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though the songs do tend to blend together during listening and i often fail to even register when a new song starts.

I hate when that happens. Though that's never happened with A&A though. Because I don't listen to them. :P

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He is indeed. Plus it's a fucking dross of an album. It's a shame, because DeLonge can actually write a good song, but he's so wrapped up in himself that it all reads like the suicide note of a 14 year-old, lovestruck dyslexic. Not to mention that the lead guitarist's creative process on I-Empire seems to have involved simply nicking The Eagles' effects pedal and running off with it.

Not as bad as their first album, but I think that's only because it didn't have anything like the hype/anticipation behind it, so it wasn't as much of an anticlimax.

Ahem. Meanwhile, I've been listening to Saliva of late, they're generally pretty good. Right now I'm getting to grips with Robyn's self-titled effort from 2006. Not to sound like a mini-Hamster here, but it's a fucking awesome effort - great pop from start to finish, Robyn's done very well to move with the times and there are flavours of electro and dance running through the album like the syrup in a tub of Raspberry Ripple ice cream. I'd definitely recommend it to anybody who likes electro-pop, and actually I'd urge most people to give it a try.

Although I'm a bit worried that on 'Konichiwa Bitches,' she threatens to come in my mouth.

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I can't stop listening to This Is Spinal Tap. It's just the ultimate album, it spans all genres and has a higher percentage of beards than any band not named ZZ Top. And did ZZ Top ever had a movie made about them? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. If I find a karaoke machine that has Stonehenge on it, I am crying then buying that mothercanucker.

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Neutral Milk Hotel - In The Aeroplane Over The Sea - 7.5/10

I'm not gonna call it my favorite record ever, though, admittedly multiple listens really help records like this. Still, it's a good indie rock hallmark with perfectly tuned rhythms and emotional subject matter that becomes more complex and well thought out as the album goes on. And for a record to inspire some of the top heavyweights of indie today (Win Butler was especially inspired by this record), it's no doubt some form of an achievement.

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^^I'm wearing a Neutral Milk Hotel shirt right now. It's definitely one of my favorite albums ever. :ph34r:

Les Savy Fav - Let's Stay Friends


Definitely one of the finest albums released in 2007. Some tracks are a little weak, but "Pots & Pans", "The Equestrian", "Patty Lee", and "Brace Yourself" alone are more than enough for this to be a great album.

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Panda Bear - Person Pitch - 8/10

Now this is truly an oddball record. Noah Lennox adapts the persona of Panda Bear in what essentially is a batshit crazy version of a Beach Boys album. It's heavy on repeated noises and on a very noisy atmosphere but then Lennox's Brian Wilson-like voice shines through it most of all. It's a record that's definitely not for everyone, but even so is already more accessible than most of Animal Collective's stuff.

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Firewind. Firewind, Firewind, Firewind.

How I managed to not hear about these guys until Bloodstock when the founding member was in one of my favourite bands, I don't know. But somehow they slipped under the radar. Not any more :P Gus G. rocks my unspecified undergarments.

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Scout Niblett's "This Fool Can Die Now", because it's just one of the best albums of last year by far...not as cheery and light-hearted as I'm used to from her AT ALL, but fuck it, it's Scout Niblett with Steve Albini and Will Oldham, it's phenomenal. "Kiss", "Nevada" and "Do You Want To Be Buried With My People" are stand-out tracks.

Loads of Seasick Steve too. I've had "Hobo Low" stuck in my head every now and then ever since I saw him last month, so I finally got round to sticking on Dog House Music and oh my it's wonderful.

And GZA's "Liquid Swords", because it's the best rap album I've ever heard. Stick that in your Saul Williams.

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