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16 hours ago, GA! said:

Sharknado 4. Shit. And I'm going by the scale of original SyFy films, as fuck knows I've seen too many of them in the last several years (by my reckoning, 60 or 70 films). It just wasn't fun at all. Extremely laboured - every other line was a famous film quote or a visual reference to Wizard of Oz for some reason - and it felt small scale compared to the last two. But what do you expect when you use up the 'Sharknado in space' premise as a throwaway gag ten minutes near the end of the last film? After you go to space, you end or restart the series - everyone knows this!


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18 hours ago, GA! said:

Sharknado 4. Shit. And I'm going by the scale of original SyFy films, as fuck knows I've seen too many of them in the last several years (by my reckoning, 60 or 70 films). It just wasn't fun at all. Extremely laboured - every other line was a famous film quote or a visual reference to Wizard of Oz for some reason - and it felt small scale compared to the last two. But what do you expect when you use up the 'Sharknado in space' premise as a throwaway gag ten minutes near the end of the last film? After you go to space, you end or restart the series - everyone knows this!

Leprechaun went 'to tha hood'. Maybe they should have done that.

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Currently watching Spectre.


Is it just me or is Bond a lot less caring about civilian casualties and far more sociopathic in both mass and individual aspects in this film?

Also, even by Bond standards, that "hold her against a wall and kiss her" scene was really rape-y. Grim.

Maybe I'm just past where Bond is my thing as I didn't much care for QoS nor Skyfall either.


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Finished Spectre.


Well that may be the worst Bond film I ever saw. They even went full Austin Powers with the twist.

Sod it. Bring back campy Bond, this shit is tiresome. Casino Royale was amazing, but the rest of the Craig era have done nothing for me, and this one was so super serious that I honestly wondered if it was really a Bond script and not just something adapted to fit.


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@Benji I agree with you about the Daniel Craig era of Bond. I loved Casino Royal, thought Quantum of Solace was underwhelming, Skyfall was decent and Spectre I thought was meh. 

James Bond for me was always about the characters, the gadgets and the campness.  

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19 hours ago, Davidmarrio said:

@Benji I agree with you about the Daniel Craig era of Bond. I loved Casino Royal, thought Quantum of Solace was underwhelming, Skyfall was decent and Spectre I thought was meh. 

James Bond for me was always about the characters, the gadgets and the campness.  

Oh man, I thought Skyfall was great. Between that and Casino Royale, I feel like the whole approach to Bond has been justified because both of those are just really, really good films. I would happily see someone new take over now, and have another director potentially push it another direction after the last decade. 

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I definitely like Quantum of Solace's song better. Skyfall is great, but I always think it sounds too much like Tomorrow Never Dies in the verse parts, and the backing vocals in the chorus are horrible.

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I rate QoS as the worst Bond theme to date. Anyone who leapt on top of Sam Smith's comment that he came up with Writing's On the Wall in twenty minutes should check out Jack White's ten minutes of plinky pianos and fart noises.


And before the inevitable discussion about 'the best theme' happens: nothing beats You Only Live Twice. Nothing.

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The Third Man is on iplayer at the mo, it's also on YouTube for free. I've seen it before and anytime it's on I'll watch. Just a brilliant film with amazing actors and not to mention the classic zither score. It's up there with the best films of all time, Cotten and Welles steal every scene they are in. It's one of those films that hold up so well over the decades. 

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