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World Wrestling Federation 1996


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World Wrestling Federation Championship

Shawn Michaels© Vs. Diesel

World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship

Owen Hart and British Bulldog© Vs. Smoking Gunns

World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

Razor Ramon© Vs. Steve Austin

The Return Of The Warrior

Ultimate Warrior Vs. Chris Candido

Bret Hart Vs. Vader

Hunter Hearst Helmsley Vs. Marc Mero

Undertaker and Sycho Sid Vs. Crush, Kama and Chris Chavis

Al Snow Vs. Hakushi

Free For All

Scorpio Vs. Jean Pierre Lafitte

1. What will be the first match on the Pay Per View? - Al Snow vs. Hakushi

2. What will be the match before the main event? - Razor vs. Austin

3. What will be the best match? (terms of match quality) - Razor Ramon vs. Austin

4. What will be the worst match? (terms of match quality) - The 5-man handicap match

5. How many titles will change hand? - 1

6. Who will get pinned in the handicap match? - Chavis

7. Will anyone debut? (besides Scorpio) - No

Edited by cactusguy
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World Wrestling Federation Championship

Shawn Michaels

World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship

Owen Hart and British Bulldog©

World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

Steve Austin

The Return Of The Warrior

Ultimate Warrior

Bret Hart

Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Crush, Kama and Chris Chavis


Free For All


1. What will be the first match on the Pay Per View? - Al Snow vs. Hakushi

2. What will be the match before the main event? - Bret Hart vs Vader

3. What will be the best match? (terms of match quality) - Razor Ramon vs. Austin

4. What will be the worst match? (terms of match quality) - Ultimate Warrior vs Chris Candido

5. How many titles will change hand? - 1

6. Who will get pinned in the handicap match? - Undertaker

7. Will anyone debut? (besides Scorpio) - yes - Ultimate Warrior

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WWF Free For All before In Your House "Pride And Violence"

We're taken inside the Civic Auditorium for the WWF Free For All on the Preview Channel! The crowd is pumped up and look ready for great WWF Free For All action! We're taken to the announce position where Vince McMahon and Jim Ross are standing by!

Vince McMahon- Welcome to the WWF Free For All! We're just thirty minutes away from In Your House "Pride And Violence"! And fans tonight what a Pay Per View it's going to be. We got Michaels and Diesel going at it! The return of Bret Hart and much more. I'm Vince McMahon and alongside me for the Free For All is good old Jim Ross! And Jim Ross what a crowd we got tonight!

Jim Ross- We got over 18,000 fans on hand here tonight Vince, All wanting to see the huge Michaels and Diesel show down. Tickets are sold out for this huge event in Omaha and have been for weeks.

Vince McMahon- Tonight on the Free For All we're going to see Jean Pierre Lafitte taking on the debuting Scorpio. What a match this one should be.

Jim Ross- Scorpio has one heck of a reputation for being a high risk performer and he should suit the World Wrestling Federation very well. What a great match this one is going to be Vince.

Vince McMahon- Fans lets take you to the ring for some great World Wrestling Federation action here on the Free For All!

Scorpio Vs. Jean Pierre Lafitte

Scorpio came down to the ring to some cheap rap music which mostly had the lyrics "yeah, yeah", "all right", "time to get funky". And Scorpio even did some dancing...... Lafitte and Scorpio circle the ring and referee Chad Patton calls for the bell! Lafitte and Scorpio lock up and Lafitte gets Scorpio into a side headlock. Scorpio counters and shoves the bigger Lafitte into the ropes and leapfrogs over Lafitte, Lafitte then comes off the ropes again and walks into a high hip toss from Scorpio! Lafitte gets up and Scorpio connects with a drop kick sending Lafitte out to the floor through the middle ropes! Lafitte got up out on the floor and smacked the apron in frustration. Scorpio taunted him to cheers from the fans. Lafitte got back into the ring and kicked Scorpio in the gut! Lafitte followed up with a stiff clotheslines which got him 2. Lafitte lifts Scorpio up and goes for a powerbomb but Scorpio slips out of it and hits a huge enziguri kick to the back of Lafitte's head! Lafitte backs up into the ropes from the impact which allows Scorpio to clothesline Lafitte out to the floor! Lafitte stands up and Scorpio hits a big plancha to Lafitte out on the floor! Scorpio lifts Lafitte up and goes to send Lafitte to the steel steps but Lafitte reverses and Scorpio hits the steps shoulder first! Lafitte rolls Scorpio back into the ring and heads up top. Scorpio gets up to his feet and is met by a flying shoulder block from Lafitte who comes flying off the top! Lafitte covers! 1..........2..... KICK OUT! Lafitte lifts Scorpio up and sends Scorpio into the corner. Lafitte charges at Scorpio with a huge avalanche! Lafitte follows up with a big back suplex and covers for 2. Lafitte drags Scorpio back up and connects with a inverted atomic drop! Lafitte then clotheslines Scorpio for 2. Lafitte slams Scorpio down and heads up top. The evil pirate takes too long up on the top turnbuckle which allows Scorpio to get up to his feet and shakes the ropes crotching Lafitte! Scorpio goes up after Lafitte and connects with a huge hurricanrana! Both men are down! Chad Patton begins to count both men out! 1......................2.................3.............4......................5.......................6...............7............ no! Both Jean Pierre Lafitte and Scorpio are up! Lafitte goes for a right hand but Scorpio blocks it! Scorpio nails Lafitte with huge right hands to the face! Scorpio does a windmill punch knocking Lafitte down! Scorpio springboard off the ropes with a hurricanrana take over to Lafitte! Scorpio lifts Lafitte up and slams Lafitte down! Scorpio heads up top! Scorpio comes flying off the top turnbuckle with a huge moonsault to Lafitte! Scorpio hooks the legs! 1.................2................ KICK OUT BY JEAN PIERRE LAFITTE! Scorpio can't believe it and neither can the announcers! Scorpio lifts Lafitte up and goes for a piledriver but Lafitte counters and drops Scorpio down across the ropes! Lafitte heads up top calling for the Cannonball! Lafitte goes for the Cannonball but Scorpio rolls out of the way and Lafitte hits the canvas! Scorpio goes back up top and connects with the Scorpio Splash! Scorpio hooks the legs! 1.............................2....................3! The fans cheer as Scorpio's music hits the arena. Scorpio poses inside the ring for a bit before heading out to the floor and slapping hands with the fans at ringside.

Winner by Pin Fall: Scorpio

72, 63, 81 **1\2

Vince McMahon- What a debut for Scorpio! He picked up a win over a very big and tough World Wrestling Federation superstar here tonight on the Free For All.

Jim Ross- Scorpio kept it coming and didn't stay down for Lafitte. Scorpio made one heck of a debut beating Lafitte. I'm looking forward to seeing what Scorpio will amount to here in the WWF.

Vince McMahon- Scorpio looks like he'll have a very bright future here in the World Wrestling Federation. I can't wait to see Scorpio face the likes of Undertaker, Diesel, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels and the other WWF superstars. Fans the Free For All is coming to an end but don't forget to order the huge Pay Per View extravaganza In Your House "Pride And Violence". You don't want to miss the huge "Big Daddy Cool" Diesel versus Shawn Michaels show down! Thank you for joining us here on the Preview Channel! For Jim Ross and myself we'll see you at In Your House "Pride And Violence"!

:::::::::::::::: End of the Free For All ::::::::::::::::

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Date: April 21, 1996

Location: Omaha, Nebraska

Attendance: 18,540

Ticket Sales: $1,112,400

Pay Per View Revenue: $4,175,000

Announcers: Jim Ross and Vince McMahon

Voice Over- The World Wrestling Federation for over fifty years the revolutionary force in sports entertainment.

In Your House "Pride And Violence" opens up with a video package highlighting the feud between the "Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels and "Big Daddy Cool" Diesel. It shows how Diesel first came into the World Wrestling Federation as Shawn Michaels' bodyguard. It shows how both men worked together as a team until Diesel won the WWF Championship and he and Michaels went their separate ways until last year when Diesel saved Michaels from a attack at the hands of Sycho Sid. The video goes over how Shawn Michaels returned to the WWF this year and won the Royal Rumble by eliminating his friend Diesel. The video also shows how Diesel turned on Shawn Michaels in March. We're shown Shawn Michaels' WWF Championship win at Wrestlemania XII and how Diesel and Michaels have come to blows as of late. The video ends with a shot of Michaels posing when they were friends and a shot of both Michaels and Diesel staring each other down with hate in their eyes. Once the video ends, We're taken inside the Civic Auditorium where pyros go off from the rafters and from inside the ring as the rabid crowd goes wild cheering. We're shown the attendance number for tonight's event which is 18,540 fans in attendance for In Your House "Pride And Violence"! The camera pans out through out the arena with the fans continuing going wild cheering. We get a shot of the ring and then the entrance way before we're taken over to our announce position where Vince McMahon and Jim Ross are standing by.

Vince McMahon- Welcome everyone to In Your House "Pride And Violence"! We are live in beautiful Omaha, Nebraska where we have been sold out for weeks in anticipation for this huge event! Tickets are sold out and there's not a seat to be found! Over 18,000 fans on hand in the Civic Auditorium for what will be another huge World Wrestling Federation Pay Per View extravaganza! I'm Vince McMahon alongside Jim Ross and what a night this will be. Eight huge matches, Three titles on the line and the return of the Ultimate Warrior and Bret Hart's in ring return! All this tonight in the NEW WWF GENERATION!

Jim Ross- Vince I have never seen a crowd like this one. Over 18,000 fans on hand for what should be a huge event. I was making my rounds in the locker rooms tonight and everyone tonight is in a foul mood. This will be a very violent event in my view. Everyone is determined to come out on top and tonight I think we're going to see something very, very special.

Vince McMahon- Nobody puts on a Pay Per View like the World Wrestling Federation that's for sure. And fans tonight it's the biggest main event ever. The "Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels takes on "Big Daddy Cool" Diesel for the WWF Championship. This one is fueled with hate and alot of pride so to speak Jim Ross.

Jim Ross- I saw both Michaels and Diesel earlier tonight and these two men are in a very serious mood. They both know what's at stake here tonight. It's about so much more than the World Wrestling Federation Champion. It's about a whole lot of pride. Both these men are going to pull out all the stops here tonight. They're not friends anymore and I don't think they'll ever be friends again.

Vince McMahon- Both men are known for going all out when a title is on the line and we all know that Diesel is intent on becoming the champion once again. Michaels on the other hand wants revenge on Diesel for betraying him. Tonight Bret "The Hitman" Hart also makes his in ring return. Bret Hart hasn't been in action since Wrestlemania XII and tonight he takes on the man they call Vader.

Jim Ross- I can't wait to see the big Hart/Vader showdown. These two men both claim that they're going to win. Hart is not one hundred percent after being attacked this past Monday night and suffering the Vader Bomb. I can't wait to see Bret Hart get even with Vader. But the question is whether or not "The Hitman" can take Vader. Or is Vader too much for Hart?

Vince McMahon- Tonight we're also going to see the return of former World Wrestling Federation superstar the Ultimate Warrior! And the fans have been wanting to see the return of the Warrior for ages!

Jim Ross- This crowd and everyone at home has been waiting to see the return of Ultimate Warrior. The Warrior is back and tonight he takes on a very angry and determined Chris Candido. Warrior isn't going anywhere. He's in the World Wrestling Federation and that's where he's going to stay.

Vince McMahon- He certainly will, Candido has said that no one takes him seriously and he promises to beat the Warrior and to end the Warrior's career once and for all in the World Wrestling Federation before it even starts again.

Jim Ross- Chris Candido seems like he's off his rocker so to speak and Vince I think he has the potential to beat Ultimate Warrior because no one has seen the Warrior. We don't even know if he's arrived yet. We have no idea in what kind of shape The Warrior is in.

Vince McMahon- Fans our first match of the evening will be Al Snow taking on Hakushi. And as of late Al Snow has really been on a war path in the World Wrestling Federation. And this past Friday night he attacked Hakushi after Hakushi's match for no reason! Al Snow has been very violent since his return.

Jim Ross- Al Snow is a mad man and I think he's been pushed over the edge. I have no idea what's causing this match to snap like this. But tonight Hakushi won't be laying down to Snow.

Vince McMahon- Lets take you to the ring for some great wrestling action between two stars in the New WWF Generation!

