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The 2007 Major League Baseball Thread


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Holliday led the league in average and RBIs. Rollins had a 20-20-20-20 season, a rare feat. But Curtis Granderson also accomplished that. And sure Rollins "carried" the Phils on his back. A Phillies team stacked with talent. Holliday carried a team of no-names and a past-his-prime Todd Helton. It's no question to me, and I've seen a ton of Phillies games this year. The MVP is Matt Holliday.

EDIT- Forgot to list my predictions.

Diamondbacks over Cubs (5 games)

Rockies over Phillies (4 games)

Diamondbacks over Rockies (6 games)

Indians over Yankees (5 games)

Red Sox over Angels (4 games)

Indians over Red Sox (7 games)

Diamondbacks over Indians (6 games)

Edited by damshow
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Guest GotMBTA

Ah, predictions.

Cubs over Diamondbacks in 4.

Phillies over Rockies in 5.

Red Sox over Angels in 4.

Yankees over Indians in 5.

Cubs over Phillies in 6.

Red Sox over Yankees in 6.

Red Sox over Cubs in 6.

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Both Holliday and Rollins have had spectacular seasons. If either of them won the MVP it wouldn't be too bad. Funny to see how the last crazy week of the season and the Phillies storming into the playoffs and the Rockies coming out of nowhere pretty much knocked Prince Fielder and his 50 homers out of the MVP conversation.

Playoff Predictions


Diamondbacks over Cubs (5 games)

Rockies over Phillies (5 games)

Diamondbacks over Rockies (5 games)


Red Sox over Angels (5 games)

Yankees over Indians (4 games)

Red Sox over Yankees (6 games)


Red Sox over Diamondbacks (7 games)

World Series MVP- Jonathan Papelbon (John Wetteland-esque 4 for 4 saves)

May it be noted that I am rooting for both NL West Teams in the playoffs I just think the Sox are going to take it no matter how much it pains me to say.

Edited by jonnycomelately
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Red Sox over Angels (4 Games)

Indians over Yankees (5 Games)

Dbacks over Cubs (4 Games)

Rockies over Phillies (5 Games)

Red Sox over Indians (6 Games)

Dbacks over Rockies (7 games)

Red Sox over Dbacks (6 Games)

Call me a homer for picking the Red Sox, but they're just the team I feel most confident in. Honestly I think that every team except the Angels has the chance to win the World Series this year. This postseason is going to be amazing.

Edited by reyrey619
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Rockies in 4 - Philly can only win if they can outhit them.

Cubs in 5 - I see the hitting for Chicago get shut down by Webb twice.

Indians in 5 - Underestimate the Tigers and lose. Same thing this year with Cleveland.

Red Sox in 4 - Red Sox will find enough to push themselves past the Halos.

Rockies in 6 - Cubs get screwed in one game and Colorado takes advantage.

Red Sox in 7 - Indians fight, but don't have enough to pass the Sox.

Rockies in 6 - Colorado all the way. This team had a great story and hope they complete it with their first ever World Series ring.

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I'm a huge Mets fan, and don't get me wrong, I am pissed especially since the Jets lost a big game and on top of that the Chargers lost, knocking me out of a $5000 Survivor Pool. But anyway, even though the Mets were up 7 with 17 to play, I almost feel worse for the Padre fans. I mean, Hoffman, supposedly the best closer in the league blows two saves in the last couple games. Just goes to show you he isn't a clutch pitcher. He gets the easy saves during the season. Against the Yankees a while back he choked. In the All-Star game he choked. And now these final games. It was a really exciting game, but I just feel bad for the Padre fans and really hate the Mets right now. But all it was that they feel asleep and just never woke up. They just got to comfortable.

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Is that my Don Orsillo covering this game? The Sox's Orsillo? Trader. :shifty:

What, NESN don't need him any more this season. All the games are gonna be TBS or Fox. I say it's an accomplishment for Orsillo that he's getting some national TV exposure.

Jerry Remy better get on some Fox games again, that would be sweetness.

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Braves will not be re-signing Andruw Jones this year, as reported by ESPN and the AJC, among other places.

My initial reaction is that this is a mistake and more of a reaction to declining stats than anything else. We'll see who takes his place, but my overall vibe about the Braves right now is that they're quickly entering the territory the Cubs were in just a few years ago...which isn't very good.

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I think its the right decision. Sure he was a great outfielder, but his offensive numbers are not stellar and he K's far too much. For a fraction of the price they can sign a speedy CF who can cover ground and be a good lead-off hitter or hit in the two slot (or be a good 8th or 9th depending on who they sign). What this also does, and the real reason I like the move, is they can put that money to a pitcher. If they had a 3rd starter they would have won the East this year. They hung in there with Smoltz, Hudson, and a spotty bullpen (due to injuries). Now we get Gonzalez and Dotel back healthy, a possible quality 3rd starter, and still have a decent line-up with Teixeria remaining with the team. Overall I like the move for the team.

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I'm just waiting for Angelos to offer Jones a 6-year $150 million contract.

Well, rumors from Atlanta way had it that he was wanting a 7 YOUR./$140 mil. contract.....not gonna happen.

Cubbies drop game 1, 3-1 as Brandon Webb basically only had trouble with Zambrano as a hitter. Meanwhile, the Rockies take the first game away from the Phils.

As for Sawx fans...fret not. Beckett looked damn fine as Boston goes up 1-0.

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I missed the Sox/Angels game but the other two were pretty solid, if slightly boring since I had no rooting interest. I'd like to see the Phillies & Cubs lose just because some of their fans irritate me to no end, but I can't find myself caring about the teams from the NL West. On a completely unrelated note, does anyone else think Beckett looks like a small Batista ever since he shaved his beard?

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