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Autographs that you have

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So do you have any autographs or famous people and if so, who?

For me, my autographs are pretty much only sporting autographs....

I have:

A small magazine with Jonty Rhodes on the cover that he signed at a practice match before the cricket world cup in England a number of years ago).

Jonty Rhodes played for South Africa and was recognised as cricket's best ever fielder, as well as being a decent batsman.

I have a signed picture of Carl Hooper as well as his signature on a dentist appointment card. He used to play for the Kent cricket team which we went to watch quite often.

Carl Hooper captained the West Indies cricket team and was an excellent batsman and bowler.

I have a mini cricket bat signed by the entire Kent team back in the 90s. I raised money for a Kids Cancer charity a few times after a friend of ours got cancer aged 3. This was one of the presents that was given to me, along with a signed sheet of the Australian Ashes touring team and a South African touring team.

I have a Wimbledown tennis ticket signed by Greg Rusedski in his first year of playing as a Brit. He was a great guy and chatted with a few of us and had his photo taken with us. Supported him since.

I have an official signed team card of cyclist and former Tour De France winner Jan Ullrich when he cycled for the T-Mobile team (before the drugs issue this year). Over the past six years everyone always cheered on Lance Armstrong but I rooted for Ulllrich who's attitude and sheer determination was second to none.

EDIT: Oh I alwaso have signed photos of those rather tired and cheesy presenters of old kids TV saturday show Motor Mouth, including Gaby Roslin and Neil Buchannen. Go me :shifty:

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The fact that I only have one non-wrestling famous autograph is kind of sad, but then it's not like I go to many places where famous people are going to be other than wrestling events.

Danny John-Jules (of Red Dwarf 'The Cat' fame) - signed photo

Terry Funk - signed t-shirt

Mick Foley - signed photo/copy of Tietam Brown

Raven - signed photo

Christopher Daniels - signed photo

Colt Cabana - signed photo/DVD

Austin Aries - signed photo

Nigel McGuinness - signed photo

Jimmy Rave - signed photo

Jody Fleisch - signed photo

BJ Whitmer - signed photo

Super Dragon - signed poster (which also has lots of other signitures including Jonny Storm, Spud, and others I can't remember)

Paul Burchill - different signed poster

Unless there are any ones that have REALLY slipped my mind, I think that's all.

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Rene Dupree - event book

John Cena - event book

Brandon Urri [lead singer of Panic!] - P!ATD's cd jacket

Justin St. Pierre [lead of Motion City Soundtrack] - Nintendo Fusion ticket stub

Dick Irving [Montreal Canadians classic announcer] - jacket of program... he was sitting beside me watching practice.

Theoren Fleury [hockey player] - multiple cards... including rookie card.

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I only have trading card sport signatures.

Kyle Orton

Mario Williams

Bobby Carpenter

Devin Hester

Luol Deng

Maurice Stovall

Richard Jefferson

Carnell "Cadillac" Williams

Channing Frye

Corey Maggette

Andreas Nocioni

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I had an autograph of some moderately famous boxer when I was little, I forget who. Other than that, all I got is a couple signed comic books. I got copy of Gambit #1 signed by Scott Lodbell I ordered off of QVC years ago. I also have a copy of Scud: The Disposable Assasin #15 signed by creator/artist/writer Rob Schrab. Kinda cool story behind that, I ordered some books off his website and it took 6 months for me to get them. When they finally arrived, one of them was signed and I got a free poster(otherwise worth $15).

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I have plenty of NASCAR driver autographs, and I know they're all authentic because I had the driver sign them for me in person (used to go to Food City Family Race Nights before the Bristol races, but haven't bothered going in years because they send all the good drivers to Sevierville to sign autographs now):

Richard Petty

Kyle Petty (back when he drove the Mello Yello car; I got his autograph on a Racing Champions diecast car)

Ernie Irvan

Jimmy Spencer

Sterling Marlin

Terry Labonte

and several others. Never did Dale Earnhardt's, though. (But, I wasn't an Earnhardt fan, anyway)

I also have an 11 x 17 print of Power Girl (a headshot) signed by George Perez that I ordered off eBay, and it came in yesterday. (The Wonder Woman prints were twice the price, and there was only one Scarlet Witch up for auction, or I would have gone for one of those)

And I have a copy of Green Arrow: Longbow Hunters #1 signed by Mike Grell.

I *used* to have Todd McFarlane and Mark Lenard (Sarek, and the Romulan Commander from "Balance Of Terror") autographs, but the flier I had their signatures on got thrown out by accident (NOT by me!). :(

My autograph want list (in no particular order):

Stan Lee

John Byrne

Darrell Waltrip

Troy Aikman

Emmitt Smith

Roger Clemens

Mick Foley



Booker T

Kurt Angle

Keiji Mutoh

Jushin Liger

La Parka

Tracy Brooks

Gail Kim

Trish Stratus

Candice Michelle

Clint Eastwood

And about half a dozen or so former Playboy Playmates

Edited by GhostMachine
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I've got four, but I only know where two are. Actually, I know for sure where one is but, not quite sure where the other is.

Big Show - Got it at Hamleys after he had knee surgery. And being huge, you can imagine how many people wanted him to stand up and take pictures with him.

Francis Rossi and Rick Parfitt of Status Quo - My dad drove them a few times and he got their autographs. It pisses me off that I don't know where they are though.

Freddie Ljungberg - Got his autograph the other week when he was in House of Fraser in London. Problem being is 95% of the people there were screaming girls, and because it was for Calvin Klein, we were all given big posters of Freddie in nothing but his boxers. We didn't look gay at all.

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Andrew Seward (Against Me!'s Bassist) - Autographed CD (The disc itself) of "Searching For A Former Clarity)

Cregg (Lead singer of Boy Hits Car) - Autographed CD (The piece of paper beind the disc holder...it's plain white and looks awesome with his signature) of "My Animal"

Poster signed by all of the members of Boy Hits Car


Autographed 8x10's:

CM Punk

Jimmy Jacobs

Eric Priest

Colt Cabana

Autographed DVDs:

An IWA Fairytale - signed by Arik Cannon

IWA Givin' 'em Da Bizness - Signed by Matt Sydal

CHIKARA 2005 Tag World Gand Prix night 2 - signed by Jigsaw

Colt Cabana European Vacation - Signed by Colt Cabana (Der)

Mick Foley's Three Faces of Foley DVD set - Signed by Mick Foley (SO cool that I met him and shook his hand...happened at the Joe v. Punk II ROH show in Chicago)

Autographed pieces of paper (My friends and I were at the 2004 TPI and just got assloads of signatures)

Samoa Joe

Ian Rotten

Austin Aries

Matt Sydal

Petey Williams

My friend tried to get Bryan Danielson to sign a gum wrapper...the look on his face was priceless. He was working heel at the show, so he looked at the gum wrapper and said "You're gonna have to do better than that." Same friend got an autograph from Nigel McGuinness and it had his name printed, his signature and a heart...still haven't figured that one out yet.

Edited by Ash J. Williams
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