18 minutes ago, The Chiksrara Special said:

Forgot to ask can I just jump in or do they have like a big story going right now?

They do but you don't have to go super far back. Rebirth and the build of all the current stories that are coming together start at...934 I think. Give me a sec to check my app.

Edit: Yep, 934.

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10 minutes ago, The Chiksrara Special said:

Thanks I might go to my local shop while I'm out and look into it

I think there are 4 trades out so that'd be your best option to look into.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This costume is supposed to be Patriotic but does it make anyone else think of the Rebel flag before the US flag?


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Power Girl threw them at him and he caught them then bearhugged them and smashed their Swastika  medals.

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Not sure if anyone has followed Bryan Talbot's Grandville series, as it's probably quite niche, but the final book is out now. As ever, Talbot produces some of the most stunning artwork in the medium, and as the last book ended on a fairly bizarre cliffhanger, I'm really keen to get started on this one.

Perhaps my favourite thing about it, though, is that the last third of the book is inside a black sleeve with a "spoiler-proof seal". Great idea, but I think somewhat overestimating people's likelihood to try and spoil the ending to a series I'm not sure anyone's really been reading in the first place.

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I wish I could get my hands on more issues of AFTERLIFE WITH ARCHIE, but my source that I borrowed issues from quit reading it, and I'm not sure if they've done a second TPB yet. (I read the first 9 or 10 issues)

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/9/2018 at 13:00, GhostMachine said:

I wish I could get my hands on more issues of AFTERLIFE WITH ARCHIE, but my source that I borrowed issues from quit reading it, and I'm not sure if they've done a second TPB yet. (I read the first 9 or 10 issues)

I binged the latest Archie series, and I am so impressed with how good it is. I hope it has a long run.

Also, the TMNT series with IDW is just so excellent. I'm in love.

EDIT: I'm interested to see how Invincible #144 ends. At one point, I felt like Invincible was the best book ever written. It has fallen off quite a bit with me over the last few years, but either way. It was a heck of a journey.

Edited by Carparama
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The Mark Waid Archie series is really great. I do miss Fiona Staples on art though, she was perfect. Her dance card's pretty full, though. Afterlife With Archie was really good but then it pretty much just stopped dead, no pun intended.

I'm reading the second issue of Batman: White Knight and it's basically gone from "oh, this could be interesting" to "oh, this reads like somewhat above-average fanfiction" for me real quick.

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That makes me glad I only got the first issue of White Knight then

Also I'm not sure how to feel about Kelly Thompson signing exclusive to Marvel. She is one of my favorite writers and I am way happy for her but they also just cancelled Hawkeye which was one of the best comics so I don't exactly have confidence in Marvel as a company right now

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7 hours ago, The Chiksrara Special said:

That makes me glad I only got the first issue of White Knight then

Also I'm not sure how to feel about Kelly Thompson signing exclusive to Marvel. She is one of my favorite writers and I am way happy for her but they also just cancelled Hawkeye which was one of the best comics so I don't exactly have confidence in Marvel as a company right now

A YouTuber I stumbled across showed the sales for Hawkeye. It was bad. You can't really blame Marvel for cutting what isn't making them money.

I liked White Knight #2 aside from the fact it brought out the numbskulls that haven't read a single Harley book since the N52 launch to screech their approval.

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