Al Snow with Ted DiBiase Vs. Hakushi

Hakushi doesn't even wait for Al Snow to enter the ring here, As Hakushi comes leaping off the top rope all the way out to the floor onto Al Snow! Hakushi sends Al Snow to the steel steps shoulder first! Ted DiBiase tries to get involved but Hakushi scares him off! Snow rolls into the ring and is caught by a springboard shoulder block from Hakushi! Hakushi mounts on top of Snow and hammers Snow with right hands! Referee Charles Robinson has to pull Hakushi off of Snow! Snow rolls out to the floor to take a breather while Ted DiBiase cheers him on. Hakushi follows Snow out to the floor and chases Snow around the ringside area. Snow comes back into the ring and so does Hakushi who gets caught by a spinning heel kick from Snow! Snow covers Hakushi! 1.............2.......... KICK OUT! Snow lifts Hakushi up and sends Hakushi to the corner. Snow charges but Hakushi raises his foot sending Snow right into it face first! Hakushi connects with a springboard hip toss to Al Snow! Snow gets up to his feet and Hakushi drop kicks Snow down. Hakushi lifts Snow up and sends Snow out to the floor. Hakushi goes out to the apron. Al Snow gets up, And Hakushi hits a asai moonsault to Al Snow! Hakushi sends Snow face first into the steel guardrail! Hakushi tosses Snow back into the ring and heads up top....... Al Snow is up and Hakushi comes off the top but Snow catches Hakushi and delivers a huge overhead belly to belly suplex to Hakushi! Ted DiBiase claps as Snow stomps down on the Japanese superstar. Snow drags Hakushi up and sends Hakushi into the steel ring post shoulder first! Snow again rams Hakushi's shoulder into the ring post violently! Snow then takes Hakushi down with a snap mare take over and locks Hakushi into a arm bar. Snow keeps the hold locked on for awhile until Hakushi counters out of it. Hakushi hammers Snow with right hands and goes for a clothesline but Snow ducks and hangs Hakushi across the ropes groin first! Snow kicks Hakushi in the face knocking Hakushi off of the ropes out on the floor! Hakushi gets up and Snow hits a somersault plancha to Hakushi! Snow lifts Hakushi up and sends Hakushi shoulder first to the steel ring post! Snow rolls Hakushi back into the ring and heads up top. Snow comes off the top with a high cross body to Hakushi! 1...............2.............. NO! KICK OUT BY HAKUSHI! Snow drags Hakushi up to his feet and slams Hakushi down. Snow goes out to the apron and comes back into the ring with a slingshot leg drop to Hakushi! Snow covers! 1...........2........... KICK OUT! Snow and Ted DiBiase argue with referee Charles Robinson saying it was a slow count! Snow goes for a super kick to Hakushi but Hakushi ducks it and takes Snow down with a pair of flying head scissors! Snow gets back up and Hakushi goes for another pair of head scissors but Snow counters it into a face first powerbomb driving Hakushi down the canvas! Snow covers! 1..............2........ NO! KICK OUT AGAIN BY HAKUSHI! Snow sends Hakushi to the corner and hits Hakushi with vicious chops to the chest! Snow goes to whip Hakushi into the opposite corner but Hakushi counters and Snow hits the turnbuckle! Hakushi then comes charging out of the corner into Snow but Snow takes Hakushi over with a stun gun dropping Hakushi head first across the turnbuckle! Snow with a cover! 1............2.......... KICK OUT! Snow drags Hakushi up to his feet and connects with a t-bone suplex. Snow goes up onto the second turnbuckle and delivers a leg drop to Hakushi for another near fall. Snow heads up top! Al Snow taunts the fans which allows Hakushi to pop up to his feet and shake the ropes! Snow falls down onto the turnbuckle crotch first! Hakushi goes up top with Snow! Hakushi goes for a superplex but Snow counters and shoves Hakushi down to the canvas! Snow then comes off the top turnbuckle attempting a big splash but Hakushi moves out of the way and Snow crashes down to the canvas! Hakushi and Snow lay down on the canvas as referee Charles Robinson begins to count both men out. DiBiase screams for Snow to move. 1...................2....................3...............4...............5............6..... no! The count is broken as both Hakushi and Snow are up! Snow goes for right hands but Hakushi blocks it and nails Snow with chops! Hakushi sends Snow for the ride and catches Snow with a high back body drop! Hakushi springboards off the ropes and catches Snow with a drop kick! Hakushi lifts Snow up to his feet and connects with a big northern lights suplex into a bridge! 1..............2............ KICK OUT BY AL SNOW! Hakushi sends Snow to the corner and kicks away at Snow. Snow falls down in a sitting position and Hakushi steals a page out of Sean Waltman's book by hitting a bronco buster to Snow! Hakushi drags Snow up by his hair. Hakushi goes for a clothesline but Snow ducks it! Snow with a waist lock but Hakushi elbows Snow in the face! Hakushi goes behind Snow and attempts a german suplex but Snow elbows Hakushi in the face and plants Hakushi in the gut with a knee! Snow then delivers a tiger suplex to Hakushi! 1................2............... HAKUSHI GETS THE SHOULDER UP! Snow can't believe it and neither can the announcers! Snow is in desperation mode here as he lifts Hakushi up and delivers a atomic drop followed by a sit out powerbomb! Snow heads up top! Snow comes flying off the top with a moonsault but Hakushi moves out of the way! Hakushi gets up and hits Snow with a kick to the gut as Snow was getting up. Hakushi sends Snow for the ride and takes Snow down with a monkey flip! Hakushi drop kicks Snow out to the floor! Hakushi comes charging off the ropes and delivers a huge corkscrew plancha to Al Snow on the outside! Hakushi puts Snow back into the ring. Hakushi comes back inside the ring and lifts Snow up. Hakushi slams Snow in the center of the ring and heads up top. Hakushi comes off the top with a moonsault to Snow! Hakushi covers! 1..................2.............. NO! AL SNOW HAS HIS FOOT ON THE ROPES! Hakushi drags Snow up to his feet and kicks Snow in the gut. Tornado DDT by Hakushi connects! Hakushi lifts Snow up and places Snow on the top turnbuckle. Hakushi heads up top with Snow. Hakushi attempts a superplex but Snow hammers Hakushi in the back! Snow tosses Hakushi down to the canvas! Snow then comes flying off the top but Hakushi catches Snow driving Snow down the canvas with a midair drop kick!Hakushi covers! 1......................................2....................... AL SNOW ONCE AGAIN KICKS OUT! Hakushi can't believe it! Hakushi lifts Snow up to his feet and slams Snow down. Hakushi calls for the Senton Bomb! Hakushi goes up top! Snow though is up to his feet! Hakushi goes off the top attempting a cross body but Snow ducks and Hakushi hits the canvas! Hakushi then stumbles up to his feet right into Al Snow's Million Dollar Dream! Snow takes Hakushi down the canvas and Hakushi quickly taps out! Al Snow's music hits as Ted DiBiase comes into the ring. The fans boo as Snow lets go of the hold. Ted DiBiase raises Al Snow's arm high in the air to boos from the fans. Snow and DiBiase head to the back as Charles Robinson checks on Hakushi.

Winner by Submission: Al Snow

85, 78, 92 ***3/4

Vince McMahon- What a match up! What a great showing by these two men here in the NEW WWF GENERATION! Al Snow comes out on top with the Million Dollar Dream!

Jim Ross- I'll tell you what Vince, That Million Dollar Dream hold is a very deadly maneuver. It could cause some very serious damage and luckily Al Snow broke the hold. Al Snow continues to impress me each time I see him in the ring. Al Snow is destined to become something very, Very special here in the World Wrestling Federation.

Vince McMahon- Al Snow has been racking up wins ever since making his debut at the Royal Rumble and tonight he's beaten Hakushi who holds a victory over some of the best talent in the world today. Al Snow is a technical marvel.

Jim Ross- He most certainly is and in my view I think we'll be seeing Al Snow holding some gold very soon.

Vince McMahon- It could happen because anything and I mean anything can happen in the New WWF Generation. These two men are great young talent and you'll only get to watch these two men in the World Wrestling Federation.

Jim Ross- Yeah Vince, Al Snow and Hakushi are two of the studs that we have in the WWF that won't hold anything back. The WWF is all about action unlike another federation.

Vince McMahon- And fans coming up next it's a battle for the WWF Tag Team Championship. Owen Hart and British Bulldog put the gold on the line against the Smoking Gunns. And it was Owen Hart and British Bulldog who beat the Smoking Gunns for the titles in February.

Jim Ross- Owen Hart and British Bulldog are certainly a great tag team but I don't like the way they won the titles and how they managed to keep the titles thanks to James E. Cornette and their sneaky cheating ways. Hart and Bulldog have been very lucky to keep the titles but tonight we all know that Billy and Bart are going to be bringing everything to the table.

Vince McMahon- Owen Hart and British Bulldog have beaten the Smoking Gunns, The Godwinns and every other tag team that's been put in the ring with them. But the Smoking Gunns did beat Owen Hart and British Bulldog leading to this match up.

Jim Ross- Tonight I think it's going to happen. Tonight I think we're going to have new tag team champions as long as James E. Cornette keeps his nose out of this one.

Vince McMahon- Fans lets take a look at the tag team of Owen Hart and British Bulldog!

:::::::::::::::::::: We're shown a video highlight over the dominance of Owen Hart and British Bulldog. Since winning the gold in February, Owen and Bulldog have beaten every team who's challenged them for the titles. Including Diesel and Shawn Michaels, the Godwinns, Chris Chavis and Kama and even the Smoking Gunns! ::::::::::::::::::::

World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship

Owen Hart and British Bulldog© with James E. Cornette Vs. Smoking Gunns

Owen Hart and British Bulldog wouldn't hand the belts over to referee Jimmy Korderas claiming that Billy and Bart would take the belts and run to the back with them! So The Gunns had to snatch them from the hands of Hart and Bulldog and fork it over to the referee. Bulldog and Billy Gunn are starting things off here and the crowd starts a big "Bulldog sucks" chants. Bulldog and Billy lock up and Billy tosses Bulldog down the canvas overpowering Davey Boy Smith! Bulldog, Owen Hart and James E. Cornette can't believe it! Billy taunts Bulldog to cheers from the 18,000 plus fans on hand. Bulldog and Billy lock up again and this time Bulldog knees Billy in the gut and gets the tough cowboy into a side headlock to the approval of his brother in law Owen and his manager James E. Cornette. Billy tries to fight out but Bulldog is too strong and keeps the hold tightly locked in on Billy. Billy shoves Bulldog into the ropes breaking the hold but Bulldog runs right over Billy with a shoulder block. Owen Hart acts if they already won the match by celebrating. Bulldog taunts Billy by flexing his muscles. The fans don't respond too kindly and boo Davey Boy Smith. Billy gets up to his feet and goes after Bulldog kicking Bulldog in the gut. Billy sends Bulldog for the ride and catches Bulldog coming off the ropes with a elbow to the face rocking down the former Intercontinental Champion. Billy kicks Bulldog in the midsection and twists Bulldog's arm back and tags in his older brother Bart. Bart comes into the ring and kicks Bulldog in the arm. Bart works over Bulldog's arm and sends Bulldog to the corner. Bart hammers away on Bulldog with big right hands. Bart sends Bulldog to the corner and comes charging at Bulldog but Bulldog moves out of the way and Bart hits the turnbuckle! Bulldog tags in Owen Hart, Who comes into the ring taking Bart out with a stiff clothesline Owen covers! 1............2........ BART GUNN KICKS OUT! Owen lifts Bart up and sends Bart for the ride. Owen catches Bart coming off the ropes with a big spinning heel kick. Owen covers! 1........2...... BART KICKS OUT AGAIN! Owen lifts Bart up and slams Bart down in the center of the ring. Owen heads up top and comes flying off the top with a elbow drop to Bart. Owen taunts Billy Gunn! Gunn tries to come into the ring and referee Jimmy Korderas has to hold him back which allows Owen, Bulldog and even Cornette to get a few cheap shots in on Bart! Owen tags Bulldog back in. Bulldog lifts Bart Gunn up and delivers the stalling vertical suplex to Bart! Bulldog covers! 1........2........ KICK OUT! Bulldog can't believe it! Bulldog locks Bart into a chin lock. Bart tries to fight out of it as Billy Gunn rallies the crowd. Bulldog is just so strong that Bart is having a hard time here. Bart finally is able to fight out of Bulldog's chin lock but walks right into a clothesline from Bulldog that puts Bart back down. Bulldog stomps Bart and tags Owen in. Owen and Bulldog use a wishbone leg split to Bart! Owen covers Bart for a 2 count. Owen lifts Bart up and sends Bart to the corner. Owen chops, bites and stomps away on Bart. Owen goes to send Bart to the opposite corner but Bart counters and Owen hits the turnbuckles! Owen comes out of the corner right into a atomic drop from Bart! Bart starts hammering Owen with right hands! Bart goes for a clothesline but Owen ducks and drills Bart with the enziguri kick to the back of the head taking Bart out! Owen hooks the legs! 1.............2............. BILLY GUNN MAKES THE SAVE! Owen hammers away on Bart with right hands. Owen lifts Bart up and connects with a neck breaker. Owen tags Bulldog in who heads up top! Bulldog comes off the top with a flying headbutt to Bart! Bulldog covers! 1.............2............... BART KICKS OUT AGAIN! Bulldog lifts Bart up to his feet and clubs Bart in the back. Bulldog locks Bart into a abdominal stretch! Korderas asks Bart if he'll give it up but Bart says no! Meanwhile, Owen grabs Bulldog's arm applying more pressure to Bart! Korderas spots this and kicks Owen's arm away! This allows Bart to hip toss Bulldog down! Bart goes to tag in Billy but Owen gets tagged in and nails Bart from behind! Owen quickly suplexes Bart down. Owen goes for the Sharpshooter but Billy comes into the ring and hammers Owen with a big right hands knocking Hart down! Billy goes back to his corner as Owen sneaks a low blow in on Bart. Owen tags Bulldog back in. Bulldog and Owen score with a double suplex to Bart. Bulldog with a cover! 1............2.......... NO! KICK OUT BY BART GUNN! Bulldog puts Bart down across the ropes neck first and distracts the referee which allows Owen to choke Bart down! Cornette then hits Bart with his racket! Bulldog tags in Owen. Owen comes off the top with a missile drop kick to Bart! Owen covers! 1............2....... NO! Owen lifts Bart up and sends Bart for the ride, Owen goes for a clothesline but Bart ducks. Bart then comes off the ropes and he and Owen both drill each other with a clothesline putting both men down! Referee Jimmy Korderas begins to count out both men! 1..........................2......................3..................4..............5...........6..............7........... NO! Bart rolls over to his corner and tags in Billy! Owen tags in Bulldog! Bulldog comes into the ring and Billy knocks him down with a right hand! Owen tries to nail Billy but gets knocked down as well! Billy lifts both Owen and Bulldog up and ram their heads together! Cornette hops up on the apron but Bart takes him out with a huge forearm shot! Billy and Bart send Owen for the ride and catch Owen with a double high back body drop! Bulldog falls victim to a double suplex/drop kick combo from Billy and Bart! Billy covers Bulldog! 1...................2........ NO! Bulldog kicks out! Bart throws Owen out to the floor! Bart and Owen battle it out on the floor while Billy hammers away on Davey Boy Smith. Billy sends Bulldog for the ride and catches Bulldog with a big powerslam! Billy calls for the Rocker Dropper! Owen sends Bart Gunn to the steel steps! Owen comes into the ring and decks Billy from behind! Owen tries to suplex Billy but Billy counters and hangs Owen across the ropes crotch first! Billy nails Owen with a right hand knocking Owen out to the floor! Bulldog sneaks up behind Billy and rolls him up with a hand full of tights! 1................2................3! Bulldog's music hits the arena to boos from the fans as Cornette grabs the titles. Owen and Bulldog head to the back as Bart comes into the ring. Billy and Bart do not look happy tonight!

Winners by Pin Fall and STILL World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions: Owen Hart and British Bulldog

86, 85, 87 ***3/4

Vince McMahon- No! What a travesty of justice! The Smoking Gunns had the titles won! Bulldog had to use the tights to get the job done! What a dirty rotten cheater! Who is going to be able to take the belts off of around Owen Hart's and Bulldog's waists?

Jim Ross- This isn't right! It's not by God fair the way these cowards keep the titles every time! Billy had things right where he wanted! Bulldog had to resort to using a hand full of tights to get the job done on Billy Gunn! Owen Hart and British Bulldog are no good cheaters! Damn them!

Vince McMahon- I'm sure President Monsoon was watching this one. And I'm sure he won't let Owen and Bulldog get away with their cheating ways any longer.

Jim Ross- I hope President Monsoon was watching this one. Owen Hart and British Bulldog do not deserve to hold those titles! They're always cheating! And I hope someday it catches up to them!

Vince McMahon- Up next it's going to be another title match up, It'll be Steve Austin taking on "The Bad Guy" Razor Ramon for the WWF Intercontinental Championship. Steve Austin holds a victory over Razor Ramon and tonight the question is can he do it for the title?

Jim Ross- Austin does hold a victory over Razor Ramon but lets not forget it took a low blow to take down "The Bad Guy". Tonight Austin is going to be as desperate as ever because the Intercontinental Championship will be on the line. Lets not forget that Austin is a member of The Corporation.

Vince McMahon- Al Snow of The Corporation was victorious earlier tonight and can The Corporation rack up another big win? Fans here's a look at how these two got together for In Your House.

