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Gaming industry Pet Peeves


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Being somewhat old to the online gaming scene there's stuff I really hate, and this is mainly to do with Halo 2:

Cheaters. Especially the blatant ones. 'Wahey guys, I've got the flag cover my ass and w...wait, what the fuck is this? A loading screen? Oh well, someone must have left the game...wait, we're back...and I'm dead...and where's the flag I just stole? SONS OF BITCHES.' Repeat this scenario over and over again until the other team wins or time runs out for a draw.

Americans. Go into almost any game and they shit-talk ANYONE in sight, and if you're not American, prepare for the most racist abuse you've ever had. Not to mention they are possibly the most stupid people on the planet, with the worst no-sense-making insults ever, and their lack of determining accents correctly. I've received racist abuse for being French, English, Australian, Irish, Canadian, Japanese and of course, Scottish. They usually suck at the game as well, so if you get one in your team he can betray you, annoy you and make your team shit in he process. If he kills you enough you can usually boot him.

Griefers. Almost cheaters. They don't know how to play the game properly and suck any aspect of fun out of a game. But they usually do it using the cheapest possible tactics like using glitches in the game to get an advantage over everyone else, sitting behind corners with power weapons waiting for someone to walk round the corner to kill them and so on and so forth.

And of course, people who hate certain games because they don't get it, or they suck at it.

PS. I also hate AI that apparently has no parameters to prevent it from cheating.

Edited by The Kraig
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Most games come with with the instruction booklet in .pdf format. With the current size of the package reduced to the standard DVD jewel case format, which is definitely a great thing, it is impossible to include a detailed manual.


I hate the NFS Series.

I hate Playstation fanboys.

I hate people who hate FM "coz it's 2 complex, LOL football suckz ballz"

I hate the "featuring an epic storyline" tag, anytime a new game comes out.

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Obsessions with graphics. My PC can't run most new games, because they're being brought out on DVD to make room for the ridiculous graphics, without any emphasis on gameplay for the most part. 3D can go suck a cock for all I care, as long as the gameplay's good. Give me new Lemmings or give me death.

Almost every RPG ever. Some of my favourite games are RPGs, but I get bored to tears by the majority of them, when it's just "Forsooth, the princess has run away! The King is acting strangely!" ad nauseum. It's even worse when the D&D playing knobs that buy the games then never shut up about how amazing they are, because they get to fulfill their fantasies of pimping all the elven bitches. And, yes, World Of Warcraft is included in this category.

On second thoughts, I'd probably like those games if they did ACTUALLY allow you to pimp elven bitches. I might be on to something.

Oh, and this stands in D&D as well as computer RPGs; anyone who plays them and focuses on nothing but maxing out their character's stats, with complete disregard to the storyline. I can't understand people who'll buy an RPG, then skip through all the dialogue. What's the fucking point?

Edited by Skumfrog
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"Forsooth, the princess has run away! The King is acting strangely!"

Isn't that Chrono Trigger? :ohwell:

Yes. And practically every fucking RPG ever.

Okay, the King isn't really the King. He's a demon in the King suit and the real King's been killed or kidnapped or something. Blah blah blah, lather, rinse, repeat.

Bring on the shady, reserved mercenary with a heart of gold and the female magic user.

Oh what a surprise, the end boss tripled in size after I defeated him once. Didn't see that one coming.

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Probably already been said, but I hate that people still seem to think that only kids play games. I was talking to a friend about the 360 the other day, and our manager came over and said "Games? That's a bit childish isn't it?"

I didn't dignify her with a response, but even so, it just annoys me that people think games like GTA and Manhunt are only aimed at kids because they're the only people that play games.

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The term "open-ended gameplay". What this generally means is "we couldn't be fucked to actually think of a storyline". Some games do this well of course (Oblivion, the original Deus Ex), but some of them are just fucking lazy.

Also, games that look beautiful, but are fucking shocking to actually play (COUGHFARCRYCOUGH). Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of nice graphics, but if you're going to have nice graphics, at least fucking make a game to go with it (COUGHHALF-LIFE2COUGH), and don't go so far overboard that playing with max detail makes me feel physically sick (COUGHOBLIVIONCOUGH).

That actually deserves a selection of it's own: The grass in Oblivion. It looks very nice to have grass that waves around in the wind. But when you have to run around and fight things in it and it comes to your character's knees, it makes me feel sick.

