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Watching Classic Who on Netflix is ace. First serial (An Unearthly Child) isn't the greatest despite the initial episode being brilliant. Second episode features too much attempted caveman dialogue and it gets quite tedious, the poor acting isn't helpful for this. I also can't stand Susan and her stage-y acting and dramatic "GRANDFATHER!" every time he does something or is tired or anything. Ian is fantastic though and Hartnell is a breath of fresh air (in comparison to the god-like future regenerations). Barbara isn't too bad either, although she too is prone to fits of hysteria from time to time.

Highlight so far though is in The Daleks serial and the Thals are jumping on Daleks and riding around on them. Hilarious to watch and really detracts from how scary The Daleks were perceived to be (my mother claims she hid as a young girl from the Daleks in the sixties), but it's entertaining to watch.

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Watched Senna today after having it on the Sky Box for ages. I never knew much about him other than his death so I went in blank. Wow what a documentary. It flowed so well, touched upon everything flawlessly and handled the death with ease. Brilliant piece

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Very good with a masterclass in acting. Was very strange watching this film after having watched Studio 60 but I really enjoyed it, though I feel, at points, it dragged slightly. Fun characters though, liked it a lot.

Saw Glengary Glen Ross, too. I'd seen the play about 6 years ago, but couldn't remember too much. Another fucking great showcase of acting, with Spacey, Lemmon, Pacino, Harris and Alec Baldwin putting in class perfomances.

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Rock of Ages

I went to see it last night, and you know what, fuck you, it was camp, it was cheesy, it was over the top, it was fun, it was EVERYTHING that rock and roll is meant to be. So what if its mainstream and commercialised? Rock and Roll was. Especially the bands featured in the movie. Gene Simmons fucking loves rock and roll, you will never convince me otherwise, but he also fucking loves lining his pockets with money. Tom Cruise is a massive dick sure, but who gives a fuck? So are loads of bands. Hell, MegaDave is a homophobe and he comes across as a massive racist. If I saw him in the street I’d be more inclined to punch him in the face than tell him how much I love his music.

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Abe Lincoln Vamp Hunter was oddly fun.

Kicked so much ass, but I think it was kind of lost on the audience I saw it with. It was just me and my friend laughing hysterically while everyone else seemed like they walked into the wrong theater.

What the fuck is Lincoln's hat made out of for Mary Todd to stand on it? And more movies need to see horses discus tossed

Also, finally watched Attack The Block to see what the hype was all about. Hype on. that movie rocked. And my American sympathies to those who live around chavs, as I finally understand your struggles

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Abe Lincoln Vamp Hunter was oddly fun.

Kicked so much ass, but I think it was kind of lost on the audience I saw it with. It was just me and my friend laughing hysterically while everyone else seemed like they walked into the wrong theater.

I wasn't expecting much, the review I read slated it and the trailer looked poor. Went to see as Mrs. Summ wanted to, as I said, it was fun. It definitely kicked ass. The action was very good. And I liked that it wasn't full of goofiness. The review I mentioned complained that it took itself seriously.. but I think that helped a lot.

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Rock of Ages

I went to see it last night, and you know what, fuck you, it was camp, it was cheesy, it was over the top, it was fun, it was EVERYTHING that rock and roll is meant to be. So what if its mainstream and commercialised? Rock and Roll was. Especially the bands featured in the movie. Gene Simmons fucking loves rock and roll, you will never convince me otherwise, but he also fucking loves lining his pockets with money. Tom Cruise is a massive dick sure, but who gives a fuck? So are loads of bands. Hell, MegaDave is a homophobe and he comes across as a massive racist. If I saw him in the street I’d be more inclined to punch him in the face than tell him how much I love his music.

Why are you so angry? :/

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