:::::::::::::::::::: A video package is shown over the whole situation between Razor Ramon and Steve Austin. It was just a few weeks ago when Austin pinned Ramon thanks to a low blow and the Stone Cold Stunner! Austin also cost Razor a match against the man they call Vader a few weeks back on Friday Night Mayhem. Tonight it's Razor Ramon's chance to get even with Austin but the question is can "The Bad Guy" beat Austin's cheating ways? ::::::::::::::::::::

World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

Razor Ramon© Vs. Steve Austin with Sean Waltman and Ted DiBiase

Steve Austin came down to the ring with manager Ted DiBiase and fellow Corporation member Sean Waltman. Razor Ramon came down to the ring to a huge ovation from the crowd in Omaha tonight. Ramon handed the title over to referee Jack Doan. Doan raised the belt high in the air for the whole crowd to see before giving the belt to the time keeper. Doan calls for the bell and Austin and Razor get face to face! Razor and Austin start trading blows! Razor gets the best of Austin and backs Austin into the corner. Razor hammers away on Austin in the corner with huge right hands! Razor knocks Austin down with a elbow to the face! Razor lifts Austin up and goes for a suplex but Austin counters and takes Razor over with a backslide! 1..............2........... KICK OUT! Both men get up to their feet, And Razor hip tosses Austin! Austin gets up to his feet and walks right into another hip toss from Razor! Razor lifts Austin up and hammers away on Austin. Razor sends Austin for the ride and goes for a clothesline but Austin ducks and comes off the ropes with a lou thez press to Razor! The crowd boos as Austin is mounted on top of Razor and drills Razor with right hands. Austin then chokes away on Razor and Jack Doan has to pull Austin off of Ramon. Austin lifts Razor up and sends Razor to the corner. Austin starts stomping away on Razor! Austin stomps down Razor and distracts the referee allowing Waltman and DiBiase to get a few cheap shots in on Razor! Austin drags Razor up to his feet and goes for a early Stone Cold Stunner attempt but Razor shoves Austin into the ropes and catches Austin coming off the ropes with a back elbow to the face! Austin falls down to the canvas and Razor stomps away on Austin! Razor lifts Austin up to his feet nails Austin with a big chop! Razor sends Austin to the ropes but ducks his head allowing Austin to kick him right in the face! Austin follows with a swinging neck breaker! Cover! 1.......................2...................... KICK OUT! RAZOR KICKED OUT! Austin drags Razor up and suplexes Razor! Austin drags Razor back up and hits a second suplex to Razor! Austin again drags Razor back up to his feet and suplexes Razor down again! Austin with a COVER! 1.............2................ KICK OUT! Austin lifts Razor up and tosses Razor out to the floor. Austin goes out after Razor. Austin goes to send Razor to the steel steps but Razor reverses and Austin hits the steps! Waltman and DiBiase try to get involved but Razor scares them off! Razor smacks Austin's head right into the steel steps! Razor rolls Austin back into the ring. Razor comes into the ring after Austin and clotheslines Austin down! Razor with a cover! 1.................2........... NO! HE ALMOST HAD HIM! Razor lifts Austin up and calls for Razor's Edge! But Austin counters and back drops Razor all the way out to the floor! Austin again distracts the referee and and Ted DiBiase and Sean Waltman stomp away on Razor! Waltman sends Razor right into the ring post! Waltman rolls Razor back into the ring where Austin clotheslines Razor down! AUSTIN WITH A COVER! 1...................2............... NO! KICK OUT! Austin drags Razor up to his feet and rams Razor's head into the turnbuckle! Austin then starts stomping away Razor! The crowd boos as Waltman and DiBiase cheer Austin on. Austin lifts Razor up and slams Razor down to the canvas. Austin comes bouncing off the ropes and drops a elbow right to Razor's heart! Austin with a cover! 1..............2...... NO! RAZOR KICKS OUT AGAIN! Austin drags Razor up and drops Razor across the ropes! Razor then walks into a knee from Austin right into his back! Austin quickly steals a page out of Razor's book and locks Razor into a abdominal stretch! Austin pulls back on Ramon making "The Bad Guy" scream in pain! Waltman and DiBiase cheer Austin on as the crowd boos Austin and chant "Razor" over and over again. Razor finally breaks the hold by hip tossing Austin! Austin distracts the referee and Sean Waltman sneaks into the ring and hits Razor with a spinning heel kick! Waltman quickly flees the ring as Austin covers Razor! 1................2................ NO! RAZOR KICKS OUT! Austin drags Razor up and sends Razor to the ropes. Razor comes off the ropes right into a huge spinebuster from Austin! Austin covers! 1...........2........... KICK OUT! Austin lifts Razor up and slams Razor in the center of the ring. Austin goes up onto the second turnbuckle...... Austin then comes off the second turnbuckle with a elbow drop right to Razor's heart! Austin hooks the leg! 1..........................2................ RAZOR KICKS OUT AGAIN! Austin can't believe it! Austin argues with referee Jack Doan allowing Waltman to again get a few cheap shots in on Razor! Austin places Razor up on the top turnbuckle and goes up with Razor.............. Austin tries a superplex but Razor won't allow him! Austin tries again but Razor blocks..... Austin tries again and this time Razor shoves Austin down to the canvas! Razor then comes off the top turnbuckle right into a knee to the gut from Austin! Austin quickly goes for the Stunner but Razor counters into a back suplex and both men are down! Referee Jack Doan begins to count out both men! 1............2................3.........4.........5.......6....... NO! Razor and Austin are up! Austin and Razor trade blows in the center of the ring! Razor gets the best of Austin and knocks down Austin with a discus right hand! Razor lifts Austin up and sends Austin to the corner. Razor comes charging at Austin with a huge clothesline! Razor goes up onto the second turnbuckle and drives Austin down to the canvas with the bulldog! Razor covers! 1.................2..................... AUSTIN KICKS OUT! Razor drags Austin up to his feet and goes for a hip toss but Austin blocks it. Austin goes for a hip toss to Razor but Razor blocks it. Razor tries to hip toss Austin again, But can't so he knees Austin in the gut and delivers the choke slam to Austin! Razor hooks the legs! 1....................2................ NO! KICK OUT BY AUSTIN! Waltman gets up on the apron and Razor knocks him down with a clothesline! Austin tries to sneak up on Razor but gets nailed by a right hand. Razor then takes Austin down with the fallaway slam! The crowd erupts as Razor calls for Razor's Edge! Razor lifts Austin up and places Austin in between his legs. Razor looks at the crowd and does the Razor's Edge taunt. Waltman gets back up on the apron and Razor again knocks him off it with a right hand! Razor turns around and Austin goes for the Stunner but Razor shoves Austin into the corner chest first! Razor puts Austin up on the top turnbuckle and goes up with Austin....... Razor takes Austin out with a huge back suplex from the top turnbuckle! Razor rolls over on top of Austin! 1.........................2.............................. NO! AUSTIN KICKS OUT! Razor calls for Razor's Edge once again! Razor lifts Austin up but Austin sneaks a low blow in on Razor without Jack Doan seeing it! Ted DiBiase gets up on the apron distracting the referee as Sean Waltman grabs the Intercontinental Championship. Waltman comes into the ring with the title as Austin holds Razor. Waltman goes to hit Razor with it but RAZOR DUCKS AND WALTMAN ACCIDENTALLY NAILS AUSTIN WITH THE TITLE! Razor smacks Waltman with a right hand and clotheslines Waltman out to the floor! Razor then knocks DiBiase off the apron with a right hand! Razor quickly lifts Austin up and drops Austin down to the canvas with RAZOR'S EDGE! Razor covers Austin! 1...................2..................3! Razor's music hits the arena to a huge ovation from the crowd as Jack Doan hands Razor the Intercontinental Championship. Razor poses with the gold before heading to the back with it.

Winner by Pin Fall and STILL World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Champion: Razor Ramon

94, 94, 95 ****1\2

The WWF Intercontinental title has gained in image.

Vince McMahon- Razor Ramon has done it! He's still the WWF Intercontinental Champion! What a great battle between Austin and Razor!

Jim Ross- Razor Ramon was in the fight of his life and in the end he did. Somehow he did it Vince. Waltman and DiBiase tried to get involved but in the end Razor Ramon overcame the odds and somehow retained the Intercontinental Championship. What a great battle.

Vince McMahon- Razor Ramon has been on quite a roll since becoming the Intercontinental champion for a fifth time. And I think Razor Ramon could be on his way to becoming the World Wrestling Federation champion very, very soon.

Jim Ross- I could see it happening Vince, Razor Ramon is an amazing athlete and one of the most popular wrestlers in the world today. He certainly is World Wrestling Federation Champion material.

Vince McMahon- Fans coming up next it'll be Hunter Hearst Helmsley taking on "The Wildman" Marc Mero. And these two men have had a wild rivalry. Last month they went at it at Wrestlemania XII with Mero coming out on top. Tonight who will win this one?

Jim Ross- These two men truly hate each other and Mero has beaten Helmsley more times than Helmsley has Mero. These two men are going to go at it tonight in what I think will truly be a excellent affair.

Vince McMahon- Marc Mero beat Hunter Hearst Helmsley this past Friday night in a wild six men tag team match and he looks like the favorite for tonight's big match up. Fans here's a look at this wild feud between Marc Mero and Hunter Hearst Helmsley.

:::::::::::::::::::: We're shown a video package over the feud between Marc Mero and Hunter Hearst Helmsley. It shows footage from their match at Wrestlemania XII and other footage involving both men. Tonight who will win this brutal war? Marc Mero or Hunter Hearst Helmsley? ::::::::::::::::::::

Hunter Hearst Helmsley Vs. Marc Mero

Helmsley and Mero start off in the center of the ring staring each other down. Referee Mike Chioda calls for the bell and both Mero and Helmsley continue staring each other down. Helmsley looks a bit intimidated as Mero talks some trash........ Helmsley slaps Mero right across the face! Mero responds by slapping Helmsley across the face and then kicking Helmsley in the gut! Mero takes Helmsley down with a big hip toss! Helmsley gets up to his feet and Mero runs right over the blue blood snob with a clothesline! Mero lifts Helmsley up by the hair and rams Helmsley head first into the turnbuckle! Mero starts ramming Helmsley's head into the turnbuckle as the fans count along! 1........2........3........4..........5...........6..........7........8......9............10! Mero follows up with a big atomic drop to Helmsley! Mero sends Helmsley out to the floor with a clothesline! Helmsley gets up and does not look happy! The blue blood aristocrat says he's not wrestling and takes a walk! Mero will have none of this and goes out after Helmsley! Helmsley gets clotheslined by Mero right out on the floor! Mero lifts Helmsley up and drops Helmsley across the steel guardrail! Mero then slams Helmsley out on the floor! Mero brings Helmsley back to the ringside area and goes to send Helmsley to the steel steps but Helmsley reverses and Mero goes crashing into the steel steps! Helmsley smacks Mero's head right into the steel steps! Helmsley rolls Mero back into the ring. Helmsley heads up top! Mero gets up to his feet and Helmsley comes flying off the top with a double ax handle to "The Wildman"! Helmsley with a cover! 1.................2............ NO! MERO KICKS OUT! Helmsley lifts Mero up to his feet and drops Mero down across his knee with a knee breaker! Helmsley then kicks Mero's leg out from under him! Helmsley drops down on Mero's leg shoulder first! Helmsley starts kicking away at Mero's leg! Helmsley wrenches down Mero's leg trying to break it! Helmsley goes for a figure four but Mero counters and gets a inside cradle! 1.........................2................... NO! HELMSLEY KICKS OUT! Both Helmsley and Mero get up, And Mero drop kicks Hemsley! Mero lifts Helmsley up and goes for a suplex but Helmsley counters and suplexes Mero down across the ropes! Helmsley nails Mero in the face knocking Mero off the apron to the floor! Helmsley out to the floor after Mero. Helmsley lifts Mero up and drops Mero across the steel guardrail! Helmsley then sends Mero face first into the steel ring post! Helmsley puts Mero back into the ring. Helmsley with a cover! 1..............2......... HE GOT HIM, NO WAIT NO HE DIDN'T! Very close two count there! Helmsley lifts Mero up to his feet and connects with a back breaker. Helmsley goes back to working on Mero's leg by once again dropping down knee first onto Mero's leg! Helmsley puts Mero's leg on the ropes and drops down across it butt first! Helmsley lifts Mero up and slams Mero. Helmsley then backs up into the corner and taunts the fans. Helmsley comes out of the corner with a knee drop to Mero's face! Helmsley covers! 1...................2............. NO! KICK OUT BY MERO! Helmsley drags Mero back up to his feet and sends Mero for the ride. Helmsley goes for a clothesline but it's ducked. Mero then comes off the ropes but Helmsley catches Mero with the high knee to the face! Helmsley hooks the leg! 1.....................2........ MERO KICKS OUT AGAIN! Helmsley lifts Mero up and delivers another back breaker to Mero. Helmsley again drags Mero up and delivers another back breaker! Helmsley covers with his feet all over the ropes! 1.................2............. MERO KICKS OUT AGAIN! Helmsley starts arguing with referee Mike Chioda which allows Mero to sneak up on Helmsley and get a roll up! 1....................2.............. NO! KICK OUT BY HELMSLEY! Helmsley quickly kicks Mero in the gut and drives Mero down with a knee buster! Helmsley with a cover! 1...........2........ NO! HOW DID MARC MERO KICK OUT OF THAT ONE? Helmsley suplexes Mero down and scores another 2 count. Helmsley goes back to working on Mero's leg and delivers another knee breaker to "The Wildman". Helmsley then locks Mero into a figure four! Helmsley pulls back as Chioda asks Mero if he'll give it up. Mero tries to make it to the ropes but Helmsley grabs the ropes for extra leverage! Mero's shoulder go down to the canvas and Chioda counts! 1.................2........ NO! Mero goes down again! 1.............2............. NO! Mero is finally able to turn the hold around after over being locked into it for a minute! Mero and Helmsley end up rolling into the ropes! Both men get up to their feet and Helmsley nails Mero with chops to the chest! Mero though doesn't feel anything from it and decks Helmsley in the face knocking Helmsley down! Helmsley gets up to his feet and walks into a clothesline from Mero! Helmsley crawls up to his feet, And Mero hits him with a running knee to the face! Mero lifts Helmsley up and hits a back suplex. Mero goes out onto the apron and comes back into the ring with a slingshot leg drop to Helmsley! Mero with a COVER! 1.......................2................ HELMSLEY KICKED OUT! Mero lifts Helmsley back up and tosses Helmsley out to the floor. Mero then hits a big corkscrew plancha to Helmsley out on the floor! Mero smacks Helmsley's head right into the steel steps! Mero rolls Helmsley back into the ring and heads up top! Helmsley gets up and Mero comes off the top with a high cross body! 1............2........ No! Helmsley rolls through on top of Mero! 1...............2.......... NO! MERO KICKS OUT! Mero and Helmsley then run into each other with a double cross body! Mike Chioda begins to count out both men! 1............2.........3.................4................5..................6.........7...............8.................9........ NO! Both men get up! Helmsley comes charging at Mero but Mero takes Helmsley down with a powerslam! Mero with a cover! 1..............2............ HELMSLEY KICKED OUT! Mero lifts Helmsley up and connects with a big german suplex into a bridge! 1................2.................. HELMSLEY KICKS OUT AGAIN! Mero goes to lift Helmsley up but Helmsley rakes Mero in the eyes and takes Mero down with a neck breaker! Helmsley slowly gets up to his feet as Mero lays on the canvas. Helmsley lifts Mero up and positions Mero for the Pedigree but Mero counters and catapults Helmsley into the turnbuckle! Helmsley falls flat on his back! Mero calls for the Wild Thing and heads up top! Mero looks at the crowd as Helmsley is out cold..... Mero comes off the top with the Wild Thing to Helmsley! Mero covers! 1.................2............... NO! HELMSLEY HAS HIS FOOT ON THE ROPES! Both men slowly get up to their feet and Helmsley plants Mero with a kick to the gut followed by the PEDIGREE! Both men are out! Referee Mike Chioda begins to count out both men! 1....................2.............3...............4........................5......................6..........7.................8..............9....... No! Helmsley rolls over on top of Mero! 1..................2............3! The fans in the Civic Auditorium boo as Hunter Hearst Helmsley's music plays. Hunter Hearst Helmsley head to the back as referee Mike Chioda checks on Marc Mero.