I also hate full-price expansion packs. Don't get me wrong, I've got nothing against the idea of the expansion pack, but when I've just paid £30-40 for your game, I'll be fucked if I'm going to spend another £20-30 to get a few more units and an extra map or two. Blizzard and Relic are the obvious exceptions, because they know how to do expansion packs (won't be getting Burning Crusade though, sorry Blizz, WoW has become far too retarded, and WAR is going to beta soon. Bye.). The most obvious complete failiure of an expansion pack model is The Sims. Fuck you and your money-grabbing expansions that took about a week to make.

Dark Messiah. Face it guys, you made an Oblivion clone.

Oh, and I'm starting to get sick of FPS's that think they're RPG's. Deus Ex was revolutionary, KotoR was brilliant, Oblivion rocks, although Morrowind missed the point completely. Purge can just fuck off.

World War 2/War games in general that aren't called Medal of Honor or Battlefield. Go away, you add NOTHING to the genre, you just copy the same old shit and set it somewhere named something slightly different. Plus, most of the time, you can't even copy properly.

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So many things that I agree with in this thread that I don't have much to add, but...

Games with large online communities that are expected to act as testers for the game. Now, I love FM, but the latest iteration has gone absolutely too far with the pervasion of bugs. If the game had a smaller market, a game released in the same state as FM would be panned. From the stupidly obvious bugs (Rooney's international ban) to frequent fatal exceptions, across-the-board player history corruptions, a completely flawed new player generation system, a match engine which allows a ball to stop and change direction in mid-air, and players that stand still for 30-40 seconds at a time, to incredibly poor grammar and spelling in the new media messages - FM07 is a mess. I'm sure the fact that I play the game obsessively contributes to the fact that I get pissed off when something crops up that throws my invested time out the window.

Yes, this wall all prompted by my 5-season game having the player histories corrupted. Grrrr.

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The term "open-ended gameplay". What this generally means is "we couldn't be fucked to actually think of a storyline". Some games do this well of course (Oblivion, the original Deus Ex), but some of them are just fucking lazy.

Also, games that look beautiful, but are fucking shocking to actually play (COUGHFARCRYCOUGH). Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of nice graphics, but if you're going to have nice graphics, at least fucking make a game to go with it (COUGHHALF-LIFE2COUGH), and don't go so far overboard that playing with max detail makes me feel physically sick (COUGHOBLIVIONCOUGH).

That actually deserves a selection of it's own: The grass in Oblivion. It looks very nice to have grass that waves around in the wind. But when you have to run around and fight things in it and it comes to your character's knees, it makes me feel sick.

I also hate full-price expansion packs. Don't get me wrong, I've got nothing against the idea of the expansion pack, but when I've just paid £30-40 for your game, I'll be fucked if I'm going to spend another £20-30 to get a few more units and an extra map or two. Blizzard and Relic are the obvious exceptions, because they know how to do expansion packs (won't be getting Burning Crusade though, sorry Blizz, WoW has become far too retarded, and WAR is going to beta soon. Bye.). The most obvious complete failiure of an expansion pack model is The Sims. Fuck you and your money-grabbing expansions that took about a week to make.

Dark Messiah. Face it guys, you made an Oblivion clone.

Oh, and I'm starting to get sick of FPS's that think they're RPG's. Deus Ex was revolutionary, KotoR was brilliant, Oblivion rocks, although Morrowind missed the point completely. Purge can just fuck off.

World War 2/War games in general that aren't called Medal of Honor or Battlefield. Go away, you add NOTHING to the genre, you just copy the same old shit and set it somewhere named something slightly different. Plus, most of the time, you can't even copy properly.

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Americans. Go into almost any game and they shit-talk ANYONE in sight, and if you're not American, prepare for the most racist abuse you've ever had. Not to mention they are possibly the most stupid people on the planet, with the worst no-sense-making insults ever, and their lack of determining accents correctly. I've received racist abuse for being French, English, Australian, Irish, Canadian, Japanese and of course, Scottish. They usually suck at the game as well, so if you get one in your team he can betray you, annoy you and make your team shit in he process. If he kills you enough you can usually boot him.
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I hate how every game needs to be so in-depth now. I mean, don't get me wrong, once in a while an in-depth game like GTA comes along, and it works perfectly, but in my opinion MGS3 just took it too fucking far. Seriously, the whole backpack idea was stupid; "you can carry 3g of stuff or you'll walk like a fucking lepur!". It was intirely pointless. I miss the Mega Drive, when games were just games, not expeditions!

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yeah, but it is a pet peeve. all these 'epic' games are too much. instead of buying a couple weeks of simple fun with a nice little story you'e buying a life sentence. I'm all for wide-span games, but i feel some games have just taken it too far.

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