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(Un)Official Metal Thread


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Okay, cool. So... how do you guys want to do this? A thread with the front page constantly updated? Or, maybe, a front page followed by entries by each of you that are linked to in the opening post?

Another thing, do you think it would be best if we sent each other ideas of MSN/e-mail (due the PM flood filter being an annoying sod)?

Finally, we should probably go through a planned route of the sub-genres and see what we agree on.

Edited by DFF/WFS
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A tree of some sort could help. Something like:

Heavy Metal (proto metal)


Glam Metal

Power Metal

Prog Metal

Thrash Metal

Death Metal

Black Metal

Doom Metal

Goth Metal

Industrial Metal


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A tree of some sort could help. Something like:

Heavy Metal (proto metal)


Glam Metal

Power Metal

Prog Metal

Thrash Metal

Death Metal

Black Metal

Doom Metal

Goth Metal

Industrial Metal


I like that. I'd throw in Folk Metal too. At some point we'd probably have to address the '-core' sub genres too.

I was thinking, maybe we should each write a short history, followed by an essential listening section where we would list a few of the seminal albums in that particular genre.

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I like the more recent Edguy albums. Same with the Avantasia stuff. I don't see anything wrong with them at all... unless you're really hooked on what he used to do, in which case I could see you being a little upset with the switch in direction.

The thing is that Sammet fails at doing the whole Heavy/Hard Rock thing completly. And I'm afraid that he will also destroy Avantasia with the whole Hair Metal worshiping bullshit. Why can't he do something he is good at? Listen to Theater of Salvation, Mandrake or Hellfire Club. Those 3 albums were epic. The funny thing about the whole new direction is that Tobi calls is "staying true to yourself". Sorry, maybe I'm just not up to date, but since when is ripping of Bon Jovi "staying true to yourself"?

To be fair, "staying true to yourself" is a lot different than "writing the same stuff all the time", which is what you seem to want him to do. When he wrote the songs on Theatre of Salvation and Mandrake he was still a teenager/in his early 20's. You don't think that in the following 10 years he might've changed somewhat? I thought the haircut and the lyrics to The Scarecrow album would've hinted at that slightly. :P He's changed, so therefore the music has too. Fair enough, in my book. Maybe you don't like it, maybe you do. It's not like Tobi's going to go "oh, people don't like this. Maybe I'll go back and write pure power metal again then...".

Anyway, changing tack slightly, what do people think of the Skull Branded Pirates? On the one hand, BLATANT Alestorm rip-offs (but someone was bound to at some point...) and from those most famous of pirate-infested lands... Leeds (does Leeds even have a RIVER anywhere near it?). But on the other hand... decent enough music, so... who cares? A bit "pub band" at the moment, reminds me of Vikings of Steel though (decent enough idea, decent if slightly generic guitars but a weak as fuck vocalist and no real ambition). They also seem to forget they're supposed to be doing a pirate gimmick at points, and become a regular pub metal band, then go "gyar" at random as if to remind us of their piratical nature.

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A tree of some sort could help. Something like:

Heavy Metal (proto metal)


Glam Metal

Power Metal

Prog Metal

Thrash Metal

Death Metal

Black Metal

Doom Metal

Goth Metal

Industrial Metal


I like that. I'd throw in Folk Metal too. At some point we'd probably have to address the '-core' sub genres too.

I was thinking, maybe we should each write a short history, followed by an essential listening section where we would list a few of the seminal albums in that particular genre.

I could assist with Death, Doom, Black and a little bit of thrash, although a lot of what I'd be coming out with would be from the books Choosing Death and Lords Of Chaos, so more specialised stuff from some people could be better.

Big band bios would be good, for definite.

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I could also be of help to this list, with pretty much the same genres that Liam mentioned. I don't think his idea of cribbing from Choosing Death and Lords Of Chaos is that bad of an idea, they both offer a pretty solid write-up of their respective genres' beginnings. Apart from listing some seminal works in the genres, I think we could also use YouTube or Spotify links to certain songs or albums.

Also to contribute to the ridiculously brutal and ridiculously good, probably the best death metal album of 2008 was Crypticus' "They Called Me Mad!". One-man death metal from US with a Lovecraftian theme = awesome.

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A Beginner's Guide?

I'd love to put my college degree to good use and help out with this.

My favorite bands ever are Metallica, Clutch, Judas Priest, Danzig, Corrosion Of Conformity and Antrhax w/John Bush.

So I guess I'm not into one SPECIFIC sub-genre of metal, but I am in a brand new stoner metal band so I could always write up something about that.

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I picked up the new Burning Human CD a couple weeks ago, listened to it a few times. Not too bad. Been trying to listen to more metal that doesn't only involve religion bashing.

That and Hackneyed seem to be the two most often played metal CDs of mine lately.

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Why did no one tell me that Creed had reformed!?!?!?!?!!? :o:D

I know I'll probably get heckled for this, but I'm glad. Creed were the band that first got me into metal, and I'll always love their Weathered ab;bum. Here's hoping they do an extended tour to the UK at some point.

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You take that Creed shit to YI's thread right now, sir. :shifty:

They are, technically, a form of metal so here they go. :rolleyes:

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You take that Creed shit to YI's thread right now, sir. :shifty:

They are, technically, a form of metal so here they go. :rolleyes:


This is metal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0P6w_YyjCU

and this:

and this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYplo6ioyIk

But not:

I like how you went to the more extreme ends of metal and compared it to one of their more melodic ballads and not, say, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHvTWwnw9xs. Admittedly, it's not at the heavy end compared some of the crazy shit we talk about in here, but to lump it in with the random indie stuff in the other thread would be more of an injustice, I feel.


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I am not going to scour the thread to see if these have been mentioned, so here we go. Some of these are probbably obvious, but oh well.

Death Metal: Arsis, Augury, Council of the Fallen, Death (obligatory), Divine Empire, Black Dahlia Murder, Vader, Amon Amarth, Dark Tranquillity, Strapping Young Lad, and Symbiosis.

Trash Metal (NWOBHM will be lumped into this considering the similarities.): Satan, early Anthrax, Overkill, Forbidden, Vio-Lence, Death Angel, Kreator, Legion of the Damned, Exodus, Testament, early Diamond Head, Suicidal Tendencies, and Artillery.

Power/Progressive Metal: Nevermore, Communic, Crimson Glory, Ayreon, Symphony X, Avantasia, Edguy (early), Beyond Fear, Beyond Twilight, Orphaned Land, Wintersun, Winter's Bane, Scariot, Kiuss, Dream Theater, Queensryche, Masterplan, Outworld, and Primal Fear.

Extreme Metal (too much SHIT to really categorize): Sigh, Scholomance, Spastik Ink, Blotted Science, Ron Jarzombek, Watchtower, Psychotic Waltz, Ulver, Unexpect, Estradasphere (I don't fucking know, man. Just don't fucking know.), Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, and Fredrik Thordenal's Special Defects

Black Metal: Old Man's Child, Melechesh, Naglfar, Profundi, Dragonlord (Testament side project), Emperor, Borknagar, Woods of Ypres, and Agalloch

Some of these are just lumped into genres because it's what I can really compare it to at best.. so yeah. ENJOY!

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