Winner by Pin Fall: Hunter Hearst Helmsley

88, 90, 85 ***1\2

Hunter Hearst Helmsley gained overness from this feud ending.

Marc Mero gained overness from this feud ending.

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Vince McMahon- Hunter Hearst Helmsley picks up the hard fought win! What a match! What a great showing by both these men in the NEW WWF GENERATION! Tonight Hunter Hearst Helmsley is victorious!

Jim Ross- What a great showing by both these young studs. In the end it was Hunter Hearst Helmsley BARELY being able to beat Mero. What a match up here tonight.

Vince McMahon- Hunter Hearst Helmsley nailed the Pedigree out of pure desperation and somehow he was able to roll over on top of Marc Mero to score the win. Hunter Hearst Helmsley is certainly going to go places now after this huge win.

Jim Ross- He certainly will Vince, I don't like the son of a gun but he earned this win. He beat Marc Mero fair and square in the center of the ring tonight. Which not many people have done.

Vince McMahon- And up next it's the return of the Ultimate Warrior! It's what the fans have been waiting to see for a very long time. And what kind of condition is the Ultimate Warrior in? We haven't seen Warrior for years here in a WWF ring!

Jim Ross- The fans have been wanting to see the Ultimate Warrior back in the ring for ages and now the time has come. Lots of rumors on what kind of condition he's in.

Vince McMahon- Ultimate Warrior is a former WWF and WWF Intercontinental champion. He's beaten all the big names but tonight he takes on Chris Candido who wants to beat the Warrior. Candido says he's going to make a name for himself tonight!

Jim Ross- Chris Candido does have the talent to do it, But there has never been a force as awesome as the Ultimate Warrior. It's going to be something interesting in my view.

Vince McMahon- Fans lets take a look at the Ultimate Warrior!

:::::::::::::::::::: We're shown a video over the career of the Ultimate Warrior here in the World Wrestling Federation. It shows some famous Warrior footage including his wins over Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan. The video ends with the Warrior's logo being shown. ::::::::::::::::::::

Ultimate Warrior Vs. Chris Candido

Ultimate Warrior came down to the ring to a huge, huge ovation from the fans. Warrior looks in pretty good shape too. Referee Teddy Long called for the bell right as Chris Candido jumped Warrior from behind! Candido nailed Warrior with right hands and choked Warrior! Candido sent Warrior to the ropes and came running at Warrior with a clothesline but Warrior looked like he felt nothing from it! Candido then got knocked down by a huge right hand from Warrior! Warrior looked at his hands feeling the power from the Warriors! Warrior lifts Candido up to his feet and sends Candido for the ride..... Back body drop from the Ultimate Warrior! Candido gets up to his feet and Warrior runs right over Candido with a clothesline! Candido stumbles back up to his feet and Warrior clotheslines him down again! Warrior shakes the ropes as the crowd erupts! Candido stumbles up to his feet and Warrior runs right over him with a shoulder tackle! Warrior calls for the Gorilla Slam as the crowd goes wild! Warrior lifts Candido up and easily drops Candido down to the canvas with the Gorilla Slam! Warrior then comes off the ropes with the Big Splash to Candido's back! Warrior rolls Candido over and covers! 1...............2............3! Ultimate Warrior's music hits the arena to a huge ovation from the fans. Warrior poses on the ropes as the fans chant "Warrior".

Winner by Pin Fall: Ultimate Warrior

74, 77, 70 *3/4

Ultimate Warrior debuted his new gimmick (Power and paint), it got a positive response.

Vince McMahon- UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Warrior is back! He disposed of Chris Candido quite easily! Listen to these fans! What a return from the Ultimate Warrior!

Jim Ross- I have never seen anyone destroy an opponent like this. Ultimate Warrior kicked some butt here. What a great return by the Ultimate Warrior.

Vince McMahon- You have to wonder what will happen in the WWF now that the Ultimate Warrior is back. He will certainly mix it up with guys like Diesel, Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Undertaker and many of the other stars in the NEW WWF GENERATION!

Jim Ross- Warrior will no doubt be in the title scene. I can't wait to see Warrior face those big stars that the World Wrestling Federation already has.

Vince McMahon- And coming up next it's a big match up. Bret "The Hitman" Hart takes on Vader. And this one is what alot of people have come to see. But the question is whether or not Bret Hart will be able to fight due to taking the Vader Bomb last week.

Jim Ross- I don't think Bret Hart is anywhere near being one hundred percent but he's going to have to suck it up tonight. This is Bret Hart's first match back since Wrestlemania XII when he lost the WWF Champion to the "Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels.

Vince McMahon- Lets not forget that Vader has James E. Cornette in his corner. Cornette has proven to be a factor in some of Vader's matches in the past.

Jim Ross- I hope Cornette lets it stay one on one. Vader can fight his own battles!

Vince McMahon- Fans lets take a look at the damage the man they Vader has done since debuting in the World Wrestling Federation!

:::::::::::::::::::: We're shown a video package over the destruction Vader has caused since debuting in the WWF. It shows how he destroyed Yokozuna at Wrestlemania XII and put the big man out of action. It shows random footage of Vader's powerbomb and his Vader Bomb. The footage ends with Vader powerbombing Bret Hart and then delivering the Vader Bomb to "The Hitman". ::::::::::::::::::::

Bret Hart Vs. Vader with James E. Cornette

Referee Tim White rings the bell and Vader and Hart go at it trading blows! Hart gets the best of Vader and slugs Vader into the corner. Hart hammers away on Vader with huge right hands to the face! Vader counters and starts punching out Bret Hart! Vader sends Hart to the corner and comes charging at Hart but Hart moves out of the way! Hart clotheslines Vader out to the floor! Hart goes out after Vader and rams Vader head first into the steel steps! Hart again rams Vader's head into the steel steps! Cornette tries to attack Hart but Hart scares him off! Vader though cheap shots Hart and throws Bret into the steel guardrail! Vader rolls "The Hitman" back into the ring and comes in after him. Vader quickly clotheslines Bret Hart down! Vader with a cover! 1.................2........... NO! BRET HART KICKED OUT! Vader lifts Bret up and punches Bret in the ribs. Vader sends Bret to the corner and charges at Bret with a huge avalanche! Vader pummels away on Hart with right hands in the corner! Vader sends Hart to the opposite corner and comes charging but Bret kicks Vader right in the face and takes Vader down with a clothesline! Hart leg drops Vader! Cover! 1.............. KICK OUT BY VADER AT ONE! Hart lifts Vader up and headbutts Vader. Hart goes for a irish whip but Vader counters and clotheslines Hart down. Vader stomps Hart down before lifting Bret up to his feet. Vader punches Hart in the ribs several times and sends Hart for the ride. Vader ducks his head and Hart kicks Vader in the face! Hart puts Vader down with a clothesline! Hart lifts Vader up and tries to suplex Vader but Vader counters and easily suplexes Bret Hart down! Vader comes off the ropes with a Big Splash to Hart! COVER! 1.....................2......... NO! SOMEHOW HART KICKS OUT! Vader and Cornette can not believe it! Vader lifts Hart up to his feet and slams Hart down. Vader covers but Hart kicks out! Vader drags Hart up and tosses Hart out to the floor. Vader goes out after Hart and sends Hart to the steel ring steps! Vader lifts Hart up and smacks Hart's head into the steel steps! Vader distracts the referee and Cornette hits Hart with his racket from behind! Vader puts Hart back into the ring and covers! 1..................2............... HART KICKS OUT AGAIN! Vader lifts Hart up to his feet and almost takes Hart's head off with a clothesline! Vader throws Hart to the corner and starts hammering away on Bret with vicious right hands! Vader hits a big back suplex to Hart and covers! 1..................2........ KICK OUT! Vader lifts Hart up and puts Hart into a bear hug! Vader squeezes down Hart yelling at Hart to give it up! Tim White asks Hart if he'll give it up but Hart says no! Vader continues squeezing down on Hart! Hart is able to get out of Vader's bear hug by biting Vader! Hart then nails Vader with right hands! Hart hits the ropes and Vader catches Hart with a huge powerslam! Cover by the man they call Vader! 1.........2...... HART KICKS OUT AGAIN! Vader can't believe it! Vader lifts Hart up and goes for the powerbomb but Hart counters out of it by nailing Vader with right hands making Vader fall backwards and making Hart land on top of Vader! 1..................2............ NO! VADER KICKS OUT! Both men get up to their feet, And Bret Hart nails Vader with a kick to the gut and takes Vader out with a big DDT! Both men lay flat on their backs as Tim White begins to count them out! 1.........................2...............3.................4............5..................6...........7...... No! Both men stir up! Vader goes to hit Hart but Hart kicks Vader in the legs! Hart nails Vader with big right hands and SLAMS VADER DOWN TO THE CANVAS! Hart follows up by headbutting Vader in the midsection! Hart lifts Vader up to his feet and delivers a big back breaker to Vader! Vader slowly gets up and Hart drives Vader down with a russian legsweep! Hart lifts Vader up and comes out of the corner with a bulldog to Vader! Hart goes up on the second turnbuckle and drops a elbow right to Vader's heart! Hart drops down onto Vader's leg butt first! Hart lifts Vader up and connects with a knee breaker followed up a clothesline! Hart goes for the Sharpshooter but can't turn Vader over! Vader easily kicks Hart away! Hart tries to clothesline Vader but Vader ducks and avalanches Hart down! Vader lifts Hart up and back suplexes Hart. Vader calls for the Powerbomb! Vader lifts Hart up and delivers a big time powerbomb to Hart! Cornette tells Vader to go for the cover but Vader points to the corner calling for the Vader Bomb! Vader drags Hart to the corner and climbs the second turnbuckle........ Vader then heads UP TOP! VADER GOES FOR A MOONSAULT BUT BRET HART MOVES OUT OF THE WAY AND VADER HITS THE CANVAS! Both men stagger up to their feet and Hart gets an inside cradle! 1.................2............3! The fans erupt as Bret Hart's music hits the arena. Hart heads to the back slapping hands with the fans as Cornette comes into the ring and argues with the referee.

Winner by Pin Fall: Bret Hart

93, 95, 90 ****

Vince McMahon- Bret Hart has done it! Bret Hart has beaten the man they call Vader! What a match up! Bret Hart was somehow able to beat the big man!

Jim Ross- Bret Hart put up one hell of a fight here tonight for all the World Wrestling Federation fans. I have never seen anyone give as much effort as Bret "The Hitman" Hart has done tonight.

Vince McMahon- Vader gave it to Hart tonight but in the end "The Hitman" was able to capitalize on Vader's mistake and it won him the match up. I don't think this feud is over yet Jim Ross.

Jim Ross- I don't think it's over either Vince, Knowing Vader and Cornette they'll come up with reasons for why Vader lost.

Vince McMahon- And fans up next it's a three on two handicap match. Crush, Chris Chavis and Kama of The Corporation team up to face the team of Sycho Sid and Undertaker. This one is going to be a wild match up!

Jim Ross- It seems to me like Sid and Undertaker haven't been getting along and I hope for their sake that they can work together tonight or they're going to get destroyed out there by The Corporation.

Vince McMahon- Fans the next time the World Wrestling Federation is on Pay Per View will be Sunday, May 19th!

:::::::::::::::::::: An advertisement is shown for the next World Wrestling Federation Pay Per View event, In Your House "Aggravated Assault" it'll be live Sunday, May 19th from the Civic Center in Florence, South Carolina. And one match has already been announced! Ahmed Johnson makes his return to the ring to face Hunter Hearst Helmsley! ::::::::::::::::::::

Sycho Sid and Undertaker with Paul Bearer Vs. Kama, Chris Chavis and Crush with Ted DiBiase

This one starts off with Sycho Sid and Undertaker staring each other down not agreeing on who's going to go first. Referee Mike Sparks made Sid go to his corner. Undertaker and Kama are starting things off here. Undertaker and "The Supreme Fighting Machine" slug away at each other! Undertaker gets the best of Kama with a big uppercut! Undertaker takes Kama down with a right hand! Undertaker drags Kama up by the head and takes Kama to the corner. Undertaker hammers away on Kama with right hands in the corner! Referee Mike Sparks tries to get Undertaker to stop pummeling Kama but Undertaker just stares at Sparks scaring the referee! Undertaker turns around and catches a boot to the face from Kama! Kama clotheslines Undertaker! BUT THE PHENOM OF THE WWF SITS UP! Kama lifts Undertaker up and slams Undertaker down to the canvas! Kama comes off the ropes with a leg drop to Undertaker! BUT UNDERTAKER SITS UP ONCE AGAIN! Kama tags in Chris Chavis! The slick Indian Casino Owner comes into the ring and drills Undertaker with a stiff clothesline! BUT UNDERTAKER SITS UP AGAIN! AMAZING! Chavis lifts Undertaker up and nails Undertaker with a right hand. Chavis backs Undertaker into the corner and stomps away on the man from the dark side. Chavis sends Undertaker into the opposite corner but Undertaker comes out of it and doesn't feel any pain from hitting the turnbuckles! Undertaker kicks Chavis in the gut and hoists Chavis up in the air by the throat with two hands. Undertaker quickly drops Chavis down and tags Sycho Sid in. Sid comes into the ring and kicks Chavis in the gut as Chavis was getting up. Sid hammers Chavis in the back and throws Chavis into the corner. Sid nails Chavis with big right hands in the corner! Sid throws Chavis down to the canvas and connects with a big leg drop! Sid with a cover! 1.................2........... CHAVIS KICKS OUT! Sid lifts Chavis up and sends Chavis to the ropes and catches Chavis with a boot to the face! Sid goes for a elbow drop but Chavis rolls out of the way! Both men get up, And Chavis plants Sid with a clothesline! Chavis tags out to the dangerous convict Crush. Crush stomps away on Sid before slamming Sid down. Crush drops a elbow to Sid and starts choking Sid! Ted DiBiase laughs at ringside enjoying the carnage. Crush tags out to Kama. Kama hits Sid with a side kick and scores a leg drop for 2. Kama lifts Sid up and plants Sid with a sidewalk slam! Kama then tosses Sid out to the floor through the middle ropes. Kama distracts referee Mike Sparks allowing Crush and Chavis to beat down Sid out on the floor! Undertaker though just stays in his corner staring down the carnage done to Sid on the outside! Crush rolls Sid back into the ring where Kama drills Sid with a clothesline! Cover! 1.................2............ SID KICKS OUT! Kama tags out to Chavis who heads up top! Sid is up, And Chavis comes flying off the top with a clothesline to Sid! Cover! 1.......................2......... SID KICKS OUT! Chavis takes Sid down with a back suplex and locks Sid into a rear chin lock! Mike Sparks asks Sid if he gives it up but Sid says no! Chavis breaks the hold and kicks Sid in the back! Chavis tags out to Crush. Crush takes Sid down with a right hand and starts choking Sid out. Crush delivers a back breaker to Sid and covers for 2. Crush drops a elbow and tags out to Kama. Kama backs Sid into the corner and uses several kicks to wear down the big man. Kama takes Sid down with a snap mare and kicks Sid in the back. Kama delivers a big belly to belly suplex to Sid and covers! 1..........................2................ SID KICKS OUT AGAIN! Kama drags Sid up and calls for the Supreme Driver. Kama goes for the Supreme Driver but Sid slips out of it and Choke Slams Kama! Both men lay on the canvas as Mike Sparks begins to count them out! 1...........2....................3..........................4.................5...........................6...................7.....................8......... NO! SID MAKES THE TAG TO UNDERTAKER! KAMA TAGS IN CRUSH! Undertaker comes into the ring and clotheslines Crush down! Chavis and Kama come in but Undertaker hits them with a double clothesline! Undertaker boots Crush in the face! Chavis gets hit with a boot as well! Undertaker charges off the ropes and catches Kama with the flying/rolling clothesline! Sid takes Crush down with a right hand! Sid goes out to the floor with Chavis and Kama follows! Meanwhile, Undertaker connects with the walk on the ropes to Crush! Undertaker calls for the Choke Slam! Sid is taking a beating from Kama and Chavis on the outside! Crush gets up to his feet and Undertaker grabs him by the throat..... CHOKE SLAM TO CRUSH! Undertaker calls for the Tombstone as Sid throws Chavis into the steel steps and Kama goes face first into the steel ring post! Crush stumbles up to his feet, But Sid tags himself into the match! Sid delivers the Powerbomb to Crush! Sid covers as Undertaker looks on! 1..........2........3! Sid's music hits the arena to cheers as Undertaker and Sid stare each other down. Crush is helped to the back by Chavis, DiBiase and Kama. Paul Bearer comes into the ring with the urn as Undertaker and Sid continue staring each other down. Sid leaves the ring and heads to the back as the blue lights of the phenom come on. Undertaker poses as Bearer holds the urn high in the air.

