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A Clockwork Orange, awesome, awesome, AAAAWEESSSSOOOOMMMMEEE

Caught this a couple of weeks back. Read the book first and didn't REALLY expect to be as impressed as I was with it. Stanley Kubrick is an excellent fellow and this film was awesome. I think I enjoyed the book more, but I can easily enjoy both in their own right.

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Rock of Ages

I went to see it last night, and you know what, fuck you, it was camp, it was cheesy, it was over the top, it was fun, it was EVERYTHING that rock and roll is meant to be. So what if its mainstream and commercialised? Rock and Roll was. Especially the bands featured in the movie. Gene Simmons fucking loves rock and roll, you will never convince me otherwise, but he also fucking loves lining his pockets with money. Tom Cruise is a massive dick sure, but who gives a fuck? So are loads of bands. Hell, MegaDave is a homophobe and he comes across as a massive racist. If I saw him in the street I’d be more inclined to punch him in the face than tell him how much I love his music.

Why are you so angry? :/


I'm not, I was just drunk.

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So Turner Classic Movies decided that, hey, let's contact CineMark and have them do special screenings of Singin' in the Rain. I went this afternoon, and in spite of being extremely pricey (125% more expensive than a regular matinee ticket), it was well worth the cost. Seeing it on the big screen as opposed to a home TV makes a difference, especially since it was filmed at the regular Academy ratio instead of widescreen. That, and the audience responded to it just as if it was a brand-new comedy. I have loved that film ever since I saw it the first time, and I still love it today.

In conclusion, God (for those of you that believe in Him) blessed Gene Kelly, and it showed on screen.

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Turn Me On, Dammit - B+

Ok, this is going to require a lot of context. Around a month ago, a big controversy started swirling around this little movie from Norway. Our publicly funded theater was showing Turn Me On, Dammit and church pastors were in outrage. They made calls to the city and with little resistance, the screening was pulled. Quickly a couple of local businesses sought to actively respond to this cancellation and made all of this firestorm of attention about the cancellation, noting that it was censorship of art and namely that the things pastors objected to (that the lead character masturbates and that there's an exposed penis) really only last a very short portion of the film and aren't any worse than the drunken teen comedies that America puts out. They eventually found a way to put the screening for the film back on. More hilariously, the pastor made a metaphor involving the city block being up in flames by comparing it to when a porn shop was aflame presumably because God hates jobs and jerking off. And also said pastor used to be a male stripper. I'm serious.

Anyways, all of that context is to explain the letter grade because as it turns out, controversy packs a theater. A Norwegian sex comedy with subtitles drew 600 people and a raucous reaction. And it was well deserved. There was more of an innocence to the story of a girl feeling horny and thus "abnormal." It's kind of a only slightly raunchier version of Easy A from the big story twist, and Helene Bergstrom is extremely charming as Alma. Without her chaste rebellion, the movie could look really fucked up. But with her, the movie works at creating great running gags and a solid amount of heart and care about its characters and world. Needless to say, it's art and not pure vulgarity. I think switching the surroundings made the film a more gratifying experience as well. It's really damn good, even if without the belly laughs in the theater, it might lose only a little bit of something at home.

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Guest Dawson Leery

I had a Spielberg marathon with Joey the other night. It's good we can be friends again. When she picked Pacey, My heart was broken. I never thought I'd say this but it is good to have her back in my life. Who knows, maybe in time we'll have Pacey join us too? It will be good to be all together again.

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So I'm using my PS2 for the first time in ever, and I'm using it as a DVD player. Gotta love technology that works a decade later. Speaking of which, if anybody knows how to make This Means War work on a Sony blu-Ray player, I'd be grateful. But either way, I'm watching One Day. I enjoy the movie quite a bit, but I am confused as to why Anne Hathaway was cast, when there are plenty of talented actresses that are actually from the UK. She does a wonderful job, and the accent is relatively believable (not saying much since I'm from the us. UK people, does she sound believable?), but why couldn't they have found somebody else?

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Okay, so Real Steel was actually quite good.

I was so shocked when I watched it last month and not only really enjoyed it, but found myself really getting into it and half assed cheering the movie. But Hugh Jackman is just so good in everything.

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Watched on Netflix

Transformers: Dark Of The Moon- Sucked except for the last 30 or so minutes. The final battle was pretty good

Thor- Awesome

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