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Russell Crowe seemed to get a lot of the "plot singing" which sounds awful regardless of who sings it. When he gets his own out and out songs hes really not too terrible. Anne Hathaway was the star performer for me though. Shame her parts werent longer.

Edited by ZJ Penn
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Berberian Sound Studio - A very surreal, engaging film. Toby Jones gives an excellent performance in an understated film that seems to have some Lynchian influence. I wasn't really sure what to make of it after viewing it, and it's one of the few films I'd like to see again soon just to have another view on it. It's like a visual and aural attack on the senses and the end product is something that really sticks with you. I know this is all quite general, but I think it's a film everyone will take something different away from. I'd really suggest people try and catch this before making their end of year lists and such.

The King of Kong - After recommendations from Tkz and others in another thread I ended up giving this a watch because it sounded really interesting. And man, it's incredible. Tkz had it right saying Billy Mitchell is the heel of the century, he's just so hateable. You can tell that by the way it's edited that I'm sure it's more dramatised than it was, but it's sensational how they make a film about achieving a Donkey Kong high score personal, intense and heartwarming. It's just a great exercise in creating a feud; WWE could take note. I just loved it.

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Also, yeah, Samantha Barks was wonderful here, as she was in the 25th Anniversary concert. Of course, here she had a much better Marius to work with.

I completely disagree there, Eddie Redmayne is a far better Marius than Nick Jonas. And I also enjoyed Crowe as Javert, his voice suited the role and it's by no means awful at all (he's not the strongest though either).

Blargh that's my fault for writing vague sentences. I meant that she had a much better Marius to work with (in the film)...but then I forgot to add that part in parentheses.

Still hated Crowe as Javert though.

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Berberian Sound Studio - A very surreal, engaging film. Toby Jones gives an excellent performance in an understated film that seems to have some Lynchian influence. I wasn't really sure what to make of it after viewing it, and it's one of the few films I'd like to see again soon just to have another view on it. It's like a visual and aural attack on the senses and the end product is something that really sticks with you. I know this is all quite general, but I think it's a film everyone will take something different away from. I'd really suggest people try and catch this before making their end of year lists and such.

The King of Kong - After recommendations from Tkz and others in another thread I ended up giving this a watch because it sounded really interesting. And man, it's incredible. Tkz had it right saying Billy Mitchell is the heel of the century, he's just so hateable. You can tell that by the way it's edited that I'm sure it's more dramatised than it was, but it's sensational how they make a film about achieving a Donkey Kong high score personal, intense and heartwarming. It's just a great exercise in creating a feud; WWE could take note. I just loved it.

I have never wanted to punch a person more than Billy Mitchell. God damn.

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The Thin Blue Line - Such an interesting documentary wherein the glaring injustice of the case is apparent from the start. I think it sometimes goes a little off topic, and leaves a few questions unanswered, but the fact the film managed to get a man released from prison is quite an achievement. I appreciate the impact it had, and it's a very, very interesting story, I just think something's not quite perfect in the structure.

Sightseers - Just happened to catch this while it was still running in the cinema and I'm so glad I did. It reminded me a little of In Bruges with the mix of dark comedy and drama, but it's obviously very different. The two leads are excellent in understated performances that perfectly capture some of British society. There's plenty of humour, from big laugh out loud moments to moments that just make you chuckle. It's very, very dark but in such a fun way. Probably one of my favourite films of the year; would recommend it highly. Would be interested to see if any Americans on the board enjoyed it because it's British through and through.

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Four episodes in to the season of American Horror Story, enjoying it a lot.

I'm in the same spot coincidentally. (Assuming you're on Season One that is). I'm enjoying it a lot, but hope some of these questions I have will be answered and not just leave me hanging.

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Searching for Sugar Man - Loved it. I don't want to spoil anything for anyone, but it's so well constructed, I would say everyone has to watch this documentary about Rodriquez, a singer who flopped in the USA, but was unknowingly bigger than Elvis in South Africa. The film documents a South African's attempt to discover who he was and what happened to him. I now hope this bags the oscar.

Waltz with Bashir - An interesting, original and harrowing documentary about one man's search to find out what he did in the Lebanon war. The animation is beautiful and gives everything a unique feel; making the audience connect with animation in places of real life interviews and footage. It's got a killer end and I'd urge everyone who hasn't to check this one out too.

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