Winners by Pin Fall: Sycho Sid and Undertaker

77, 78, 76 **1/4

Vince McMahon- Undertaker and Sycho Sid win! What dominance on the part of Undertaker and Sid! I have never seen anyone dominate three men like those two men did here tonight.

Jim Ross- Sid and Undertaker were able to work together as a unit tonight and beat The Corporation. Sycho Sid pinned Crush here tonight and I don't think this issue between Sid and The Corporation is done yet.

Vince McMahon- Sid is a former member of The Corporation and he says he wants to wipe the group out. And fans up next it's the huge main event. The WWF Champion the "Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels takes on "Big Daddy Cool". And this one is fueled by alot of hate and violence. And alot of pride Jim Ross.

Jim Ross- Michaels and Diesel were friends at one time but that's no more. These two men truly do hate each other. It's for the WWF Championship but there's so much more than that at stake. These two men are going to be going at it full speed ahead. They're going to want to prove that they are truly the best the WWF has.

Vince McMahon- Diesel claims that Michaels has no chance of beating him. At last year's Wrestlemania, Diesel did beat Michaels. But times have changed. Michaels is the solid fan favorite tonight. And he is the WWF Champion.

Jim Ross- This ain't going to be pretty. It's going to be a fight. The question is whether or not Michaels will be able to stand toe to toe with "The Genetic Wonder" Diesel.

Vince McMahon- Here's a look at these two men and how these two men got together for tonight's huge event!

:::::::::::::::::::: The same video package from the beginning of the show is shown. Tonight it's all or nothing for both Michaels and Diesel. Who will win it? Who will walk out as the champion? ::::::::::::::::::::

World Wrestling Federation Championship

Diesel Vs. Shawn Michaels©

Shawn Michaels handed the World Wrestling Federation Champion to senior referee Earl Hebner who then raised the belt high in the air showing it off to the massive crowd. Hebner gave it to the time keeper and called for the bell! Michaels and Diesel stand eye to eye here. Diesel starts talking trash to Michaels and pushes Michaels against the ropes! Michaels responds and shoves Diesel as well! Michaels and Diesel lock up and the bigger Diesel easily throws Michaels down to the canvas! The crowd boos as Diesel taunts Michaels. Michaels gets up and gets right into Diesel's face and slaps "The Genetic Wonder"! Diesel retaliates with a knee to Michaels' gut! Diesel hammers Michaels in the back of the head with a elbow! Diesel sends Michaels for the ride and goes for a clothesline but Michaels ducks it and comes off the ropes with a huge clothesline to Diesel knocking down "Big Daddy Cool"! Michaels mounts on top of Diesel and smacks Diesel's head into the canvas! Michaels goes to the corner and calls for Sweet Chin Music! Diesel quickly goes out to the floor and the crowd boos Diesel! Diesel taunts Michaels and the fans! Michaels goes out to the apron and comes off it with a huge clothesline to Diesel knocking down Diesel! Michaels sends Diesel into the steel steps shoulder first! Michaels then sends Diesel into the steel guardrail! Michaels goes back into the ring....... Diesel slowly stirs and Michaels drills Diesel with a baseball slide followed by a huge pescado! Michaels rolls Diesel back into the ring and heads up top! Michaels comes flying off the top with a cross body block to Diesel! 1...............2......... DIESEL EASILY KICKS OUT! Michaels goes right after Diesel and clotheslines Diesel out to the floor and almost falls out himself but he skins the cat back into the ring! Michaels goes for another pescado but this time Diesel catches him and drives Michaels into the steel ring post! Diesel lifts Michaels up and again rams Michaels back first into the steel ring post! Diesel rolls Shawn back into the ring. Diesel comes into the ring and drills Michaels with a clothesline! Cover! 1..............2............ NO! MICHAELS KICKS OUT! Diesel drags Shawn up and quite easily throws Michaels into the corner! Diesel uses his knees driving it into Michaels! Diesel then uses his back elbow and nails Michaels in the face with stiff elbow shots! Diesel follows up by choking Shawn with his foot! Diesel sends Michaels to the opposite corner and charges at Shawn with a running clothesline! Diesel delivers the sidewalk slam to Michaels! Diesel hooks the leg! 1...............2........ NO! MICHAELS KICKS OUT! AMAZING! Diesel lifts Michaels up and slams Michaels down the canvas and drops a elbow! Diesel follows up with another elbow! And another elbow! Diesel with a cover! 1............2........ MICHAELS KICKS OUT AGAIN! Diesel easily lifts the "Heart Break Kid" up and drops Michaels into the turnbuckle with a pair of snake eyes. Michaels comes stumbling out of the corner into a short arm clothesline from Diesel! Cover! 1...........................2.............. KICK OUT AGAIN BY MICHAELS! Diesel lifts Shawn up and press slams Michaels! Diesel taunts the fans who start chanting "HBK". Diesel puts Shawn throat first across the ropes and charges at Shawn dropping a leg across Michaels' neck choking it into the ropes! Diesel with a cover! 1...............2......... MICHAELS kicks out! Diesel stands Shawn up and taunts Shawn! Diesel goes for a right hand but Michaels blocks it and drills Diesel with a huge right hand! Michaels clobbers Diesel with more right hands! Michaels comes off the ropes but Diesel quickly back drops Michaels! Diesel lifts Shawn up and tosses Shawn out but Michaels hangs onto the ropes and skins the cat back in! Shawn turns around and Diesel drills the champion with a clothesline sending Michaels out to the floor! Diesel goes out after Michaels and just tosses Michaels into the steel ring post! Diesel then sends Michaels into the steel steps! Diesel lifts Shawn up and again drives Michaels back first into the steel ring post! Diesel grabs the top part of the steel steps and throws it right into Michaels' back! Diesel rolls Shawn back into the ring and drives a knee to Shawn's injured back! Diesel throws Michaels into the turnbuckle back first! Shawn comes out of the corner into a abdominal stretch from Diesel! Referee Earl Hebner asks Michaels if he'll give it up but Michaels says no! Diesel puts the pressure to Michaels but again the champion won't give it up! Diesel lets go of the hold and drops Michaels across the ropes crotch first! Diesel drills Michaels with a clothesline sending Michaels back out to the floor! Diesel goes back out after Shawn and slams Michaels on the floor! Diesel lifts Shawn up and rams Michaels' head into the announce table! McMahon and Ross try to talk sense into Diesel, But Diesel shoves both of them aside! Diesel then shoves Hebner aside! Diesel turns around and MICHAELS NAILS DIESEL WITH THE RING BELL! Michaels goes back inside as Diesel slowly stirs. Diesel goes into the ring and is met by right hands from Michaels! Michaels goes for a irish whip but Diesel drills Michaels with a short arm clothesline! Diesel stomps down on Michaels! Diesel lifts Shawn up and connects with a back breaker! Diesel then locks Shawn into a back breaker submission! Michaels is able to escape the hold but walks into a knee to the gut from Diesel! Diesel sends Michaels for the ride and drills Michaels with a big boot! The fans boo as Diesel lowers down the straps! Diesel does the JACKKNIFE TAUNT! IT'S TIME FOR THE JACKKNIFE! Diesel lifts Shawn up and goes for the Jackknife but Michaels slips out of it and drills Diesel with a right hand! Diesel slugs Michaels back! Diesel sends Michaels to the ropes but Michaels charges and catches Diesel with the flying forearm! The fans cheer as both Michaels and Diesel are down! Earl Hebner begins the count out with the fans chanting "HBK". 1.......................2.................3................4..............5...............6.................7.............8..............9....... NO MICHAELS NIPS UP! Michaels is up!!!! Michaels side stomps the side of Diesel's head! Michaels lifts Diesel up to his feet and hits Diesel with a back elbow to the face! Michaels with a atomic drop and chop block to Diesel taking out Diesel's leg! Michaels stomps away on Diesel's leg and drops down across it butt first! Michaels lifts Diesel up and rams Diesel's head into the turnbuckle! Michaels starts punching Diesel in the corner and the fans count along! 1...............2........3.........4...........5...........6.......7..........8...........9........10! Michaels ducks a clothesline from Diesel and sends Diesel out to the floor! Michaels heads up top and comes all the way out to the floor with a moonsault to Diesel! Michaels rolls Diesel back into the ring and again chop blocks Diesel's leg out from under him! Shawn goes for a figure four but Diesel boots Shawn down! Diesel gets up and Shawn drop kicks Diesel down! Michaels hits Diesel with a enziguri kick! Michaels lifts Diesel up and somehow he slams Diesel! Michaels heads up top! Michaels comes flying off the top with the elbow drop to Diesel's heart! Michaels tunes up the band! Diesel stands up and MICHAELS DRILLS HIM WITH SWEET CHIN MUSIC! COVER! 1.........2....... NO! DIESEL KICKED OUT! No one can believe it! Michaels goes to clothesline Diesel but Diesel ducks it and Earl Hebner gets taken out! Michaels checks on Hebner which allows Diesel to nail HBK from behind! Diesel then drills Michaels with the Jackknife Powerbomb! Diesel covers but there's no referee! Diesel goes out to the floor and grabs the WWF Championship! Diesel comes into the ring with the title and waits for Michaels to get up, Diesel goes to hit Michaels with the belt but Shawn ducks and low blows Diesel! Michaels takes the title and nails Diesel with it! Michaels covers as Hebner gets up! 1................2................... NO! DIESEL KICKS OUT! Michaels goes for another Sweet Chin Music attempt but Diesel ducks and boots Michaels in the face again! Diesel lifts Shawn up and goes for the Jackknife but Michaels slips out of it and nails Diesel with Sweet Chin Music out of nowhere! Michaels covers! 1............................2......................3! the crowd erupt as Shawn Michaels' music hits the arena! Michaels is handed the title and poses with it to a huge pop from the crowd! But WAIT! DIESEL NAILS MICHAELS FROM BEHIND! Diesel shoves Earl Hebner down and hits the Jackknife to Michaels! Diesel lifts Michaels back up and hits another Jackknife to Michaels! Diesel tosses Shawn out to the floor! REFEREE EARL HEBNER TRIES TO RESTRAIN DIESEL BUT DIESEL NAILS HEBNER WITH A RIGHT HAND! Diesel goes out to the floor after Michaels and grabs a steel chair! DIESEL DRILLS MICHAELS OVER THE HEAD WITH THE STEEL CHAIR BUSTING MICHAELS WIDE OPEN! Diesel lifts Shawn up and looks at the announce table........ DIESEL JACKKNIFE POWERBOMBS SHAWN MICHAELS THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE! Shawn Michaels is out and bloodied! Diesel's music hits the arena to boos as Diesel stands over Michaels. McMahon and Ross check on Michaels as Diesel goes back into the ring. Diesel poses with the WWF Championship to boos from the fans.

Winner by Pin Fall and STILL World Wrestling Federation Champion: Shawn Michaels

95, 100, 85 ***3/4

Vince McMahon- No! Michaels has been destroyed! He beat Diesel but that sore loser just might have ended Michaels' career!

Jim Ross- Diesel is a sore loser! Michaels won this battle! Diesel is nothing more than a bully! Good God almighty! Michaels has been destroyed right here tonight!

Vince McMahon- Fans we're going to have to go, Thank you so very much for joining us. For Jim Ross and myself we thank you for joining us. And we'll see you next month on Pay Per View!

In Your House "Pride And Violence" goes off the air with Diesel posing with the title as Michaels is bloodied out in the wreckage of the announce table. Diesel says this is only the beginning of him ending Michaels' career! Officials check on Michaels who's out cold while Diesel poses with the gold! Is Shawn Michaels' career over?

Overall Rating- 88

Pay Per View Buyrate- 1.67


WCW Spring Stampede

Pay Per View Buyrate- 1.33

Attendance- 14,967

Ticket Sales- $898,020

Pay Per View Revenue- $3,325,000

ECW Free Fall

Attendance- 2,859

Ticket Sales- $85,770

"I think my last feud went very well, it has helped me get more over."- Hunter Hearst Helmsley

"Bart Gunn and Billy Gunn work well together as a team, it adds to their matches."- Pat Patterson

In other news

- The World Wrestling Federation has recently signed Devon Storm to a one year deal.

- Chavo Guerrero Jr. has decided to jump ship to the World Wrestling Federation after a huge deal was made to Guerrero. The WWF is planning on bringing a Light Heavyweight division around next year or even later this year and it looks like Chavo's the one who's going to be the focus of it.

- WCW's Monday Nitro has been renewed for a further 20 weeks.

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Very nice PPV Hewey. Loved the way you wrote your matches out and everything. One little thing that sort of bothers me though is that some, if not most, of the matches are too predictable. When I post guesses for who will win PPV matches, I usualy go with the ones that people wouldnt expect at it surprises them more. Other than that, great diary.

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Guest Prototype

Really good PPV. Alot of the matches were really good, especially the main event and Razor/Austin. Cant believe Razor held on to the title after all that. Hunter/Mero was good too. I can definately see a Sid/Taker feud coming, and Im glad to see Diesel get a real mean streak and see his feud with HBK continued.

PS- Who won the prediction contest?

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Prediction Contest

Daniel316- 15

Acemaster- 13

Pattitude- 12

JohnnyPerfect- 12

cactusguy- 12

meripu1- 11

Prototype- 10

Hailtothechimp- 10

nomaster- 10

ifusmell2100- 9

Jonny2003uk- 9

ryan_the_canuck- 8

BSchmaranz- 8

LOL- 8

Jam- 8

Daniel316 PM me the wrestler you want me to hire. It can be anyone from ECW, LATMF, SWF, except if they have Japanese commitments. If they do have Japanese commitments I'll write down the person's name and wait until they're done touring. Oh and it can be someone from WCW too. Just tell me whoever you want from WCW and when their contract runs out I'll buy it out :thumbsup:

Thanks to everyone who predicted, I'm pretty sure this is the most predictions I've ever gotten :D

Edited by Baby Hewey
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user posted image

Date: April 22, 1996

Location: Lincoln, Nebraska

We're just twenty four hours removed from WWF In Your House. Last night Shawn Michaels shocked the world by beating his former friend Diesel in the middle of the ring. But afterwards it was a mock shocking scene. Diesel destroyed Michaels putting Michaels through the announce table with the Jackknife Powerbomb! We're going to hear from Diesel tonight on why he beat down Michaels after Michaels beat him in the center of the ring. What does Diesel have to say?

