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One time for me would be when i killed 1136 people on Dynasty warriors 2.

They all fell before me.

That'd be good, if it wasn't pathetically easy :P

True, but it was the princple of the thing, my cousin got 1024 and was taunting me to 'beat that', and so I did.

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I can think of 2, each involving a SmackDown game.

1: It was Here Come The Pain. I was Triple H, versus Brock Lesnar. Game was on highest difficulty. It was a Last Man Standing match. HCTP's version of the match was incredible. The match went on for over 60 minutes, it was extremely intense. I finally came up with the victory though.

2: It was SVR05 or SVR06, I think 05 though. We were playing a 4-way Ladder match (I believe). I was CM Punk, my friend playing was someone else. The 2 CPU were AJ Styles and CM Punk. The timer at the corner of the screen went as follows: "99:58, "99:59", "99:99". It was one of the finer moments of my life.

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Well, these were into a Word document called 'CZ Awesomeness' that I would have done a year or so ago. Bots is the name of the server, by the way, not that I was playing against bots :P

I was playing on Bots on Torn and it was down to me against 8 CTs

I was in hiding as all my teammates died, so I did a valiant rush across the courtyard, shot one guy up the path thingy, picked up the bomb, heard someone else chasing me so I ran towards their spawn, however they caught up with me so I had to turn around

I won the fight, so then I went to the bomb site near CT spawn, the one without the pillars and water, where I shot one more (Now it's 5 on 1), I planted the bomb, some guy tried to flash me twice, I looked away both times, shot him as he came around the corner, then shot another guy as he came around the corner before finally dying as it was down to 3 on 1, but the bomb still went off!

Bots on Aztec

Rushed bridge, threw grenade across, it killed someone, went into water, then right upstairs, shot someone there, went back towards double doors, knifed 3 people who were neatly lined up,, last guy was crouching in corner with pistol, he tried to shoot me but I still knifed him

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Me and a mate were playing through Pro Evo 3 as England in a World Cup. Struggled through the group stages with 4 points against VERY average teams. Struggled second round against Ukraine, quarters against some other average team we won in extra time, in the semis we beat someone like Sweden 2-1.

Final vs France - our first hard game.

He sets up a screamer from me in the first ten minutes. We're on our feet, celebrating, dancing around.

We won 4-1.

Very happy days.

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I beat my friend in Madden in the Super Bowl after playing through the whole season in opposite conference. I won in OT after tying it with like 1 second left and than kicking the winning field goal from around 50 yards.


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I used to be in a gaming clan for Jedi Knight - the Dark Forces II game, that is.

We held a match that was either a 10 or 12 person battle - I forget which - lightsabers only, no guns or Force powers, 50 kills to win. I came in second with 49 kills, and only lost because I spawned halfway on the other side of the map on my last death.

I was one of the best lightsaber duelists in the clan, but I got raped regularly in gunfights unless I could get my hands on the gun that shoots the explosive projectiles that can stick to victims and walls. And I tended to use Light side powers while most of the other clan members used Dark side powers. (The Dark side users who played the game relied on Force Grip waaaaay too much, which is why I used Light side, which can counter Force Grip)

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Madden '06. I was playing against my former roommate who is amazing at that game. The fourth quarter is always my downfall for some reason. With 46 seconds left in the game, down by 6 (he missed an extra point going for 2), I kneeled the ball in the endzone to save time on the clock from the kickoff. From inside the endzone I throw a slant pass to Owens who was uncovered due to a blitz and a 5 yard pass turned into the entire field. I scored, putting me up by one, but that wasn't the end of the game.

On the kickoff he actually ran it back and scored. I was pissed, about to quit with about 27 seconds left in the game. I decided to go for it when I get the ball. Pass from the 20 (where I ran back to) and the ball hits my receiver in the back of the helmet, bounces into the hands of his defender who runs the interception back to the second yard line, where I tackle him, he fumbles and I recover. From there I actually run the ball all the way and score and convert to win.

He broke the controller.

Edited by Toffee Crisp
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I think on ISS Pro 98 me and my brother were having a session where I would win most of the time and he said "Oh, you only win because you use Brazil."

For the next game I chose Saudi Arabia and beat him 10-0. At the end he just looked and me and then walked out. Priceless.

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FIFA 2000 or FIFA 2001 for the PS2. A now-former friend of mine was playing against a bunch of us. He was kicking ass, one-by-one. I didn't wanna play, I didn't feel like it, plus I didn't know how to play in the PS2, since I hadn't ever touched a PS2 controller. Yet, he, full of himself, challenges me to a game. Since I don't usually back down from challenges, I took the bait. He turned off the PS2 at half-time, pissed off like hell, because he couldn't get out of his own half (and I was playing cleanly, no harsh tackles from me), and I was winning 4-0, I think, and only 4 because I was toying with him. Damn, that felt good. The others got a pretty good laugh at it, too. Served him right not to be cocky :P

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Many games of complete rapage on Halo 2. Just so many, I'll only recall some I remember very clearly.

There's an honour game (ie, players play by the game's rules without the coding forcing them to) call Hide & Seek for Halo 2. One person seeks, and everyone else has active camoflauge (transparent). I sat in a vagely dark corner and crouched down. Then another person who was supposed to be hiding also jumped into the corner and crouched on my head. Just as I said 'This is never going to work' the seeker came along and heard me talking. He then proceeded to check the entire corner and actually had his back to us (I could have punched him in the back if I had wanted to). He continued to do this for about two whole minutes and by then we were pissing ourselves laughing at him, because we were so blatantly there and he legitimately could not see us. The game ended after the ten minutes expired and he was tormented for life. We never told him where we were until a few days later, when we did the exact same thing again. It was absolutely fucking hilarious.

Lemme see...there was a recent game where I accepted a challenge of 1-on-3 Single Bomb on Headlong. I was the one man army. I lost the game, but not before delivering unholy hell upon them, AND SCORING THE BOMB BY MYSELF. They were taking it deadly seriously, spawn-killing me with the banshee, sniping from the see-saw beam and whoring the rockets and sword inside the base. The game stats are still here: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/GameStats.aspx...yer=The%20Kraig (feel free to browse the rest of my ownage). >_>

Crackdown is just greatness after greatness. Throwing a pack of slates across a skyscraper only to see it explode into a thousand piecing and then hitting a gang about a mile below me on the street was hilarious. I also got an achievement (shot-putter) for throwing my dead partner's corpse into the ocean. Totally unexpacted, but downright funny.

Wiping out entire teams of four on Gears Of War is incredibly rewarding as well.

Killing big bosses in RPGs is also a highlight of my gaming. Like Darth Malak at the end of KOTOR for example.

I've also done stuff like what Sum was talking about on SW Battlefront where it may be just me left, taking on 100+ enemies. And then winning somehow. Quite easy if you're near a spawnpoint (lets you change battle class).

Endless insane combos on Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat games.

Taking teams from relegation candidates to promotion within a season on Football Manager is also one of my favourite things to do.

Pretty much any game that stays in my collection is a fantastic gaming experience when I play it.

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