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Nintendo Wii


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I got mine @ 8:30 this morning at the Target in Westbury, Long Island) (I live in NYC). I went @ 5:00 in the morning, an a friggin tent city was set up, but I got into the middle of the line, and was 61st. Strangely enough, everybody who was on line when security came to tell us what was happening was guaranteed a Wii. It was the people after who were out of luck. I got Zelda, Super Monkey Ball, and Trauma Center, and I'm going to get Call of Duty. Not a bad deal for $430 and change compared to other systems. Just saying.

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8.8 Mmmm, internet memes.

And even though I haven't tried a Wii first hand I still stand by my novelty console label. Sure it might be the best console for playing with friends, but I seriously doubt I'd ever enjoy a Wii game (Even Twilight Princess) solo.

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Well, I camped out at Walmart on Saturday and got the ninth one out of eighteen. Everyone was really cool about it which was nice seeing as how the rabid PS3 launches on the news scared me shitless. Also, I got the last copy of Twilight Princess.


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Guest Future Shock


Reasonably pricey.

Uh, what? I can understand mindless bashing of video consoles is standard fanboi behaviour, but you've slagged the Wii in favor of the PS3 and are saying its components are REASONABLY PRICEY? They're basically free comapred to PS3 stuff.

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Reasonably pricey.

Uh, what? I can understand mindless bashing of video consoles is standard fanboi behaviour, but you've slagged the Wii in favor of the PS3 and are saying its components are REASONABLY PRICEY? They're basically free comapred to PS3 stuff.

Sorry what!?

To start with I am not a Sony fanboy, having never technically owned as Sony console and I am going to buy a Wii when it comes out here in Britain. I choose gameplay over graphics.

Secondly the wikipedia page has changed and at the time it was linked to it, it stated the controllers cost about £30. Maybe I've become a massive cheapskate recently, but £30 for a controller is pricey. That's £90 for me to be able to play with 3 friends. I'll use this link to illustrate £30. I don't know how much PS3 suff costs, but it ain't coming out for 4 months minimum over here, so I ain't going to check.

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Got mine with Zelda, Marvel Ultimate Alliance and Super Monkey Ball....and Wii Sports has gotten played more than all the others. I ended up paying an extra $23 for an extra Controller compared to suggested prices. Remote was $45 and Nunchick $23 at Toys R Us and that was the only store who was selling extra controllers without pre order. That and the tax escalated the price. Monkeyball is fun in shot bursts, Wii Sports rocks with friends and Zelda...it's Zelda! But Marvel is way to similar to the X Men Legends games and I cannot stand more than one hour at a time before I am bored

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Guest Future Shock

Uh, you do realize that both the PS3 and XBox controllers are 10 dollars US more than the Wiimote, right?

No. I haven't bothered to check. They're all expensive then. 10 measly dollars less does not make them practically free compared to PS3 either, thats like what £3?

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On 11/19 the Wii received a new game from Nintendo titled Legend of Zelda. Since then 25 sites and magazines have reviewed it including GameSpy, UnderGroundOnline, Lawrence and GamersMark. Together their reviews have resulted in an average ratio of 96.3%. That ratio has resulted in this title becoming the 4th best game of all time and the 1st best game on the Wii.
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I played it for the first time last night. I'll admit that I wasn't sure what to think of the system considering I've never been a huge Nintendo fan. I went with the X-Box 360 during this round of the console wars and still stick by my purchase.

However, after playing the Wii last night, I was very impressed. I only played Wii sports Baseball and Boxing, but it was really a lot of fun. The games had a great reaction time with my "jabs" or my "swing/pitch" in baseball. For a game that is a cartoony sports hodge podge, it was a hell of a lot of fun. I'm almost considering picking up a Wii, not anytime soon, but maybe at some point in 2007.

Nintendo deserves a ton of credit for a great system that isn't priced to the high heavens.

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