Tonight a superstar returns to the WWF. Rick Martel makes his return to the ring! Martel hasn't been in a WWF ring since early 1995! And tonight Martel takes on a very hungry Chris Candido!

Ultimate Warrior returned last night and quickly disposed of Chris Candido. Tonight we will hear from Ultimate Warrior. What does the Warrior have to say?

In the main event we'll see a six men tag team match up! Razor Ramon teams with Sycho Sid and Undertaker to face Crush, Sean Waltman and Steve Austin of The Corporation!

Matches for Monday Night Raw

Owen Hart and British Bulldog defend the WWF Tag Team Championship against the Smoking Gunns in a rematch from In Your House!

Rick Martel returns to the ring to face Chris Candido!

Goldust takes on Marc Mero!

Jim Neidhart faces Hunter Hearst Helmsley!

Plus the huge six men tag team main event! We'll also hear from Diesel, Bret Hart, Ultimate Warrior! All this and much more!

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Just as good PPV as it ever can be! I mean this wasn't your best of the all time, but I think it didn't even try to be. After all, it was "only" IYH. This, I liked. It was SO realistic! ME was great and so were the other matches, too. Warrior's debut was so real that I almost could see him tossing Candido aroung like a doll.

Great PPV because of it's realism.

<EDIT> Oh, and RAW's card is looking such a good, by the way.

Edited by Acemaster
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user posted image

Date: April 22, 1996

Location: Lincoln, Nebraska

Attendance: 9,040

Ticket Sales: $361,600

Announcers: Jim Ross and Vince McMahon

Monday Night Raw opens up with it's regular video package and then we're taken inside the arena where pyro shoots off. We're taken to the announce position where Jim Ross and Vince McMahon are standing by. They hype up tonight's main event of Sycho Sid, Razor Ramon and Undertaker teaming up to face Sean Waltman, Steve Austin and Crush in a huge six men tag team match up!

World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship

Smoking Gunns Vs. Owen Hart and British Bulldog© with James E. Cornette

During the match the announcers said that Shawn Michaels wouldn't be here tonight due to injuries sustained at In Your House last night. McMahon and Ross said that Michaels would show up for Friday Night Mayhem this Friday night. This is a rematch from last night's match. The Gunns started off hot taking out the champions with clotheslines and then throwing Bulldog and Owen out to the floor! Owen and Bulldog tried to run out but the referee announced that if they were counted out then the titles would go to the Smoking Gunns! The champions couldn't believe it! But Owen and Bulldog soon took control of the match after some dirty tricks. Owen and Bulldog isolated the older Gunn brother, Bart. Owen and Bulldog gave Bart a real beating but they couldn't put Bart away. Owen went for the Sharpshooter several times but Bart kept breaking it. Bulldog used his power advantage over Bart but Davey Boy Smith couldn't put Bart away either. Bart was able to make the hot tag to Billy after taking both Owen and Bulldog out with a pair of clotheslines! Billy came into the ring and cleaned house! Billy took out Bulldog with a amazing tilt a whirl back breaker and tossed Owen like a rag doll! The Smoking Gunns hit Bulldog with their back suplex/drop kick combo! Owen got thrown out to the floor and the Gunns delivered the Sidewinder to Bulldog! Billy hooked the legs but before the three count could be made, Cornette ran in and smacked Bart with the racket causing a disqualification! The fans booed as Owen and Bulldog got disqualified but they got to keep their titles! Bulldog, Owen and Cornette fled to the back with the gold! The Smoking Gunns have been screwed again by Owen Hart and British Bulldog!

85, 86, 85 ***1\2

Billy Gunn gained overness from this match.

Bart Gunn gained overness from this match.


No more DIESEL!

Monday Night Raw returns from the commercial break with the music of "Big Daddy Cool" Diesel hitting the arena to huge heat from the fans. Diesel makes his way down to the ring as Ross and McMahon hype Diesel's brutal attack on the "Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels just twenty four hours ago at In Your House. Diesel poses inside the ring while pyros go off from the rafters and from the turnbuckles. Diesel is handed a microphone while the fans chant "HBK".

Diesel- All you people need to shut up and listen to what I got to say. You know I arrived in this pathetic town today and all you people were asking why did I beat down Shawn? Why did I smack him with a chair upside the head? Why'd I put him through the announce table? The answer is quite simple. I do as I please. Shawn you did beat me last night. But who cares? It doesn't matter who wins the battle. What matters is who wins the war "Heart Break Kid". And last night I won the war. I took you out once and for all! I heard the announcers say that you will here this Friday night but come on Shawn! You don't want anymore of this! You can show up this Friday night and fork the World Wrestling Federation Championship over to me. Shawn last night I destroyed you. Sure you got me with the kick but in the end I was the last man standing! And you know what? I came here to address something else. I thought about this after I beat you down like a dog last night Shawn, And the name "Diesel". Why am I still going by "Diesel"? You brought me in as Diesel and treated me like a slave! Well I got news for everyone in the World Wrestling Federation. I'm not your slave anymore! I'm a former WWF Champion! I'm the best in the company! I'm going to go by my real name! Kevin Nash! The name of the man who is the most dominate superstar in the WWF! Diesel is done! Diesel was Shawn's bodyguard!

The crowd boos and chant "we want Shawn".

Kevin Nash- Shut up! All you people shut the hell up! Shawn isn't here! He'll never be the same again! I owned him last night! Shawn I truly do hate you. You made me a lackey! And when I went off on my own and became a huge star you got jealous! Last night you beat me but that doesn't matter. You got lucky! Kevin Nash is in charge now! No one in the WWF is going to be able to stop me! Shawn this Friday night if you show up I can promise to beat you down again. Shawn your time is over and Kevin Nash's time has come! You can either give me the title or you can step into the ring with me again and get your butt kicked! Shawn it's your choice. I'll see you this Friday night. And as far as tonight goes, I think I might need to cause some trouble tonight!

Kevin Nash's music hits the arena to boos as Nash poses. The announcers hype a special interview with a WWF superstar coming up next!



Interview with Rick Martel

We return from the commercial break with Dok Hendrix standing by with Rick Martel!

Dok Hendrix- I'm standing by with "The Model" Rick Martel and Rick......

Rick Martel- Hang on just a minute Dok Hendrix! There ain't no model around here! I'm Rick Martel and Rick Martel only! No more model! No more wearing silly outfits! It's all business with me! I came back to the World Wrestling Federation to prove that I still have something in this forty year old tank! I heard all about the new generation and all that nonsense! Well lets see how well these new kids can do with me! It's time for Rick Martel to return and to be the best!

Dok Hendrix- Tonight you take on Chris Candido a young superstar with alot of potential.

Rick Martel- Potential doesn't get you anywhere Dok Hendrix! It's skills that make you a big time player! And Chris Candido doesn't have what it takes to become anything! He's a joke! He got destroyed by the Warrior in less than a minute! Candido is a hungry young kid but he doesn't have what it takes to beat me. Chris Candido is a nobody! If you think I'm losing to this moron then you got another thing coming!

Dok Hendrix- Rick Martel what are your plans now that you have returned to the World Wrestling Federation?

Rick Martel- My plan is very simple. It's to go to the top of the World Wrestling Federation. It's to prove that even at forty I can still be the best this company has! Another company offered me a deal but I don't want to go to a company where the guys are over fifty and still going! I want to wrestle with the young talent in the WWF! That's why I am here. And I will be the World Wrestling Federation champion this time around! I won't let my name be recognized as "the model". Rick Martel is all about winning from now on!

Dok Hendrix- Thanks for the comments. Fans lets take you to the ring where Rick Martel's opponent Chris Candido is waiting!


Rick Martel debuted his new gimmick (cocky), it got a positive response.

Rick Martel Vs. Chris Candido

Pretty good match here but the crowd wasn't into it all that much. It was hard to tell who was the bad guy so to speak since Martel was acting as cocky as ever and playing a tweener at the same time. Martel gave it to Candido right from the beginning proving that he still has something left in the tank so to speak. Martel beat Candido down in the corner with chops. Candido got a few shots in on Martel but he couldn't put away Martel. Martel took Candido out with a devastating release german suplex and locked Candido into the Québec Crab! Candido quickly tapped out giving Rick Martel the win! Afterwards, Martel posed to a mixed reaction. McMahon was saying that Martel is in the best shape of his entire career!

74, 68, 80 **1\2


Marc Mero Vs. Goldust with Marlena

These two have fought many times within the last month. And it was the same match from the last time they fought. Goldust jumped Mero from behind and both men ended up brawling out on the floor with Goldust sending Mero into the steel steps and then ramming Mero into the steel ring post! Goldust showed his aggressive side by beating down Mero in the corner and choking "The Wildman". Marlena got involved as well blowing cigar smoke into Mero's eyes blinding Mero for awhile as Goldust distracted the referee. Mero was able to make the come back after driving Goldust down to the canvas with a back suplex. Mero hit Goldust with his usual maneuvers coming close to putting the former Intercontinental champion away. Mero finished Goldust off with a big samoan drop, Mero then headed up top and connected with the Wild thing to put Goldust away for the 1,2,3! Afterwards, Marc Mero posed celebrating his win.

84, 88, 77 **3\4


Cactus Jack is in the World Wrestling Federation!

We return from the commercial break with our cameras taking us up to the stands where we see a man in the crowd with a microphone.... NO WAIT! IT'S HARDCORE LEGEND CACTUS JACK! McMahon and Ross are going nuts! They have no idea what Cactus Jack is doing here in the World Wrestling Federation!

Cactus Jack- You people must be wondering what I am doing here. All you World Wrestling Federation fans might not who I am. There's some of you who do know who I am. For those who don't know, I am Cactus Jack! And I am the craziest most hardcore son b**** in the wrestling world. And you know something? It's time for me to prove it here in the WWF. All you WWF fans are used to is the niceness in the company. You fans think it's always happy and peaceful around here. The world isn't like that and I KNOW IT! Years after years I tried to come to the WWF and they wouldn't let me. I gave my body to the wrestling world! I gave half my ear for this sport! I have never truly been appreciated! No one has ever cared for me or any of my hard work. Not my friends, Not the boys in Atlanta. Not the fans in Philly. No one has ever told me that they appreciated all the work I've done. I tried meeting a couple of executives from the WWF and they threw me out of the building! I tried to talk to President Monsoon but he ignored me! He said I wasn't fit with the World Wrestling Federation style! He said that I'd be better off going back to Philly! Well I'm done with Philly! I want to become a legend in a big federation! I want to face the big stars! The WWF is the most popular wrestling organization in the world! And I want to be a WWF superstar! I want to show everyone that I am worth something! I want to show everyone that Mrs. Foley's baby boy is a superstar. Every wrestling fan in the world are a bunch of ungrateful spoiled little bastards! None of you have ever worked for anything in your entire life! No of you have ever been thrown into explosives! None of you watched your ear get thrown into a trash can like it was garbage! You people like your nice little heroes with their nice little wholesome image. You people don't want Cactus Jack in the WWF do you? Well you're going to get Cactus Jack in the WWF! I don't care if security tosses me out. I don't care if I get sent to jail for a entire night. Whether the WWF really wants me or not doesn't matter. I won't let my hard work go to waste! The world is a sad miserable place and Cactus Jack will make the WWF alot more miserable! I'll see you guys this Friday night! And I hope President Monsoon meets me face to face and makes me a official WWF superstar!

Cactus Jack drops the microphone down to a mixed reaction from the crowd. Cactus Jack walks out as our cameras take us to the ring.


Cactus Jack debuted his new gimmick (crazy), it got a positive response.

Hunter Hearst Helmsley Vs. Jim Neidhart

McMahon and Ross kept apologizing for Cactus Jack's language and they said that Cactus Jack is not employed by the World Wrestling Federation. The announcers also mentioned that Ahmed Johnson would return to the ring at the next In Your House and he would be facing Hunter Hearst Helmsley like it was already announced last night. Jim Neidhart easily tossed around Hunter Hearst Helmsley who did not seem to be in good shape after wrestling Marc Mero last night barely getting the win over "The Wildman". Neidhart got a couple near falls on the blue blood snob but somehow Helmsley kept kicking out. Neidhart tossed Helmsley out to the floor but it ended up favoring Helmsley who send Neidhart to the steel steps! Helmsley then rammed Neidhart head first into the steel ring post! They went back into the ring with Helmsley getting a few close near falls on "The Anvil". Helmsley went for the Pedigree but Neidhart countered and catapulted Helmsley into the turnbuckle! Neidhart hit Helmsley with a couple clotheslines but Helmsley kept kicking out. Neidhart connected with a powerslam but Helmsley again kicked out! Neidhart went for the Hart Attack but Helmsley ducked and Neidhart went crashing into the corner! Neidhart then came out of the corner right into Helmsley's Pedigree! Helmsley hooked the legs and scored the 1,2,3! Afterwards, Hunter Hearst Helmsley posed as Monday Night Raw went to a commercial break with Vince McMahon hyping a special interview with Ultimate Warrior coming up next!

80, 84, 72 **


Interview with Ultimate Warrior

Vince McMahon stands inside the ring with a microphone in his hands as we return from the commercial break.

Vince McMahon- Last night we saw the return of a man who's a larger than life phenomenon! That man is the Ultimate Warrior! Ladies and gentlemen allow me to introduce to you the Ultimate Warrior!

Ultimate Warrior's music hits the arena to a huge ovation from the fans. Ultimate Warrior comes running down to the ring as the Warrior symbol flashes through out the ring. Warrior gets inside the ring and shakes the ropes looking as intense as ever. The normal lights come back on as Vince McMahon prepares to speak.

Vince McMahon- Warrior there's alot of things I want to ask you. But first of all thank you for coming back to the World Wrestling Federation! Everyone of these people have wanted to see you return!

Ultimate Warrior- McMahon it's time that the Warrior has returned. There's alot of evil in the World Wrestling Federation and I have come to stop it! I have come to make sure that the evil of the world is gone! To make sure that the world doesn't rot! And I'm going to start right here in the World Wrestling Federation!

Vince McMahon- The big question everyone wants to know is where have you been? Where has the Warrior been for all these years?

Ultimate Warrior- I was in my own world Vince fighting the evil that was apart of me. I looked into my own soul and took the evil out. I went into my world and fought and hunt down the evil. My soul was a dark place where many men tried to go. In the end I was the only one who could truly stop the evil inside it. Everything is good or evil. My soul had been possed by the evilness in this world. I went into it and took it out. In the end the Warrior is all there is. Since then I have been in my world trying to figure out how to end all the evilness. That's why I came back. That's why I am back in the World Wrestling Federation. Alot of evil has happened in this company. And I'm the man who's going to end it all. I found my path back here. You can either join the fight or you can be against it. Either way the Warriors are going to win this battle! The battle for the Warrior's soul has already been won. Now it's time to save the soul of the World Wrestling Federation!

Vince McMahon- What do you mean by that? Is there one individual you're going to go after? Like you did with Chris Candido last night?

Ultimate Warrior- There's more than one person who's soul has been rotted! Chris Candido is one of them. But last night I saved him. He looked into my eyes and he knew he was in the world of the Warrior. Everyone of these people are in my world now. And in my world good wins over evil every time. In my world the evil is gone. And I have come back to the WWF to bring the good back. It's a battle against evil and this time good will prevail! That's why I'm here.

