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It's not that the characters got killed off, I was expecting that but it was just that... it was all the good stuff fired off at first and I just got annoyed.

Honestly, in the end I was just hoping...

... for Royce to actually have entered the Preadtor spaceship and let them all die. At least they did a good job with his character.

Yeah, it is a sequel, I don't care what anyone says, it really hangs on the whole sequel thing.

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Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea - This was my first exposure to Studio Ghibli, and I plan on watching everything they've ever put out after seeing this film. I've never been into the whole "Anime" thing, but this movie was absolutely breathtaking. I can't believe that I didn't see it before now. I recommend it for anybody looking to get into Studio Ghibli, or just Hayao Miyazaki. 8.5/10, and probably higher on repeat viewings. I plan on checking out Spirited Away as soon as possible.

Brothers - I've been waiting to see Gyllenhaal and Mcguire together in a film for some time now. I just always thought that they'd mesh fairly well. And well...They actually did. The movie wasn't fantastic or anything, but it was definitely decent for what it was. I was a bit turned off as I felt that they were exploiting a shell shocked man, and making him out to look like an evil son of a bitch, but I think I've gotten over it a little bit. Also, Natalie Portman looked stunning as always. 7/10.

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Inception - 10/10 - HOOOOOOLY SHIIIIIIT! God. Yes. Cinematic sex. A genius idea executed beautifully. I'm recommending this to anyone who can appreciate the slightest thread of cinema.

And I agree with your spoiler tagged item, LNK.

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Just got back from seeing Inception. Awesome. There was never a dull moment and....

I liked the ending since they didn't give a definitive answer. I was pulling for it to fall, but I'm sort of glad that we don't know.


Agree with you 100% Inception was amazing. I was on the edge of my seat the entire film it was just so great.

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I don't think it lived up to the hype. It was a perfectly fine movie, a good movie, maybe even a great movie, but I am not seeing where all this "I'd rather watch this movie than get a blowjob ever again" over-hype is coming from. The premise is brilliant, Nolan's directing is top notch, and the acting was great, but this movie just wasn't what I had anticipated. Perhaps I hyped it up too much in my own mind, perhaps I'm missing something (though the movie didn't even get to a fraction of the complexity I expected), but I'd say The Prestige is still Nolan's masterpiece... and it didn't help that you could see the ending coming a mile away.

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Eh, I like The Prestige but it seemed almost M. Night Shyamalan-esque (before he became the running joke of Hollywood) with all the twists and turns.

I find it strange that Zero finds The Prestige Nolan's masterpiece though and not Memento.

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Oh, I know, it's just that the amount of twists seemed a bit overkill at times. Don't get me wrong, I love the movie, they just keep me from anointing it a masterpiece.

That said, the guy hasn't made a bad movie so I can see why you could name any of them his masterpiece.

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There's only really that one twist at the end. I've never really thought of it as a 'twist' type of movie and definitely nothing like a M. Night film. Prestige is far better than Memento in my opinion though.

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