Vince McMahon- Warrior what do you think your career will be like now that you're back in the WWF?

Ultimate Warrior- It's going to be a wild ride McMahon. For so long evil has dominated the WWF and my soul. And the souls of everyone of the fans. But now I'm here to put a stop to it. I'm here to win the battle with good versus evil. And Vince the WWF will never be the same again after this battle! The Warrior is back!

Vince McMahon- Ladies and gentlemen the Ultimate Warrior!

Warrior's music plays as Warrior poses. Monday Night Raw goes to a commercial break.



Vader wants a rematch!

Bret Hart's music hits the arena to a huge ovation from the sell out crowd as "The Hitman" walks down to the ring in his street clothing. The announcers put over Bret Hart's huge win over Vader last night at In Your House. Bret Hart asks for a microphone while Vince mentions that Vader is here tonight.

Bret Hart- Last night I fought the man they call Vader. And I can honestly say it was one of the toughest fights I have ever been in. Vader picked me apart. But in the end the better wrestler won. Just like I said it would happen. Vader last night you did give me a beating but when it was all said and done only one man came out on top and that was me. I beat you. I pinned you one, two, three in the center of the ring. Vader last night was not your night and that's the way it is. And if you ever want a rematch I'll gladly give you one. Anytime, Anywhere. As far as my future goes. Now that I'm done with Vader I'd like to get my shot at the World Wrestling Federation Championship and Shawn Michaels. As former champion I should be getting my rematch. I know Kevin Nash thinks he's the number one contender but I've been waiting for a long time to get my rematch with Shawn Michaels. That is if Shawn is able to wrestle after what happened last night. If not then put me and someone else in the ring and lets see who the champion is, One way or another I will become the WWF Champion for a fourth time! And........

Bret Hart's interrupted by the sound of Vader's music which fills the arena to boos from the crowd. Vader and James E. Cornette are shown on the RAW stage. Cornette has a microphone with him.

James E. Cornette- Not so fast Hart! You aren't done with Vader! Not by a long shot! You think last night was the end of this? No way! As far as I'm concerned, This is only starting! You got lucky last night! Lets see how lucky you're going to be next time you and this man right here get into the ring. Bret Hart you did say you'd face Vader anytime, anywhere right?

Bret Hart- Of course! I don't back down from a challenge and you know it Cornette!

James E. Cornette- Good, good. We want the rematch for the next In Your House! In Your House "Aggravated Assault"! On May 19th from Florence, South Carolina! You and Vader one on one! Do you accept Hitman?

Bret Hart- Sounds good to me! I beat Vader last night and I will have no problem doing it again! Vader it's on!

James E. Cornette- Bret Hart it ain't going to be a normal match. Oh no. See I don't want Vader to get disqualified after he destroys you. And believe me he will beat you down like a dog. How about you face Vader in a No Holds Barred, Anything Goes match?

Bret Hart- No holds barred, Anything goes? Well if it's the only way to get you two off my back then I accept! Vader last night I beat you and I'll do it again! You think this little rule will change the outcome? You're mistaken! I will prove to you once and for all that I am the best there is, The best there was and the best that there ever will be!

James E. Cornette- Oh no you're mistaken Bret. At In Your House it's going to be.........


Vader's music plays as Bret Hart and Vader engage in a stare down. Monday Night Raw goes to a commercial break with both men looking on as Ross and McMahon go nuts hyping the match between them at In Your House "Aggravated Assault".


Bret Hart lost overness from this segment.


Razor Ramon, Sycho Sid and Undertaker with Paul Bearer Vs. Crush, Sean Waltman and Steve Austin with Ted DiBiase

Wild six men tag match up here. All six men started off inside the ring going at it with the face team quickly disposing The Corporation. The face team had the upper hand in the beginning until Razor got isolated after taking a huge spinning heel kick from Waltman. The Corporation triple teamed Razor giving the Intercontinental Champion a beating. They came close to putting away "The Bad Guy" but Razor soon made the hot tag to Undertaker! Undertaker came into the ring and cleaned house! Soon all hell broke loose and all six men went at it! Ted DiBiase tried to get involved but Paul Bearer pulled him off the apron and decked him with a right hand to the face knocking DiBiase down! Sid and Crush ended up somehow being the legal men while Razor and Undertaker brawled with Waltman and Austin at the ringside area. Sid ended up Choke Slamming Crush and then drilling him with the Powerbomb to score the pin fall for his team. Afterwards, Razor, Sid, Undertaker and even Paul Bearer stood tall as The Corporation headed to the back.

86, 87, 87 ***3/4


WWF Slam Of The Week- Diesel puts Shawn Michaels through the announce table with the Jackknife Powerbomb! (In Your House "Pride And Violence" 4/21/96)

Kevin Nash is out of control!

We return from our final commercial break with the President of the World Wrestling Federation Gorilla Monsoon coming down to the ring. Monsoon has a microphone with him and he looks serious.

Gorilla Monsoon- When I signed up to become the President of the World Wrestling Federation I knew that there would be some tough decisions to make. I hope that I have been fair to every WWF superstar and I hope that I've made fair decisions to all you fans. And tonight I will make another decision. Concerning Kevin Nash. Last night we all saw Nash's cowardly attack on Shawn Michaels. Nash let me tell you something pal, If you ever do that again you will be fined or suspended! The World Wrestling Federation will not let you run wild and break the rules! As far as the number one contender goes, Is it Kevin Nash? I don't think so! Nash had his shot last night and he didn't get it done. But I think Shawn Michaels would thin differently. I know Michaels and the Kliq want revenge for what Nash did to him last night. So this Friday night Shawn will return. I don't what he's going to do and quite frankly I don't care. I do hope he knocks some sense into Nash. Kevin Nash if Shawn Michaels is able to compete then you will get a rematch. If Michaels is unable to ever wrestle after your attack, Then you will be suspended and never get your rematch!

Kevin Nash's music hits the arena to boos as Kevin Nash walks down from the back. President Monsoon doesn't seem too worried as the former WWF Champion gets inside the ring not looking too happy.

Gorilla Monsoon- You got something to say?

Kevin Nash- Damn right I do! Now I don't know who you think you are.

Gorilla Monsoon- I'm the president of the WWF! That's who I am!

Kevin Nash- Do you think I care? You said that if Shawn can't come back ever again then I'll be suspended and not get a shot?

Gorilla Monsoon- That's right!

Kevin Nash- You're wrong! See in my contract it does state that I do get a title shot. And that was last night.

Gorilla Monsoon- And you lost last night Kevin!

Kevin Nash- Shut up you baboon! I lost. Okay I lost. Doesn't matter. My contract states I have more than one shot! I have one more promised title shot! And I can choose when I want it! So I have chosen for my next title shot to take place it will be at the next In Your House. "Aggravated Assault". And whether or not Shawn is able to wrestle doesn't mean a damn thing to me! You can put anyone in there against me at the Pay Per View. But it'll be for the title! As it states in my contract!

Gorilla Monsoon- Fine! You can have your shot! On May 19th! But Nash if Michaels isn't able to wrestle let me assure you that I'll put you in there with the toughest guy I can find!

Kevin Nash- Gorilla you should know that there's no one tougher than me!

Gorilla Monsoon- We'll see about that! Now get out of my face! You and your whole attitude make me sick!

Kevin Nash- Fine, Don't go causing yourself to have a stroke!

Kevin Nash prepares to leave the ring..... Gorilla turns around and Nash comes back into the ring! Gorilla the turns back around and Nash boots Gorilla in the face knocking down the President of the WWF! The fans boo as Nash puts the boots to Monsoon! Nash goes out to the floor and grabs a steel chair! McMahon screams for someone to help Monsoon! Officials come running down from the back as Nash comes back into the ring with the steel chair! The officials try to come into the ring but Nash keeps them at bay with the chair! Gorilla slowly stands up and Nash plants him with a shot right over the head! (very weak one) McMahon and Ross scream for someone to do something! Nash throws the chair down and leaves the ring as the officials come and check on Gorilla. Nash heads to the back with a sick smile on his face saying he's the number one contender! Monday Night Raw goes off the air with the officials checking on Monsoon after this brutal attack at the hands of Kevin Nash who is the number one contender!


Gorilla Monsoon debuted his new gimmick. (people's boss)

Kevin Nash lost overness from this segment.

Gorilla Monsoon gained overness from this segment.

Overall Rating- 80

TV Rating- 7.66


Monday Nitro

TV Rating- 6.09

Attendance- 6,526

Ticket Sales- $261,040

"Marc Mero and me don't really click. How about booking me against someone like Billy Gunn? I think our styles would really work well together."- Goldust

"I was thinking, how about giving me some matches with Al Snow? I think we'd be able to do some good work together given the chance."- Shawn Michaels

"Our ratings battle with Monday Nitro is so close that neither show is gaining a clear advantage!"- Sophie

In other news

- Butch and Goldberg have agreed to open contracts with Extreme Championship Wrestling

- The World Wrestling Federation has signed Louie Spicolli and Raven (daniel316's pick)

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Guest Prototype

Good show. Diesel changing to Kevin Nash made sense, and I like how you brought in Cactus. Nash attacking Gorilla was good (almost like the Vader angle he did) and rematches with Nash/HBK and Vader/Hart should build up well for the next PPV.

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Credit Public Enemy for the logo

Date: April 26, 1996

Location: Lincoln, Nebraska

Before Friday Night Mayhem even goes on the air we have a huge announcement! Razor Ramon has been stripped of the Intercontinental Championship! No details are known but it seems that "The Bad Guy" has had a falling out with officials in the World Wrestling Federation! Not much is known at the time except that we'll probably not see Razor Ramon in the WWF for a long time if ever! Tonight the Intercontinental title will be decided in a twenty men over the top rope battle! We have no idea who's entered but it's promised that a new Intercontinental Champion will be crowned tonight!

In the main event we'll see Bret "The Hitman" Hart take on Albert! Albert is undefeated thus far and he has beaten everyone put in his way! Tonight can he beat the excellence of execution or will he fall victim to the Sharpshooter? What kind of condition is Bret Hart in after his battle with Vader this past Sunday night? Will "The Hitman" be able to compete at all?

Coming off his violent attack on WWF President Gorilla Monsoon, Kevin Nash is scheduled to show up. We also know that Shawn Michaels is also going to show up. What will happen when these former friends get face to face? What kind of condition is Michaels in after being beat down by Nash?

Cactus Jack is a desperate man, He's a desperate man trying to become a WWF Superstar. Will Cactus Jack keep his word and show up tonight?

Matches for Friday Night Mayhem

20 men over the top rope battle royal to crown a NEW Intercontinental Champion

Rick Martel Vs. Jean Pierre Lafitte

Smoking Gunns Vs. Kama and Chris Chavis

Undertaker Vs. Chris Candido

And in the main event we'll see Bret Hart take on the undefeated Albert!

Plus Kevin Nash, Shawn Michaels and much more!

Edited by Baby Hewey
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Credit Public Enemy for the logo

Date: April 26, 1996

Location: Lincoln, Nebraska

Attendance: 9,009

Ticket Sales: $360,360

Announcers: Dok Hendrix and Mr. Perfect

Friday Night Mayhem opens up with it's regular video package and then we're taken inside the arena where pyro shoots off. We're taken to the announce position where Dok Hendrix and Mr. Perfect are standing by. They hype up tonight's main event of Albert taking on Bret Hart!

World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

20 men over the top rope battle royal

Featuring- Marc Mero, British Bulldog, Goldust, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Jeff Jarrett, Owen Hart, Sean Waltman, Steve Austin, Hakushi, Jake Roberts, Jim Neidhart, Savio Vega, Scorpio, Shawn Stasiak, Al Snow, Mabel, Ron Simmons, Henry Godwinn, Phineous Godwinn, Jerry Lawler

Dok and Mr. Perfect announced that Razor Ramon has forfeited the Intercontinental Championship for unknown reasons and that we wouldn't see Razor Ramon in the World Wrestling Federation for a long time if ever. No details are available on Razor Ramon right now. In the end it was down to four men. Shawn Stasiak, Marc Mero and the WWF Tag Team Champions Owen Hart and British Bulldog. All four men went at it, Mero and Owen while Stasiak battled Bulldog. Bulldog ended up tossing Stasiak out while Mero did a number on Owen. Bulldog went to help Owen and in the end Mero tossed Bulldog out! Bulldog ended up distracting Mero long enough for Owen to sneak up behind Mero and eliminate Mero to win the vacant Intercontinental Championship! Afterwards, Bulldog handed his brother in law the Intercontinental Championship and one of the Tag Team Championship. Owen posed with both titles as Bulldog clapped. The crowd booed..... Owen Hart is a double champion!

Order of elimination and by who

1. Phineous Godwinn (Mabel)

2. Mabel (Owen Hart, British Bulldog, Marc Mero, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Shawn Stasiak)

3. Goldust (Jake Roberts)

4. Savio Vega (Shawn Stasiak)

5. Henry Godwinn (Sean Waltman)

6. Sean Waltman (Hakushi)

7. Jerry Lawler (Jim Neidhart)

8. Ron Simmons (Marc Mero)

9. Jake Roberts (Hunter Hearst Helmsley)

10. Scorpio (Al Snow)

11. Jeff Jarrett (British Bulldog)

12. Jim Neidhart (Owen Hart)

13. Hakushi (Steve Austin)

14. Steve Austin (Owen Hart)

15. Hunter Hearst Helmsley (Shawn Stasiak)

16. Al Snow (Shawn Stasiak)

17. Shawn Stasiak (British Bulldog)

18. British Bulldog (Marc Mero)

19. Marc Mero (Owen Hart)

20. Owen Hart

73, 77, 64 *1/4

The WWF Intercontinental title has lost image.

Masked Americans continue the American spirit!

Another video is shown for the Masked Americans. It shows Steve Lombardi and Tom Prichard going around America with their "fans". Once the video ends we're taken inside the WWF studios where Jim Ross is standing by with the Masked Americans.

Jim Ross- Well the countdown has ended. You guys are scheduled to make your debut in the World Wrestling Federation very soon. You two have gone around the country getting fans to show their support for America. Gentlemen a question everyone wants to know is why? Why did you two go around the whole country getting people show their support?

Steve Lombardi- Jim Ross it's quite simple. Tom and myself are very proud Americans. We would do anything for this country. That's what us Americans are all about. We represent what this country is all about. We're very proud men. Very proud American men. And it hurt us when the World Wrestling Federation didn't have any American heroes. Who are all the little kids from America suppose to look up to? Who are all the Americans suppose to look up to when they watch WWF programming?

Tom Prichard- It's simple. The WWF needs it Americans heroes. And gosh darn it we're the only ones who seem to care about this country! Who's out there representing America in the World Wrestling Federation? Shawn Michaels? Razor Ramon? Undertaker? All these men are looked as heroes but they're all Americans! And they don't seem to care! They take it for granted! We won't stand for that!

Jim Ross- So we know that you two men are Americans and very proud American men. But what's up with the masks? Why wear the masks?

Steve Lombardi- The masks make us stand out! We wear them because we're not your usual Americans. We wear these masks with pride. These masks are red, white and blue just like our souls! These masks were given to us by the most proud American man we have ever met. And he told us to wear these like we would be wearing all our pride for everyone to see!

Tom Prichard- The masks are what make us so great Jim Ross. It makes our American spirit that much better. The masks can never be taken off. Taking off our masks would be the worst thing to have ever happen.

Jim Ross- You two are coming to the World Wrestling Federation. What's your goals? I know you two want to show everyone American spirit but beside that?

Steve Lombardi- We're not coming for titles if that's what you mean. We don't care about wins or loses. We just want to show everyone that we're American heroes. We want to show every hard working Americans that we appreciate their hard work. That we appreciate America!

Tom Prichard- We're coming to be heroes. If we win, lose, draw whatever. It doesn't matter. The fans are going to get one hundred and ten percent of pure American pride every time we're in that ring.

Jim Ross- I thank you both for this interview and I'm looking forward to seeing what you two will be able to do here in the World Wrestling Federation.

Steve Lombardi- Thank you for this interview. And Jim Ross I promise you that you will never see anything like the Masked Americans.

Tom Prichard- Jim Ross we're going to be the best American heroes this federation has ever seen!


Steve Lombardi gained overness from this segment.

Interview with Rick Martel

Our cameras now take us to the interview area where Kevin Kelly is standing by with Rick Martel.

Kevin Kelly- I'm standing by with Rick Martel. And Rick Martel this Monday night you made your return to the World Wrestling Federation with a huge victory over Chris Candido. It seems that you do have alot left in the tank so to speak.

Rick Martel- Of course I do! Kevin Kelly I came back and got myself into the best shape I have ever been in. Hell I look better than half these young kids that's running around the World Wrestling Federation. I didn't come back to be shown up by these inexperienced punks!

Kevin Kelly- Tonight you take on Jean Pierre Lafitte. Lafitte is a force to be reckoned with. Ever since returning to the World Wrestling Federation in January this evil pirate has been on a rampage!

Rick Martel- Kevin Kelly you think he scares me? A evil pirate is suppose to scare me? Come on? I'm Rick Martel! I've come back. I've made the greatest return to a wrestling ring there's ever been! There's no more of this model nonsense. I came back for one reason and one reason only. And that is to get some gold around my waist. You know what really gets to me? In that battle royal earlier tonight there wasn't one guy out there who I couldn't beat. And yet the WWF didn't put me in it! That's the biggest injustice there's ever been! But you know what? Tonight I'll take out all my aggressions on Lafitte!

Kevin Kelly- Rick Martel I wouldn't take Jean Pierre Lafitte too lightly if I was you. He has been in the ring with many tough opponents!

Rick Martel- He has never been in the ring with me though! And trust me. I'm the toughest guy he'll ever get into the ring with!

Kevin Kelly- Fans up next Rick Martel takes on Jean Pierre Lafitte!



Rick Martel Vs. Jean Pierre Lafitte

Again the crowd didn't know who to cheer for, Martel played a tweener but acted like a heel most of the time. Mr. Perfect kept hyping Martel's come back as an amazing come back due to Martel being forty. Perfect said that Martel could beat all the young and older guys in the WWF. Martel showed some fire here as he took it to the evil pirate looking like he hasn't missed a step since the last time he was in the ring. Martel and Lafitte brawled out on the floor where Martel suplexed the near 300 pound Lafitte right on the outside! Martel gave Lafitte a real beating and finished off by locking Lafitte into the deadly Québec Crab for the submission win! Afterwards, Rick Martel celebrated his win by posing on the turnbuckles to a mixed reaction from the fans. Mr. Perfect hyped Martel's comeback as one of the greatest comebacks there has ever been in professional wrestling.

71, 65, 77 **1/4

Cactus Jack is here!

Our cameras took us to outside the arena where we see Cactus Jack standing by!

Cactus Jack- They wouldn't let me in, They wouldn't let me meet with the WWF President! Why won't you guys let me in? Is it because I'm not wearing a suit and tie? Because I can go get one. Why isn't anyone from the WWF letting me in? All I want to do is meet President Monsoon. All I want to do is to become a World Wrestling Federation superstar. And all you fans have ruined it for me! What's the matter with Cactus Jack? One ear not good enough for you? No one appreciates my hard work. No one seems to care about Mrs. Foley's baby boy. The World Wrestling Federation doesn't seem to care. They don't want be anywhere near here. I guess if they don't want me then I'm going to have to force my way in. I'm going to have to force my way into becoming a WWF superstar! All you fans want to kill the legend of Cactus Jack. Well I'm not about to let it happen. One way or another I will get a contract signed with the World Wrestling Federation. And there is one man I want to get my hands on more than anything. One man who has mistreated me and never cared about me! I'm coming to the WWF to get this man and to take him out once and for all! You fans enjoy your show tonight, This Monday night I promise that I will invade the WWF. And when I do, The man I'm talking about will get what's coming to him!

Cactus Jack walks off as Friday Night Mayhem goes to a commercial break.



Undertaker with Paul Bearer Vs. Chris Candido

Candido stood no chance in hell here. Undertaker beat his ass around that ring taking apart Candido. Candido tried to run away but Paul Bearer stalked him with the urn scaring Candido into getting back into the ring! Undertaker decimated Candido quickly Choke Slamming Candido very high in the air. Undertaker dragged Candido up and delivered the Tombstone for the 1,2,3! Afterwards, Undertaker posed as Bearer held the urn high in the air. Mr. Perfect and Dok Hendrix said that this was the shortest match in Friday Night Mayhem history.

79, 79, 80 **3\4


Smoking Gunns Vs. Kama and Chris Chavis with Ted DiBiase

During this match it was announced that this Monday night it would be the Smoking Gunns challenging Owen Hart and British Bulldog for the WWF Tag Team Championship inside a steel cage! It'll be a tag team steel cage match for the titles! Kama and Chavis worked well together here and there's rumors that they could be in line for a tag team title push down the line. Kama and Chavis isolated Billy Gunn early on and kept him away from his older brother Bart. Chavis and Kama gave the younger Gunn quite a beating but they couldn't put him away. Gunn was finally able to tag in Bart who came into the ring cleaning house taking out everyone in his way! Billy ended up out on the floor with Chavis, Kama was inside with Bart and Bart drilled Kama with a Forearm Shot to pick up the win! Afterwards, Smoking Gunns celebrated their win with Billy shouting that on Monday Night Raw they would whip Owen and Bulldog all over the steel cage! Owen and Bulldog were showing watching from a monitor in the back. Bulldog and Owen looked concerned as they held their titles.

77, 73, 81 **3/4

Interview with Vader and James E. Cornette

We're taken to the interview area backstage where Todd Pettengill is standing by with Vader and his manager James E. Cornette.

Todd Pettengill- I'm standing by right now with Vader and his manager James E. Cornette. And Vader at In Your House "Aggravated Assault" it will be you and Bret Hart in a anything goes, no holds barred match up! Are you sure that's wise considering Bret Hart beat you this past Sunday night?

James E. Cornette- Hang on just a minute you moron! You think Bret Hart will be able to beat Vader come May 19th? Come on don't be a moron! Bret Hart got lucky this past Sunday night but it won't happen again!

Todd Pettengill- Tonight Bret Hart is in action with Albert, Will Vader show up?

James E. Cornette- Bret Hart doesn't need to worry about Vader showing up and beating him around. It'll be a no holds barred, anything goes match at In Your House. A match which Bret Hart has no chance in hell of winning! Bret Hart let me make myself clear to you. You got lucky this Sunday night. It was a fluke! A mistake! Bret Hart when you step into the ring with his man again, There will be no lucking out. Because what are you going to do when anything goes? There won't be no stopping the match! Vader is going to destroy you! You think you're going to be able to put Vader away? Not in a no holds barred, anything goes match! Bret Hart this past Sunday night you were getting beat down like a dog! In the end you got lucky! But how are you going to manage to beat Vader when he's able to do anything he wants to you? Bret Hart at In Your House you'll find out once and for all that it's


James E. Cornette- You're not going to have anywhere to run Bret!

Todd Pettengill- Thank you for the interview, Fans up next we'll get thoughts from "The Hitman"!


James E. Cornette gained overness from this segment.


Interview with Bret Hart

Friday Night Mayhem returns from the commercial break with Kevin Kelly standing by with Bret "The Hitman" Hart.

Kevin Kelly- Bret Hart we just heard the comments from James E. Cornette. And come May 19th it'll be you and Vader one more time. And this time it'll be no holds barred and anything goes. Bret it seems like you're at a huge disadvantage due to Cornette claiming that Vader will pick you apart when you two get inside that ring. Will you be able to once again beat the man they call Vader?

Bret Hart- Kevin Kelly I don't know why everyone thinks I'm going to lose. I beat Vader this past Sunday night didn't I? Cornette might think Vader has the advantage because of it being no holds barred. But I been in a few no holds barred matches in the past and I have always come out on top! Vader the fact of the matter is that last Sunday night we got into that ring and I took everything you had. And when it was all said and done I was the one with my arm raised high. I was the one who won. Not you! And if you think I can't handle myself in a fight than you're wrong. Vader your size advantage doesn't mean a thing! Because when it's all said and over with, I will be the one with my arms raised high in the air once again!

Kevin Kelly- Tonight you take on the undefeated Albert. This man is a monster Bret. He's beaten everyone who's been put in the ring with him. He put Marty Jannetty on the shelf! Many people think that tonight Albert will have his way with you and beat you.

Bret Hart- I seen what Albert has done. I seen the men he's been in the ring with and the men who he's destroyed. Albert has shown no mercy inside that ring. Tonight I don't expect this to be a easy match by any means. Albert is a big man and he's strong. But I have been in the ring with bigger and badder men than Albert. Albert tonight you're going to prepare to face your first loss at the hands of the excellence of execution. When I lock you into the Sharpshooter you're going to find out why I am the best there is, The best there was and the best that there ever will be!

Kevin Kelly- Fans up next Bret Hart is in the fight of his life as he takes on Albert of The Corporation!


Bret Hart gained overness from this segment.


Bret Hart Vs. Albert with Ted DiBiase

Albert jumped "The Hitman" from behind! Albert gave Bret Hart one of the toughest fights "The Hitman" has ever been in here tonight. Albert just pounded the heck of Bret in the beginning of the match up. Albert ended up tossing Bret out to the floor where Albert easily threw Hart into the steel guardrail! Ted DiBiase even got a few shots in on "The Hitman"! The match went back into the ring where Albert again was dominating Bret. Albert came close to putting away the former three time World Wrestling Federation Champion but somehow the excellence of execution kept kicking out of everything Albert had given him. Bret Hart ended up making a come back hit his signature maneuvers on Albert. Bret connected with the russian legsweep, Suplex, Back Breaker, Second turnbuckle elbow drop and called for the Sharpshooter! Ted DiBiase got up on the apron distracting the referee! Bret decked DiBiase off the apron and ended up turning around right into the A-Bomb from Albert! Albert though couldn't roll over and cover Bret! Bret ended up locking Albert into the Sharpshooter while both men were down! Bret turned Albert over and Albert ended up tapping out! Afterwards, Bret Hart posed on the turnbuckles as DiBiase and Albert headed to the back. Dok Hendrix and Mr. Perfect could not believe that Bret Hart was able to lock Albert into the Sharpshooter!

82, 78, 87 ***1\2


WWF Slam Of The Week- Sycho Sid delivers the Powerbomb to Crush up pick the win! (Monday Night Raw 4/22/96)

Will the "Heart Break Kid" be able to defend the title?

Friday Night Mayhem returns from the final commercial break with the music of Kevin Nash hitting the arena to boos from the crowd. Kevin Nash makes his way down to the ring as Dok Hendrix and Mr. Perfect hype Nash's vicious attack on the President of the WWF Gorilla Monsoon. Nash poses inside the ring while pyros go off from the rafters and from the turnbuckles. Nash is handed a microphone while the fans boo the big man.

Kevin Nash- You know something? Last Monday night something unfair happened. Something that shouldn't have happened did happen. Gorilla Monsoon sadly got beat up by your's truly! And the question is do I regret it? Of course not! I did what I wanted to do and that is to knock our "beloved" President on his ass! Gorilla Monsoon I am not sorry for what I did to you. Hell if given the chance, I'd do it again! And now the big question is whether or not Shawn Michaels will return if he'll be able to wrestle again and face at at In Your House. Shawn I know you're here tonight and I noticed that you brought the WWF Championship with you. So you either have the choice to hand it over to me or to get your butt kicked on May 19th. What will it be? I know you're here so come out here and give all of the Kliq the answer! I don't have all day Michaels! Come on out here and give me the title!

The fans go wild as Shawn Michaels' music hits the arena as the "Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels walks down to the ring with the World Wrestling Federation Championship over his shoulder. Michaels gets inside the ring with the WWF Championship over his shoulder. Nash and Michaels stare each other down as the fans chant "HBK".

Kevin Nash- I'm glad you're out here. And I must say you look to be in horrible shape after I beat you down last Sunday night! And it looks like you're not in any kind of shape to face me on May 19th. So why don't you just hand that title over to me? You don't want to be put in the ring with me again Shawn! You don't want to go crashing through another announce table do you? Do you want to get hit upside the head with a steel chair? Course not! So hand the title over to me and we'll call it even! Go to another federation. You don't belong in the World Wrestling Federation anymore. "The Genetic Wonder" has passed by you Shawn. Shawn Michaels you're a dime a dozen. I'm the leader of the new generation and everyone knows it. There's no only one man capable of holding the World Wrestling Federation Championship and that's me Shawn. So hand the title over to me and you can leave the WWF for good. If not then well you're going to have to face me on May 19th. And you don't want that Shawn. So hand the belt over......

Michaels looks at the crowd who starts to boo. Michaels hands the title over to Kevin Nash! The crowd can't believe it! The fans boo as Shawn prepares to leave the ring! Nash parades around the ring with the title holding it high in the air! But wait! Michaels comes back into the ring! Nash turns around and Michaels drills Nash with Sweet Chin Music! Nash falls down to the canvas! Michaels takes the WWF Championship as the fans chant "HBK". Michaels grabs the microphone as Kevin Nash is laid out in the center of the ring.

Shawn Michaels- Hey Nash! I know you're knocked out but I'm sure you'll be watching this later on. If you want the title you're going to have to beat me for it! I'll see you on May 19th!

The crowd cheers as Michaels exits the ring with the WWF Championship. Michaels poses on the Friday Night Mayhem entrance stage as Nash is left laid out in the center of the ring. Friday Night Mayhem goes off the air with Dok Hendrix going nuts hyping Michaels versus Nash at In Your House!


Overall Rating- 80

TV Rating- 7.67


Saturday Night

TV Rating- 2.97

Attendance- 6,516

Ticket Sales- $260,640

Hardcore TV

TV Rating- 0.31

Attendance- 462

Ticket Sales- $9,240

"Bart Gunn and Billy Gunn work well together as a team, it adds to their matches."- Pat Patterson

"Chris Chavis and Kama work well together as a team, it adds to their matches."- Pat Patterson

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I also liked the way you brought Cactus Jack in. Crazy gimmick should be fine. I hope he'll get some good matches (with Vader, anyone?) to the big PPV's. Of course with a good build. Amount of build isn't likely a problem.

Nash vs. Michaels and Bret vs. Vader again? This may be a good idea, but IRL two big matches at consecutive Pay Per Views can't be a good thing.

I'm smelling Cactus Jack vs. Ultimate Warrior coming up! If Cactus wants to drive WWF even deeper to the misery and Warrior wants to clean the whole world, there's a perfect feud!

Razor Ramon's situation is very regrettable, what ever happened to him.

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